Fortean phenomena

Except that the video clearly showed there was no fraud involved. So much for your magician/performer claim.
Its a pity smoking is going out of fashion he could give the lighter manufactures a hurry up.

Look clearly this is something one can only look at and say "how did he do this ?"
I can't answer that question and I suspect you cant, unless you really do know and you want to keep it secret, so all we can do to be fair is call him a fraud but as I saidcalling him a performer or magician would be kind.
The question arises.. If he got paid could he be charged with obtaining money by false pretences and if so charged what could he plead as a defence.
This makes me think about that phoney spoon bending act... It was so compelling and no one thought it was magic... but it was the work of a great magician.

I can't answer that question

Except that you claim you can-- claiming that he is doing it thru trickery. But as the video shows, there is no trickery involved. So maybe you should stick with "I can't answer that question." Honest ignorance is always better than feigned knowledge.
Except that you claim you can-- claiming that he is doing it thru trickery. But as the video shows, there is no trickery involved. So maybe you should stick with "I can't answer that question." Honest ignorance is always better than feigned knowledge.
I have no problem in saying I do not know how he does it.
But there is only one answer that can prevail even without knowing how he did it and surely that can be to conclude some form of trickery as there is no other option.
The ignition comes from somewhere it does not come out of thin air.

But there is only one answer that can prevail even without knowing how he did it and surely that can be to conclude some form of trickery as there is no other option.
The ignition comes from somewhere it does not come out of thin air.

Since the video proves electrical energy comes out of his body at will in great amounts, it's feasible that it could also ignite a ball of newspaper when focused. That's the only explanation that fits with the facts.
Since the video proves electrical energy comes out of his body at will in great amounts, it's feasible that it could also ignite a ball of newspaper when focused. That's the only explanation that fits with the facts.
That is a shocking conclusion.
I seem to gather a charge and when I earth.. Zap.
I cant disagree that there can be a build up but it seems a stretch to think you could start a fire... maybe and it would be a very big maybe it may work if there was an accelerant involved.. But that would be trickery.

Anyways thanks for posting the video that was very nice of you. You thought it would be of interest, and it is, and here I go trying to put it in a box.
We can look and not judge which is better than judging and not looking.
Since the video proves electrical energy comes out of his body at will in great amounts, it's feasible that it could also ignite a ball of newspaper when focused. That's the only explanation that fits with the facts.
[1] "proves" The video proves nothing, other then something has occurred that on face value cannot be explained.
[2] "only explanation" No again, he may just be a fraud trying to fool people, which obviously he has succeeded at.
[3]"facts" I don't know the facts and I doubt very much that you do either.
Ofcourse as you know the documentary I posted wasn't about a stage magician at all but about a trained and experienced chi master. As the video showed clearly it has nothing to with trickery or fraud
Tell me: how does the video clearly show that the paper-burning trick has nothing to do with trickery or fraud?

The situation was completely uncontrolled, as far as I can see. By which I mean, no precautions were in place to prevent trickery or fraud.

Once again, perhaps you have access to special information that you're not presenting. Given your poor track record on such things, chances are that you have nothing to offer other than your own assurances, but one never knows.

So, what have you got that rules out trickery or fakery on this one, eh?

'cos, the thing is: I can immediately think of two or three different ways to pull off the paper-burning trick using trickery of the Chris Angel kind. So, I want to be sure that Chi Master Dude is legit.
Tell me: how does the video clearly show that the paper-burning trick has nothing to do with trickery or fraud?

The situation was completely uncontrolled, as far as I can see. By which I mean, no precautions were in place to prevent trickery or fraud.

Once again, perhaps you have access to special information that you're not presenting. Given your poor track record on such things, chances are that you have nothing to offer other than your own assurances, but one never knows.

So, what have you got that rules out trickery or fakery on this one, eh?

'cos, the thing is: I can immediately think of two or three different ways to pull off the paper-burning trick using trickery of the Chris Angel kind. So, I want to be sure that Chi Master Dude is legit.

Yeah we know how you operate James. As soon as anything unexplained or paranormal is presented here you cry fake. Do you have proof it is fake? No..ofcourse not. But you still insist the person involved is a fake, or the article is fake, or the video is fake. It's like talking to a brick wall. You have no genuine scientific interest in any of these phenomena. You are only interested in dismissing them and so preserving your precious worldview where no unexplained phenomena exist. But I'm content that I have provided things that are compelling enough to get your gander up. The seeds of doubt are planted. Reality is not what you think it is. Not even you can suppress forever this nagging suspicion that all these things are real. On certain nights you will dream about these things, and wonder why. And you can thank me. :p
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See, MR, that's just it - believe it or not, we scientifically minded folk would LOVE for this to all be real. That's why we ask these questions.

