Four horsemen of the apocalypse

The off spring of black people are black at birth and the off spring of white people are white at birth.
How are you defining a "white" person? Simply as someone who manifests with white skin (notwithstanding albinoism)?
If, for example, you have white skin - and even all the other physical characteristics of a "white" person - but are yourself of mixed black/white parentage, you could marry a white person but still give birth to a black child. It's all about the genes, and which are dominant in the child. And the dominancy of some genes might skip a generation.
It's not common, for sure, but it is possible. Your quoted comment above is a reasonable rule of thumb, I think, but not absolute.
How did this get to race? The Apocalypse of John or Book of revelation is not as complicated as one thinks. It is NOT about today
It seems to me that the 4 horseman should be updated to the four motorcyclist or the 4 spacecraftmen. Horses are so old fashion.
It seems to me that the 4 horseman should be updated to the four motorcyclist or the 4 spacecraftmen. Horses are so old fashion.

Or perhaps a pair of motorbike/sidecar combinations, as used in Nazi blitzkrieg operations. One could put War and Famine in one, and have Death and Pestilence in the other.
It seems to me that the 4 horseman should be updated to the four motorcyclist or the 4 spacecraftmen. Horses are so old fashion.

The 4 cycles of apocalypse has a nice tone to it. On the other hand, it might be better termed as a mechanism. The 4 mechanisms of apocalypse.

Where or when did the whole futuristic event mindset start I wonder? That's been taught in some circles for at least as long as I've been alive. I figured that's how it was until I started thinking about it as an ongoing natural aspect of life.

Makes more sense being always present than just a one day doom and gloom new events horizon, although that's almost certain to come too.
Where or when did the whole futuristic event mindset start I wonder? That's been taught in some circles for at least as long as I've been alive. I figured that's how it was until I started thinking about it as an ongoing natural aspect of life.

Makes more sense being always present than just a one day doom and gloom new events horizon, although that's almost certain to come too.

We are dealing with: War, Conquest, Famine and good old Death. None of these haven't happened, and are happening as we speak.

The Christian might say "It will be MUCH worse when they come", I say poppycock.
We are dealing with: War, Conquest, Famine and good old Death. None of these haven't happened, and are happening as we speak.

The Christian might say "It will be MUCH worse when they come", I say poppycock.

I might disagree with poppycock at this point, but it might get better or not before it gets worse, but I'm pretty sure things will one day get worse. No one knows the day or hour, but hey ... The sun has a way of heating things up. Ya know?
I might disagree with poppycock at this point, but it might get better or not before it gets worse, but I'm pretty sure things will one day get worse. No one knows the day or hour, but hey ... The sun has a way of heating things up. Ya know?
Can the, Four Horsemen, throw the Sun at Earth or something?
As I said previously, apocalyptic thinking at the time of the writing of Revelation, was NOT Jewish priests in the past, with crystal balls looking into our present. They were social commentators instructing their people to repent and prepare for the coming of new gods kingdom on earth.
Apocalypse means, "revealing" and the content of John's Revelation was pertaining to the struggles with the Roman Empire at that time.
The side of good, god and his angels was going to come to earth and finally overthrow and destroy the enemy and establish his kingdom.
Jesus was an apocalypticist and Paul came to be too.
I have heard one of them rides sidesaddle, any idea which one?
I have also heard they have very bowed legs because of all that riding.
If Jack Frost had a fight with the Tooth fairy, who would win?
If Jack Frost and the Tooth fairy joined forces, could they beat Mars god of war in a figth?
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I might disagree with poppycock at this point, but it might get better or not before it gets worse, but I'm pretty sure things will one day get worse. No one knows the day or hour, but hey ... The sun has a way of heating things up. Ya know?
What do you imagine them being?
Do you consider what they stand for benevolent? War, famine, conquest death... Personally I'm not scared, but any of them would be a severe inconvenience.

Doesnt God send plagues? Famine can be a plague, other than that; war, conquest, and death can be holy.
Doesnt God send plagues? Famine can be a plague, other than that; war, conquest, and death can be holy.
So you conclude that one of the horseman is really plague, which can be benevolent? Do you think holy war, conquest and death are benevolent? Any of them.
Can the, Four Horsemen, throw the Sun at Earth or something?

Insight, personal as it is, varies between people, but ... I think they are simply symbolic of a type of vehicle that leads to destruction. Between war and conquest, lack of necessities, and disease, I'm not sure which vehicle contributes to death most. The point is the four horsemen represent things on earth that seem to always be present and ongoing. As for the sun being thrown to earth by them, I think you're well aware of the answer to that one.
What do you imagine them being?

Them what? From what I gather from reliable sources, the sun is due to red giant in roughly 5 billion years. In roughly 7.5 billion years, from what I've gathered from reliable sources, the sun will have very likely consumed the earth. Beyond this projection, is anyone's guess, but it may play out to deaths advantage, or maybe new seeds planted beyond the black hole centered in our galaxy.