Formal Debate; The sad truth about the origins of the Christian belief system.

And you are looking more and more like you are making it all up. Just provide a link for others to see your reference or at least a name. It is hard for someone to argue against someone that has actual reference material than one that does not. Besides, I don’t believe that halcyon would discount credible resources anyway.
camphlps said:
halcyon: evidence is no good if no one believes it is evidence. If i gave you reference you still wont believe. I see no point...

No offense, but that's a weak cop out. And F_AQ2 is right, your continued inability to post anything so much as a link to website is looking dark for your cause. I didn't ask for a reference in a "Prove it," sort of way; I contend that it's very possible you are correct, and I'm not claiming anywhere that you're wrong, I just want to see what evidence there actually to support what you're posting.
Why don't you guys just take my own reference? I think camphlps could work with that....
I'm unclear as to your meaning. Are you refering to the bible quote you linked to?
Like i said, there is no point.

Now if you want to look up "Yule Tree" or just "Celtic Holidays" you can see it for yourself.
Did you not read my post at all?

If you honestly think that, then you have to know that there was no point in posting in the first the place.
camphlps said:
halcyon: evidence is no good if no one believes it is evidence. If i gave you reference you still wont believe. I see no point...

TruthSeeker: Its a perception on what I said. Same posed nothing different. More like my "version" of the bible or something. :)

yeah im 19 but i spell like a 9 year old. What the hell?
but your also acting like a nine year old. "what ever", "whats the point","I dont care",etc.
stop acting like a spoilt child.
"grow up please".
um, how can it be that my opinion makes me childish. Well if it is childish, id rather be that child than a dumbass...whatever works...
vincent28uk said:
Islam is based on very evil beliefs.

1> that degrade women with female genital mutilation
2> make women cover there heads
3> only women can be accused of adultery
4> making a mockery of marriage by divorcing there many wives by mobile phone messaging
Because a man can have as many wives as he wants at least 12, and mistresses well hundreds.

Evil by whose standards? A book's? And how exactly can ya be sure these beliefs are evil? Maybe ridiculous, but not evil! Ya were probably indoctrined with the belief that these beliefs are evil. In fact, I think it's a safe bet to say so.

Oh, and about the degradation of women with female genital mutilation . . . How many men have foreskins in the Western world? Think about it.
camphlps said:
um, how can it be that my opinion makes me childish. Well if it is childish, id rather be that child than a dumbass...whatever works...

Amen! :p
camphlps said:
um, how can it be that my opinion makes me childish. Well if it is childish, id rather be that child than a dumbass...whatever works...
I do not believe that Musthaf is insinuating that it's the meaning of the words that make you appear childish, but the reasoning behind saying them.

You made some claims earlier in this thread. You were asked politely at first to provide us with a reference to support those claims because a few people, myself included, were interested in examining the historical accuracy of said claims before accepting them. This is not unreasonable. This is how things are done here. I personally did some looking up of the topics in discussion and did not find evidence to support what you had posted, and that's why I spoke up. I am more than willing to concede that you could be correct, but I haven't been given any evidence to support what you said, so I can't. This topic shouldn't be this big of a deal for anybody involved, but somehow, now it is.
Well it is better if you find the evidence for yourself...i normally dont like to whipe other people's butts, but ill give you a boost...

see this is called a search tool... the 5 link down

is a result...

Now ill give you some credit cause i found it hard to find Celtic meaning behind the Yule tree. I tried and didnt find anything usefull on the first page. However i posted Celtic Holidays as a possible search. If you just gave up to early or didnt even do it dont look it up yourself. If i just showed you, you are "less" likely to believe. If you see it for yourself and dont believe, you'd just be fooling yourself. That is why i dont give evidence to people. Especially Atheist, for i have no obligation to prove what "I" believe.

I could go on, but that would go off topic.
I reviewed vincent28uk about islam. Though its an opinion of yours, id like to let you know...

Good and Evil are just words. Their meaning only proportional to the person. Some people believe one thing is good, and the others believe it is evil. The People who took the planes that crashed into the Trade Center believed what they were doing is right or good. So it depends on the person. Now i dont agree with Islam, but i thought id let you or remind you that good and evil are just words and are meaningless.
camphlps said:
Well it is better if you find the evidence for yourself...i normally dont like to whipe other people's butts, but ill give you a boost...

see this is called a search tool... the 5 link down

is a result...