The onus isn't on us to prove it is a fake, because we aren't trying to use it as evidence of anything that accepted science cannot already explain; and it would be easy to fake a lot of things, from sleight of hand to camera tricks to hidden incendiary devices... all are possible and make more sense given known and accepted facts.

The claim that he can simply spontaneously ignite something using willpower alone is extraordinary. It would be amazing if it were true... but proving it to be true, that is what falls on you (the one claiming it to be true).

This is where we tend to butt heads, and I wish I could make it as apparent to you as it is to most of us.

What's funny is... the whole idea of "preserving our worldview where no unexplained phenomena exist" is just wholly wrong. There is plenty in the world that isn't adequately explained... there are hundreds (if not thousands) of square miles of unexplored space here on our own planet, between the depths of the oceans to the most remote areas of uncivilized and unpopulated land. Even without the paranormal / supernatural, there is plenty we simply don't know... accepting something as fact at face value, however, does nothing to further knowledge.
See, MR, that's just it - believe it or not, we scientifically minded folk would LOVE for this to all be real. That's why we ask these questions.

The onus isn't on us to prove it is a fake, because we aren't trying to use it as evidence of anything that accepted science cannot already explain; and it would be easy to fake a lot of things, from sleight of hand to camera tricks to hidden incendiary devices... all are possible and make more sense given known and accepted facts.

The claim that he can simply spontaneously ignite something using willpower alone is extraordinary. It would be amazing if it were true... but proving it to be true, that is what falls on you (the one claiming it to be true).

This is where we tend to butt heads, and I wish I could make it as apparent to you as it is to most of us.

What's funny is... the whole idea of "preserving our worldview where no unexplained phenomena exist" is just wholly wrong. There is plenty in the world that isn't adequately explained... there are hundreds (if not thousands) of square miles of unexplored space here on our own planet, between the depths of the oceans to the most remote areas of uncivilized and unpopulated land. Even without the paranormal / supernatural, there is plenty we simply don't know... accepting something as fact at face value, however, does nothing to further knowledge.

But claiming something is faked and refusing to investigate that phenomena is the opposite of science. Science is openminded and is brave enough to test and explore new things, even if they cannot be understood by it's extant theories. Take the case of this chi master. Skeptics were able to perform enough tests to learn his abilities were not being hoaxed. No metal plates in his body. Nothing in his house. He shocks them when he touches them. And he lights an LED he holds in his fingertips. A pure electrical energy summoned at will in his body that mysteriously defied measurement with a voltmeter. Science did it's job in this case and confirmed the existence of a new phenomenon. That's the kind of research we need with such phenomena. Willing openminded testing of it instead of outright dismissal of it as fraud. That's how we make progress in these areas. Closeminded armchair debunkery can be applied to any new phenomena at any time. But it's not science by a longshot. It's the dogmatic protection of a worldview much as religion is.
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But claiming something is faked and refusing to investigate that phenomena is the opposite of science. Science is openminded and is brave enough to test and explore new things, even if it cannot be understood by it's extant theories.
Aye, it is brave enough to explore new things... but how should we explore this? All we have in front of us is a video; something that can quite easily be faked and/or "dolled up". As James said, what steps did the people recording take to prevent trickery; I can't watch it at work, but my guess is they didn't show them isolating/securing the area from outside influence et al?

Take the case of this chi master. Skeptics were able to perform enough tests to learn his abilities were not being hoaxed.
How did they test/ensure this? Did they record them doing this for posterity?

No metal plates in his body. Nothing in his house. He shocks them when he touches them. And he lights an LED he holds in his fingertips. A pure electrical energy summoned at will in his body that mysteriously defied measurement with a voltmeter.
That is certainly intriguing; however, if he is able to produce enough electrical charge to illuminate an LED and to create enough heat via electrical resistance to cause paper to burn, it should register on a multimeter - I would be curious to know the electrical resistance of his body.

Science did it's job in this case and confirmed the existence of a new phenomenon. That's the kind of research we need with such phenomena. Willing openminded testing of it instead of outright dismissal of it as fraud.
Investigating the ways it could be faked isn't dismissal - in the absence of the ability to positively identify or confirm something, the best place to start is often to rule out what it isn't and go from there.

