formula for love?

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Love? F*ck love! Love doesnt exist. Its something the human mind made up to set us apart from animals. Its called hormones people!!!! When you get tired of someone you move on, just like when someone gets tired of you, which they will eventually. People say love fades. Love doesnt fade, the infactuation fades. Just like when you get a new car, its great till its not new anymore - then you want a better one. Right? Sorry, people - no coffee yet! :D

HAHAHA, you got a point if you're the type to have fun :D. She believes love to be this. But love is what you believe it to be. It's more like needs and selfishness, then the illogical part, the part where you believe.

Love is selfish and/or illogical.

Now now Xev, look what you done, we haven't really answered Amphion's question but ended up playing around. Vodkaaaa....vodkaaaa....

Your the #1 thread hijacker! :D lol

Originally posted by Amphion
Im not asking for pitty here, (im no pitty whore) I am just wondering if anyone out there who has been through the same, could give me some advice. The question is simple, What do you do when you love someone, but they are not ready for something like that yet? Now I know the answer will not be as simple as the question, but try if you will.

Simple, make them fall for you :D. Never be too sweet or they'll take you for granted, as in always being there for them, if they need you, let them COME to you, or waiting for them to hang up, have your own sense of control and DO WHAT YOU WANT! But if you want to be sweet, write a poem, be mystery to her, tell her love stories to get her into that mode. Watch love stories to her and tell her what you would do! Stuff like that.

But you'll have to give more much is she into you?

For many girls, they want love to be like "magic" like bebelina, sorry for using you hehe ;) So you provide that "magic" and girls want things to "just happen" so just do it and make it happen! Grab her hand, kiss her passionately, then errr...bring her somewhere secluded and kiss her body like a godesses, in fact even tell her that you want to do that when she gets all lovey-dovey with you! One thing, Never be shy, never ask and just move like the wind, do it and see if she reacts, if she says no, then wait for another time and try again. As long as you respect the woman and not force her too much, then that's good.