Forbidden Love

Hmm, that's almost exactly the same argument that's used against homos and lezzies, ain't it? Geez, Bells, I'm surprised at you! :D

Baron Max

I swear Baron, you make my teeth hurt.

Are these two homosexuals? No. They are sibblings who after having been 'long lost' discovered each other's existence and after a time, fell in love. It's damn sad. Had they been two brothers or two sisters, my response would have been the same. Even if they were both homosexuals, I would have asked myself the same question.. 'aren't there more people in the world you could pick or feel attracted to, who aren't related to you?'..

Their situation is as bad as it gets. He faces jail for having fallen in love and I hate to imagine the hell she will go through for the same reason. They have lost custody of their children and now basically face the ire of society.

Just the whole brother and sister thing gets me (since you know, there are other women out there who aren't your sister, etc), but it is a personal issue and not one anyone else should be involved in. They were both adults when they became involved and one would imagine consenting adults. It's just a sad situation and I too think they should be left alone.
I'm an only child, so I can't really comment on this. However, I do find it interesting how having sex with your sister, who you have known for all of your life, is seen as immoral. Yet having a one night stand with some stranger in the bar (who likely doesn't give a shit about you) is not immoral. I don't feel 'comfortable' with either, but that doesn't automatically make such unions immoral.

Forbid people from having children because of potential complications? That's one big old can o' worms.
Should people with inherited disorders be sterilised?

I'm interested in the "taken into care" bit. The implication is that the children were put into foster homes because of the parent's crime... is that the case? Or were they put into medical care?

A point to note:
The article says that two of their children have some degree of special needs, and quotes a geneticist that 50% of children born to siblings are disabled.
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Given that a superstitious tribe of monotheists wandering the desert for some forty years without a home can figure out that incest causes problems, I'm hard-pressed to find an argument in favor of incestuous relationships. But that's just me.
Given that a superstitious tribe of monotheists wandering the desert for some forty years without a home can figure out that incest causes problems, I'm hard-pressed to find an argument in favor of incestuous relationships. But that's just me.

How do we know that they could figure out any such thing?
How do we know that they could figure out any such thing?
Ermmm maybe by the fact that they knew enough to not even allow related animals that travelled with them to mate with each other due to the deformities that would result. Animal husbandry..
I'm an only child, so I can't really comment on this. However, I do find it interesting how having sex with your sister, who you have known for all of your life, is seen as immoral. Yet having a one night stand with some stranger in the bar (who likely doesn't give a shit about you) is not immoral. I don't feel 'comfortable' with either, but that doesn't automatically make such unions immoral.
That's the thing though. She is your sister that you have known all your life.

I too am an only child. However I had lots of cousins around me at all times and not once did I even feel an attraction to any of my male relatives. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. I have cousin's in France and other parts of the world that I have only met once or twice in my lifetime and I can say with certainty that I would never even consider it, nor would it enter my mind.

But these two, they knew they were related and when the attraction began, they kept living together and, well, one would say kept allowing it to continue. As I said before, I feel sorry for them and think at this point they should just be left alone. The damage is done and you can't turn back time. At the same time I also keep asking myself how this could have happened. The question of 'what in the hell were you thinking' is repeated in my mind.

What has had me thinking however is the children. Even if the children are not born with any abnormalities and are allowed to live with them, would they tell their children that it is 'ok' for them to have a relationship with each other? Because if the children also have a sexual relationship with each other as sibblings, then this would surely increase the risk of abnormalities that incest can produce, seeing that the children are themselves a product of incest.
As Robert Anton Heinlein once wrote in a story, "If it's sinful it's more fun".

So to is my feeling on this matter... go find the story about a female that met her cousin years after they'd been apart, then she heard all her friends saying he was HOT and couldn't resist him. They were in the same bed during some sorta party being thrown, she had her panties on and his underwear was off... he got turned on and just banged the girl. It's on that site umm I'll look later I'm at work :L
That's irrelevant, draqon.
Queen Victoria passed the hemophilia gene on without any help from Prince Alfred (who was her cousin). The result would have been the same no matter who the father was.
I remember the first time I had 'forbidden love'.
Her soft hair, felt like silk against my fingers, her teeth etching tender maps on my shoulder as I ponunded her.
She scratched me, something aweful, but I could not stop, even when I felt the warm blood reach my sweaty butt-crack.

Then it was over and her soft purring was my reward.
I gave her a dish of milk and she gave me that cold glance before she ran for the window.
Well, geez, that's what women are for, for god's sake! In fact, other than cleaning and caring for the kids, that's about all that they're good for! :D

Baron Max

Why not post your real name and address here and show that you are a man who can stand by your principles?
And that would prove ......what???

Baron Max

It would show that you don't mind, for example, women reading the shit you post about them while they also know precisely who you are. In other words so that some of the sexist shit you write could actually reach people you come into contact with. You know, so word could get around.

For some reason you find your own thoughts on women as somehow kinda cool. Like some drunk frat guy drunk in the corner waxing profound on what women are for.

You also are critical of wimps and generally have a kind of tought guy libertarian stance.

Live up to it.

You could show us you are not afraid to stand by your words, like the macho non-wimp you are. Why continue spouting adolescent comments while hiding behind an adolescent fake name, Baron?

Role model non-wimpiness.
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