That's how we make progress in these areas. Closeminded armchair debunkery can be applied to any new phenomena at any time. But it's not science by a longshot. It's the dogmatic protection of a worldview much as religion is.

It is science - as an example, if you find a new plant that was previously undiscovered and looked like it could be a tasty fruit, what is the first thing that should be done? Well, you could simply eat it and see what happens... but it could be horribly toxic and kill you. It could even contain certain chemicals that would not afflict an otherwise healthy person much, if at all, but could cause intense discomfort and pain for some (case in point - lactose intolerance).

In an instance like that, faced with an unknown, the best place to start is to begin ruling out possibilities - does it contain traces of cyanide or cyanide byproducts? Does it have to be soaked in saltwater and then dried first (such as with many types of nut and seed) to remove phytic acid or other enzyme inhibitors (which can cause issues in the gut via binding to nutrients and enzymes, making for some serious digestive distress)? Does it contain a solid pit or many small seeds that could damage teeth when eating?

It isn't about necessarily disproving or discounting the unknown - rather, it is about ascertaining what it isn't in order to work towards a proof-positive method of understanding.
Dr. Dean Radin on the effect of meditation on supernormal abilities:

"But academia is coming around. The U.K. is currently the hub for studying psi, with a dozen university-based programs that are sympathetic to studying psi effects.

Twenty years ago it was “almost impossible” to publish psi research in mainstream journals, Radin said. “Now we can and we are publishing an increasing number of psi-research articles in mainstream journals. One of our recent articles is in an online journal called Frontiers in Neuroscience … and most of our physics-oriented research is now published in physics journals.”
Magical Realist:

Yeah we know how you operate James.
Yeah. I operate on the basis of actual evidence, not on wishful thinking.

You made the claim that your video shows clearly that there was no tricky or fraud. I asked you to back up your claim. And what have you got? Nothing. As expected.

In other words, you made an empty claim that you can't support. Again. This is based only on what you'd like to be true, rather than on any actual evidence.

As soon as anything unexplained or paranormal is presented here you cry fake.
No. I have not jumped to any conclusion, unlike you.

You said that you had evidence that disproves fakery of this particular demonstration. But you don't have that, do you? You just say you do. You're willing to tell lies, in other words.

Do you have proof it is fake? No..ofcourse not.
No, I don't. But it's your claim we're looking at here. You said you had proof it isn't faked. And you don't.

It's like talking to a brick wall. You have no genuine scientific interest in any of these phenomena.
You're quite wrong. Stage conjuring is something that I take some interest in. As I said, I can think of about three different ways off the top of my head about how your Chi Guru Guy could pull off the paper-burning stunt with fakery. But I can't tell from the video how he did it in this particular case. My simple point is that there's similarly no way that you can be sure that the video is genuine. This is true for almost all of the videos you spruik so credulously.

You are only interested in dismissing them and so preserving your precious worldview where no unexplained phenomena exist.
I'm quite open to the idea that unexplained phenomena exist. It's just a pity that the "evidence" you offer up concerning all such phenomena is of such a generally poor standard. But I know you don't actually care about evidence. What you have is a faith and a desire that it all be true.

But I'm content that I have provided things that are compelling enough to get your gander up.
I'm just pointing out your shoddy standards every now and then. The sheer volume of crap you post, combined with your inability to concentrate on one thing for more than a couple of minutes before going off onto something unrelated, means that it's impossible to call out all your crap. But an occasional reminder to readers that it's crap doesn't hurt.

Reality is not what you think it is.
It's a pity you waste so much of your life on this nonsense, while ignoring the true mysteries of "reality".

Not even you can suppress forever this nagging suspicion that all these things are real.
Yeah, that's a constant struggle for me. LOL.

But claiming something is faked and refusing to investigate that phenomena is the opposite of science.
Ok. Let's investigate!

What information do you have about the Chi Master video other than the video itself? Or is the video all you've got?

Take the case of this chi master. Skeptics were able to perform enough tests to learn his abilities were not being hoaxed.
Great! Where is this written up? I'd like to review the controlled tests that these skeptics performed.

No metal plates in his body.
You have the x-rays, I assume?

Nothing in his house.
You have the details of the search that was carried out, I assume?