Now ill give you some credit cause i found it hard to find Celtic meaning behind the Yule tree. I tried and didnt find anything usefull on the first page. However i posted Celtic Holidays as a possible search. If you just gave up to early or didnt even do it dont look it up yourself. If i just showed you, you are "less" likely to believe. If you see it for yourself and dont believe, you'd just be fooling yourself. That is why i dont give evidence to people. Especially Atheist, for i have no obligation to prove what "I" believe.

I could go on, but that would go off topic.

Honestly kid, was that so hard? This is a forum for intelligent and scientific discussion, when people make claims and try to assert them as true, they are expected to support their claims with evidence, otherwise their claims will be dismissed, making it pointless to have even posted these claims in the first place. Now, I've tried to be polite despite your unwillingness to do the same.

As they say here, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim. Meaning that you are responsible for supporting your claims with evidence.
you didn't wipe my ass for me, I did a few searches of my own before I even spoke up about your inability to support your claims. I didn't find any evidence to support them myself. Did you happen to look around at a few more of those sites that your search brought up? Does the conflicting information mean anything to you? Does the fact that the ONE site you listed to support your remarks did not have any historical or scientific references bother you at all?

Now, about this nonsense that you posted here:
camphlps said:
If you just gave up to early or didnt even do it dont look it up yourself. If i just showed you, you are "less" likely to believe.
What makes you think that? It is expected of everyone to support what they say with proof, why would providing the proof that's expected of you make me any less likely to believe what you say?
camphlps said:
That is why i dont give evidence to people. Especially Atheist, for i have no obligation to prove what "I" believe.
No one is asking you to prove what you believe. The only thing anyone asked you to do was provide evidence for claims that you posted here attempting to establish them as fact. You did not say "I believe this to be true," you just posted some information and expected everyone to accept right off the bat. I doubt anyone could care less about what you believe being right or wrong, that's not what we're talking about here.
robtex said:
David, can you point out how collectivly speaking the Jews as a religion and on a whole have allowed themselves to be corrupted?

If what you just said is true, do you than content that the Bible (which is based on Christanity and not Tamuz) is all wrong should be kicked to the curb and all true followers of the Christian religion instead refer to the texts of tamuz?

BTW, I can't find any religion named Tamuz on a quick search. I did find out it is the 12 month of the Jewish got a link that explains the tennets of the religion? Please.

I know that Messianic Judaism is an established religion but um...doens/t it just sound like an oxymoron?

Sorry for the slow response... see or search on Tammuz and Nimrod (or possibly on Semiramis)

The Sun God cult, Tammuz worship, was a corruption of the original religion worshipped by Noah and his son Shem. Mithraism is a copy of Tammuz worship and modern Christianity has been infiltrated and corrupted by Mithraism. Preacher claims that Christianity is a copy of the original Sun God worship (I mostly agree) but original Christianity (something like Messianic Judaism) is not based upon this false premise. It should actually be argued the Judaism (actually long before the birth of Judah) is the original religion and the Sun God cult is a copy/corruption of this original religion. Modern Christianity, just as Preach says, has been corrupted or molded into a copy of the false religion of Nimrod, Semiramis & Tammuz (Baal worship).

OTOH, The original Christian religion was simply Torah Judaism with the coming of Messiah. This is true Christianity, which I find almost no where in the world today. The exciting part is that this original true Christianity allowed Gentiles to join, which pure Torah Judaism did not.

However, modern Judaism has internally evolved to the point where it is almost a false relgion itself. I certainly have no problem with the Torah, which is based upon the original religion handed down by Noah and Shem. But the corruptions of the Torah (which Jesus often scathingly criticized the Pharasees over - now called the Talmud) adds mountains of rules to the original law of God, and turned the truth into a lie. For instance, the bible says to "call on the name of the LORD" (the name of the LORD is Yehovah or Yahweh) which modern Jews have a law against speaking. How can you call on the name of the LORD as the bible says if you won't speak the name of the LORD? Modern Jews have turned the truth into a lie.
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Halcyon, learn what i said then speak. I clearly stated that (in the last line of my previous post) that this goes off topic. By what i mean is I was refering to certain athiest who constantly want to disprove God and demand me to prove God exists. A lot different here.

As for the other evidence. Has it never accured to you that not all information is passed by written web pages. You can go to a Library or even listen to a historian. I pointed out one page, because the information is there and to show that unless you stopped at link 4 and didnt try link 5 then there is websites that support this.

