Fortean phenomena

the rest I disagree
So you disagree with...

Sorry about the emo, it got there and I cant get rid of it...

What do you disagree with, I am sorry because it, the emo, would not go...

I was joking...... Why do you disagree I know if I am joking.

Mocking those who can be overstrict about humans right to knowledge.
How can you disagree that I was mocking overstrict humans???

No one in particular but I have run into folk who would say "there are some things we are meant not to know" or similar.

How can you disagree that I have run into folk who said "there are some things we ade meant not to know" or similar????

I dont think the meaning I tried to send was understood.
I wonder if others understood what I said.

I think you miss what I said because your responce does not fit.

So you disagree with...

Sorry about the emo, it got there and I cant get rid of it...

What do you disagree with, I am sorry because it, the emo, would not go...

I was joking...... Why do you disagree I know if I am joking.

Mocking those who can be overstrict about humans right to knowledge.
How can you disagree that I was mocking overstrict humans???

No one in particular but I have run into folk who would say "there are some things we are meant not to know" or similar.

How can you disagree that I have run into folk who said "there are some things we ade meant not to know" or similar????

I dont think the meaning I tried to send was understood.
I wonder if others understood what I said.

I think you miss what I said because your responce does not fit.


Post # 60
I think one of us has a comprehension problem.
My head is clear I am well rested I do not drink or take any drugs legal or illegal.
I can not understand why you cant understand but I understand that, for whatever reason you missed the meaning of my post.
I can't offer a solution.

Is Dynamo real or fake?

Dynamo, the great star of TV show Dynamo: Magician impossible, has performed many outstanding magic feats. But many people are asking: is he for real or is he fake?

What does it mean for a magician to be fake?

Let's try to answer this question. As the name of his show tells us, Dynamo is a magician, which means he does magic. But how do we define magic? You can either think of magic as 'real' magic, like a miracle or a supernatural phenomenon – something which should be physically impossible. But there is also another meaning for the word 'magic', which simply means that the magician is fooling the audience to believe that he can do 'real', supernatural magic, when in fact he is just performing clever tricks and illusions. When most people go to see a magic show, they don't expect 'real' magic, they just expect that the magician will try to fool them with tricks. Does this mean that the magician is 'fake'? This is a matter of personal opinion.

So which kind of magic is Dynamo doing? Real magic or just clever tricks?

As we have shown many times on our site, Dynamo's magic falls into the second category – he performs tricks. So if you think magicians who perform magic are 'fake', then you can consider Dynamo to be fake. For example, Dynamo doesn't really walk on water, he just performs a very believable illusion of walking on water, as we have explained here. He also doesn't really fly, as we explained here. If you consider him to be 'fake' because of that, that is your choice, but many people think that magicians can't be fake since it is obvious that they are doing tricks and we all know it. There are only good and bad magicians – those who can't fool us and those who can.

Is Dynamo real or fake?

Dynamo, the great star of TV show Dynamo: Magician impossible, has performed many outstanding magic feats. But many people are asking: is he for real or is he fake?

What does it mean for a magician to be fake?

Let's try to answer this question. As the name of his show tells us, Dynamo is a magician, which means he does magic. But how do we define magic? You can either think of magic as 'real' magic, like a miracle or a supernatural phenomenon – something which should be physically impossible. But there is also another meaning for the word 'magic', which simply means that the magician is fooling the audience to believe that he can do 'real', supernatural magic, when in fact he is just performing clever tricks and illusions. When most people go to see a magic show, they don't expect 'real' magic, they just expect that the magician will try to fool them with tricks. Does this mean that the magician is 'fake'? This is a matter of personal opinion.

So which kind of magic is Dynamo doing? Real magic or just clever tricks?

As we have shown many times on our site, Dynamo's magic falls into the second category – he performs tricks. So if you think magicians who perform magic are 'fake', then you can consider Dynamo to be fake. For example, Dynamo doesn't really walk on water, he just performs a very believable illusion of walking on water, as we have explained here. He also doesn't really fly, as we explained here. If you consider him to be 'fake' because of that, that is your choice, but many people think that magicians can't be fake since it is obvious that they are doing tricks and we all know it. There are only good and bad magicians – those who can't fool us and those who can.

