formula for love?

Life is sweeter with the "love-drug"

Heck I'm lazy, so I'll take a part of my contribution to my school newspaper. :D

It triggers the production of opioids. Opioids are chemicals, such as those found in opium, that produce a feeling of well-being. Eating chocolate causes the brain to produce natural opiates, which dull pain and increase euphoria levels. Chocolate contains a chemical call anandamide. You all know what marijuana is right? So you also know that when THC binds to receptors in the brain the person feels "high." Anandamide is a lipid that is normally found in the brain; it can bind to the same receptors as THC and thus produce a similar effect to "being high." Whoa, cool! So does that mean chocolate can produce the same effect as marijuana?! Chocolate doesn’t contain THC, so you aren’t breaking the law eating it. But anandamide is already in your brain, and its euphoria is only quick-lasting because it is broken down quickly. Also you can’t get a “high” like marijuana off chocolate because anandamide is not present all over the brain. THC activates many receptors all-over the brain and it has a much larger effect. So chocolate only shortly extends the brain’s sense of well-being by supplying more anandamide. Maybe this is the reason why we crave chocolate so much. Some might even love dark chocolate more because it contains more of these chemicals.

So why is chocolate called a “love-drug?” And why is it used for special occasions like Valentine’s Day? Well, it contains yet another chemical called phenylethylamine. Being related to amphetamines, this chemical causes blood pressure and blood-sugar levels to rise, resulting in a feeling of alertness and contentment. So this in effect quickens your pulse and feels as if you are in love. Caffeine is also in chocolate and may also cause those alertness feelings and a pounding heart. Other stimulants in chocolate include theobromine and methylxanthines. These are caffeine relatives and are weaker, so you’d have to eat more than 12 Hershey bars to get as much caffeine as there is in one cup of coffee. All of these stimulants increase the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Those are the sweet mysteries of the cacao bean and even today scientists are still trying to figure out what else chocolate can have an effect on. Chocolate contains stearic acid, so don’t eat too much of it. But in the meantime grab a bar for yourself and go buy a gram for your valentine.

Life is sweeter with chocolate…

Property of ~The_Chosen~

Okay, ummmm......

Get me some Ghirardelli RIGHT NOW!

No wait, I want sushi. Some of that barbecqued octopus sushi....whatever it's called. SUSHI NOW!
I found some Lindt. Now I am happy. I think I am going to start singing.

O man, take care!
What does the deep midnight declare?
"I was asleep-
From a deep dream I wake and swear:
The world is deep
Deeper than day had been aware
Deep is its woe;
Joy - deeper yet than agony:
Woe implores: GO!
But all joy wants eternity -
Wants deep, deep eternity!

*Xev wanders off to offer Lindt dark chocalate to the maidens of the forest*
The firm-ankled maidens of the forest don't want any. :(

You can have some of my chocolate, Avatar.
Love? F*ck love! Love doesnt exist. Its something the human mind made up to set us apart from animals. Its called hormones people!!!! When you get tired of someone you move on, just like when someone gets tired of you, which they will eventually. People say love fades. Love doesnt fade, the infactuation fades. Just like when you get a new car, its great till its not new anymore - then you want a better one. Right? Sorry, people - no coffee yet! :D

XEV!!! Pass the damn vodka!

And Welcome Amphion!
Disagree Star. Love is something our culture made up to sell trite crap on Valentines day. Like those god-awful stuffed bears. This way, people do not realize just how much love sucks. Of course they are infatuated. Otherwise they would be miserable.

Aww hell, it's 3:27pm on my day off and I've had no booze as of yet.

*Passes Star the vodka*
No booze yet??? On yo day off? Is you crazy??:D Better hit up the liqo sto'!!!

*swiggs* - *passes*:D
Booze! Booze and they are making a movie about one of my heroines. Sweeeeet! Oh, and it has Cristina Ricci as Lucretia. Double sweeeeet!

Say, anyone want some chocolate?
too late. I'm already back from the shop

dark chocolate with peanuts and rasins

anybody wants?
Mmmm, I've been married for 32 years. Like Bebelina says, you gotta fint your formula.:p

Chocolate and alcohol does create the same feeling as being in love, but they don't last very long and are bad for your health.
And how does that differ from being in love, you ask?
Well, they aren't as cuddly... And they can't go out with the trash either. :D

Love IS magic, it is the ultimate magic!

I agree, but I need to put on weight.
I'm 1.5kg below my standart- 53.6kg now

btw- I'm sick already from that chocolate- I think I've eaten too much

Choc is good for you

it prevents canser

and so is red wine

don't know about vodka but what the hell:D
*steals bottle from star and drains in one swig*