As far as what is likely and what isnt is regards to convincing people with evidence. It is less likely to believe if I prove it to them, than if they saw it for themselves on their own.

Even then, I gave you what you ask for. Wether it is or is not what you expected is irrelavent. I told you what I learned, gave a *little* amount of info, hoping you might go look on it yourself, and now im done. You can keep this up, but you would only be arguing with yourself. Evidence is before you, all you have to do is choose. I cant do anything more here...
You just don't seem to get the point. Fine. Let's start over. You said:
camphlps said:
Note: The Christmas tree for example is a Celtic tradition.
which is false.

How would you have dealt with that statement had I not provided a reference? Tell yourself "He refutes me! There must be something to what he says, therefore I'll spend a substantial amount of time wading through dozens of miscellaneous websites looking for some scrap of evidence to support his claim." Bull.

camphlps said:
Halcyon, learn what i said then speak. I clearly stated that (in the last line of my previous post) that this goes off topic. By what i mean is I was refering to certain athiest who constantly want to disprove God and demand me to prove God exists. A lot different here.
So you brought up something that you didn't want discussed in this thread. Why'd you bring it up? You actually said:
Especially Atheist, for i have no obligation to prove what "I" believe.
It is clear what you are saying, and that you are applying the statement to this situation, and throwing that "especially atheist," part doesn't change that.

As for the other evidence. Has it never accured to you that not all information is passed by written web pages.
I would have liked to have asked you that question first. I never asked for you to provide a web page, I asked you to provide references, period, some of which could of course been web sites, but the request was for references, in any form.

You can go to a Library or even listen to a historian. I pointed out one page, because the information is there and to show that unless you stopped at link 4 and didnt try link 5 then there is websites that support this.
You pointed out one page which made unsubstantiated claims. They could be true, but since they were unsupported they are not offered any credence. This is the part where you would have done good to have payed attention to what I have been saying. I did several searches, waded through countless banal and unproductive sites looking for evidence to support your claims and did not find any. I went through my own encyclopedias and history tomes and did not find any. That's when I spoke up about your lack of supporting evidence. Then you posted a search link to only one of the topics you wrote about which had been called into question, and I wasted god knows how much time wading through wiccan bullshit nonsense to find that there was no other supporting evidence for your one claim other than that one reference-less page you cut and pasted a quote from. Nothing. That was it. And your claims that there could be other forms of reference material on the subject are now being called into question because of your inability to provide any of them. You've got nothing. As far as that listen to a historian one-liner, you'd be hard pressed to find someone in the field to support a lot of that. You might do good to listen to your own advice.

As far as what is likely and what isnt is regards to convincing people with evidence. It is less likely to believe if I prove it to them, than if they saw it for themselves on their own.
*sigh* What happens is, you just tell them something like you just did, and they're not going to believe you, like we all just did. Now, you give a reference so everyone can see for themselves, then they'll be more likely to believe you. It's funny that you say this in an attempt support your stand, when it's going directly against what you've been doing.

Even then, I gave you what you ask for.
No, you didn't. We asked for references. You didn't provide a reference, just the site that you cut and pasted that quote from, which is, sorry to say, unsubstantiated. There was nothing on that site in relation to the topic that you didn't already post, so it didn't offer you any support. So in essence you didn't provide anything.
Wether it is or is not what you expected is irrelavent.
No one brought up anything regarding the site being what I did or did not expect. Try to stay focused on what we're actually talking about.
I told you what I learned, gave a *little* amount of info, hoping you might go look on it yourself,
I did, and found that you are most likely a victim of the same misinformation processes that others in this thread fell to by giving credence to the whole Mithra-was-crucified lie.
and now im done.
Without actually having done anything to defend your stand.
You can keep this up, but you would only be arguing with yourself.
You're most likely right. I'm certainly not arguing with you; you can't argue with a brick wall. To properly participate in the kind of discussion this site endorses, both sides need to be willing and receptive, which I've tried to show that I am by offering you many instances to prove yourself, and even spending a bit more of my time than I should have giving you the benefit of the doubt and looking for this mythological information you keep talking about which doesn't seem to be there. You have not been a pleasant dance partner, to say the least.

This has been way too unpoductive.

Evidence is before you, all you have to do is choose.
No, it's not. Your unsupported claims are before me.
I cant do anything more here...
Sure you could. You could provide us with some references.