He shocks them when he touches them.
Maybe, or maybe not. What evidence do you have of this apart from the video?

And he lights an LED he holds in his fingertips.
Well, there's no possible trick he could use to do that, is there? I assume you have checked this, and that you've never seen a stage magician do anything similar.

A pure electrical energy summoned at will in his body that mysteriously defied measurement with a voltmeter.
Sorry, I didn't watch that part of the video in detail because I was interested in the paper-burning stunt.

Are you saying that a voltmeter measured nothing special while he did his tricks?

Science did it's job in this case and confirmed the existence of a new phenomenon.
Great! Show me the scientific report.

That's the kind of research we need with such phenomena. Willing openminded testing of it instead of outright dismissal of it as fraud.
I agree, and it's great to hear from you that a proper scientific investigation was carried out. So, let's see the report. If it's solid, I will wholehearted agree with you that there's some good scientific evidence for mysterious human electricity, or whatever.

My guess is that all these claims of scientific testing that you're making are baseless fabrications, and that you'll now try to change the topic, as usual. But we'll see.
My guess is that all these claims of scientific testing that you're making are baseless fabrications, and that you'll now try to change the topic, as usual. But we'll see.

Thanks for confirming that you cry fake with any evidence I present. Right...I'm just making that whole documentary up. lol! I bet you have real problems with History Channel, BBC, and Nat Geo documentaries don't you?..What a strange little world you must live in. Do you consult peer reviewed science journals for the daily traffic report? Do you perform science experiments in your basement to validate news reports? And lord knows how you ever believe the weather man! Such an uncertain universe out there. However do you manage?
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Magical Realist:

I'm right again. You have nothing.

Thanks for confirming that you cry fake with any evidence I present.
That's right. I caught you out telling lies again. You claimed you have evidence, but you have none.

Right...I'm just making that whole documentary up.
No. You claimed you had proof that it wasn't faked. And you have no such proof. You were caught out in a lie again.

lol! I bet you have real problems with History Channel, BBC, and Nat Geo documentaries don't you?..
If you're asking whether I am a critical consumer of media, I assure you that I am. I don't assume that because something is on TV it must therefore be true. Do you?

What a strange little world you must live in.
I live in the real world. Probably you have trouble imagining that.

Do you consult peer reviewed science journals for the daily traffic report?
There's no need. The reliability of the traffic report can be easily confirmed or refuted by driving in the traffic.

Do you perform science experiments in your basement to validate news reports?
There's usually no need to do that. When it comes to news, I read multiple sources, for a start. Not all news is trustworthy, even though you obviously believe it is.

And lord knows how you ever believe the weather man!
The weather man gets his information from reputable scientific organisations that have a proven track record.

Such an uncertain universe out there. However do you manage?
A lot more effectively that you do. You'll believe just about any shit somebody tells you.
You'll believe just about any shit somebody tells you.

Actually I'm very selective about the shit I believe in. Documentaries on TV don't trouble me at all. Just like with most normal people. But the shit you constantly spout about fake articles and videos and photos? Yeah..that's the sort of shit I just laugh at. And what's really funny is you presenting all your made up shit as some sort of noble scientific enterprise. Clearly it isn't. The real science is being done by those investigating these phenomena I post about. The people who actually go to these places and do tests like the researchers in that documentary did proving it wasn't a hoax. But see you wouldn't know anything about that would you? Cuz for you it's all just fakery and hoaxes. Go back inside your "real" little world of fake documentaries and scammers and hoaxes James. There's nothing out here for you to see that you don't already know isn't.
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Magical Realist:

I'm right again. You have nothing.

That's right. I caught you out telling lies again. You claimed you have evidence, but you have none.

No. You claimed you had proof that it wasn't faked. And you have no such proof. You were caught out in a lie again.

If you're asking whether I am a critical consumer of media, I assure you that I am. I don't assume that because something is on TV it must therefore be true. Do you?

I live in the real world. Probably you have trouble imagining that.

There's no need. The reliability of the traffic report can be easily confirmed or refuted by driving in the traffic.

There's usually no need to do that. When it comes to news, I read multiple sources, for a start. Not all news is trustworthy, even though you obviously believe it is.

The weather man gets his information from reputable scientific organisations that have a proven track record.

A lot more effectively that you do. You'll believe just about any shit somebody tells you.

I don't see posts by MR, but does not lying incur infraction points? Perhaps you might ask a Mod who isn't involved in the thread to decide.