formula for love?


Registered Member
Dont you kinda wish we had one? I wish we did at the moment. It sucks we you sit there wondering about it. Sometimes I wish there was an answer for everything. A huge library that you could go to and look up everything you ever wanted to know. Okay enough of my babeling, lets go ahead and get to the point of my topic.

Im not asking for pitty here, (im no pitty whore) I am just wondering if anyone out there who has been through the same, could give me some advice. The question is simple, What do you do when you love someone, but they are not ready for something like that yet? Now I know the answer will not be as simple as the question, but try if you will.
well the only solution is for love is to find the perfect time, perfect partner and just be yourself
Not really but...

Wow, what nice claims :)

If you match her then you do. It's all about matching.

There is no formula, but there are "guidelines" for most, not all.
Oh well.

*Grabs third bottle of Youri Dolgoruki from the freezer and pours herself a shot*
If there was a formula for love, it would mean you'd have to know math to be happy. Which would prove all those fuckers in high school who said that it was neccessary right, and I won't have it.

If you really care about this person you profess to "love", then it will be worth being near them even if you can't have a "relationship". And you know, if that's how it is, and you're good to them, they just might realize how worthwhile the relationship is that you already have. And they may decide it would be worthwhile to have more.

Bah humbug. I crave Cristal.

Oh, and chocalate. That's nice. You know what would be nice? Some nice Ghirardelli dark chocalate.