One doctor demonstrated to be a fraud doesn't entail all doctors are frauds.
Take it easy!!!:rolleyes: I'm just showing how gullible and impressionable people can be so easily fooled.

That magician does what Chris Angel does. He films himself doin these tricks in front of a chosen group of people and then cuts the video to make it look like it happened right there before their eyes. It's camera magic. Doesn't affect that chi master one bit.
Only if you thought practicing real medicine was impossible.

I can understand why you could quickly reach that conclusion but I see it a little differently.

If one is made aware that any profession has members that have been found to be fraudulant, moreover less than what you expect from a professional your respect or faith in the profession need not diminish but you may be concerned that you may be an unlucky victim of an as yet unexpossed fraud .

Its like I know pilots have high standards as evidenced by the numbers, stats, but that may not ease concern of getting that one off nutter who decides to crash the plane because he went crazy the day you decided to fly rather than walk.

It is different to magic of course where you know that the magician is there to entertain through illusion and trickery where you really are paying money to be deceived and clearly when anyone asks "how did he do that" no one expects an answer that the act was magic in the sence of a supernatural feat but look for an explanation of the technique and method used to create the illusion.

And of course if a magician were capable of a supernatural feat that even the most sceptical would agree is indeed magic one could think such a magician could make a living manifesting whatever he needs and not have to tour the world putting on performances of "magic"

I can understand why you could quickly reach that conclusion but I see it a little differently.

If one is made aware that any profession has members that have been found to be fraudulant, moreover less than what you expect from a professional your respect or faith in the profession need not diminish but you may be concerned that you may be an unlucky victim of an as yet unexpossed fraud .

Its like I know pilots have high standards as evidenced by the numbers, stats, but that may not ease concern of getting that one off nutter who decides to crash the plane because he went crazy the day you decided to fly rather than walk.

It is different to magic of course where you know that the magician is there to entertain through illusion and trickery where you really are paying money to be deceived and clearly when anyone asks "how did he do that" no one expects an answer that the act was magic in the sence of a supernatural feat but look for an explanation of the technique and method used to create the illusion.

And of course if a magician were capable of a supernatural feat that even the most sceptical would agree is indeed magic one could think such a magician could make a living manifesting whatever he needs and not have to tour the world putting on performances of "magic"


Ofcourse as you know the documentary I posted wasn't about a stage magician at all but about a trained and experienced chi master. As the video showed clearly it has nothing to with trickery or fraud, That's why I posted it here in this thread. It's compelling evidence once again for a phenomenon that is as of yet unexplained. The existence of magicians has nothing to do with what was shown and proven in that video. It's an irrelevant strawman used to distract from the facts of this phenomenon.
"A hazard unique to Venezuelan highways is a slippery goo called La Mancha Negra (the black stain), although it is more of a sludge with the consistency of chewing gum. Although the government has spent millions of dollars in research, no one knows what the goo is and where it comes from, or how to get rid of it. It first appeared in 1987 on the road from Caracas to the airport, covering 50 yards, and spread inexorably every year. By 1992 it was a major road hazard all around the capital and it was claimed 1,800 motorists had died after losing control. The problem remains to this day."---
This story is implausible on the face of it.

What, exactly, did the government spend the millions of dollars on? What kind of "research" was done? Where can we read the results of this "research" that cost millions of dollars?

And some other questions: given that millions of dollars were spent, did nobody think of chemically analysing the goo? Or running it through a mass spectrometer? Were the "researchers" all incompetent?

Or is it a myth that millions of dollars were spent on researching this? That seems far more likely to me.
It's compelling evidence once again for a phenomenon that is as of yet unexplained. The existence of magicians has nothing to do with what was shown and proven in that video. It's an irrelevant strawman used to distract from the facts of this phenomenon.
I think calling him a magician is rather kind I think some would call him a fraud playing upon gullible people who do not think there are folk in the world who would profit from such trickery... but I would not say that.
If you dont like magician can we settle upon he is a great performer.
A anyways he can start a fire thats not abig deal these days.

I think calling him a magician is rather kind I think some would call him a fraud playing upon gullible people who do not think there are folk in the world who would profit from such trickery... but I would not say that.
If you dont like magician can we settle upon he is a great performer.
A anyways he can start a fire thats not abig deal these days.


Except that the video clearly showed there was no fraud involved. So much for your magician/performer claim.