For those of you that dont believe in the bible

The temptations I am referring to are those of the other false religions that have obviously failed the test of time. If you truly believe that christianity is a religion based on other religions ideas, well then I feel sorry for you. And what I mean by open minded is someone that considers everything and makes a reasonable judgement based on his or her opinions. And I am not saying they are wrong, Well I am, but that is just my opinion. And every person is entitled to their own opinion.
Originally posted by mossfan125
I dont know why you would call me a little worm, I am probably bigger than you and could beat your ass with ease. And you know what, FUCK YOUR PARENTS.

There's that nice christian attitude...
Originally posted by mossfan125
The temptations I am referring to are those of the other false religions that have obviously failed the test of time.
Like Buddhism? Yeah, that sure was a surprise when that vanished from the world... Idiot.
You didnt mention buddhism in your little history lesson you gave me earlier. you mentioned Mithraism, zoroastriniasm, and Akkadian. I didn't say anything about buddhism. You shouldn't make things up just because you dont have a reasonable arguement.
Originally posted by mossfan125
You didnt mention buddhism in your little history lesson you gave me earlier. you mentioned Mithraism, zoroastriniasm, and Akkadian. I didn't say anything about buddhism. You shouldn't make things up just because you dont have a reasonable arguement.
I made up Buddhism? You're an idiot.

Zoroastrianism is still practiced today. The Akkadian culture became the Palestinian culture, so is also still extant. And people still practice Mithraism, although now they call it christianity.
"I dont know why you would call me a little worm, I am probably bigger than you and could beat your ass with ease. And you know what, FUCK YOUR PARENTS."

You know, according to some deep bible-thumpers you've just sealed your deal to hell.

"The temptations I am referring to are those of the other false religions that have obviously failed the test of time"

What about the religions that have lasted longer than Christianity?
Well that would explain why your an athiest. The only ticket to hell is not accepting jesus christ as your saviour and I already have(accepted jesus as my saviour) so I have nothing to worry about.
mossfan, I have nothing to worry about
Except that you might be wrong especially since 70% of the world's population are not Christian and believe something else. That should at least give you pause to think that as a minority, you could well be completely wrong.

You might also consider that the historical evidence for the bible (NT) is either near to zero or is actually zero. Your apparent unwavering belief in the bible tends to indicate you have not independently tried to verify the validity of the bible but have instead based your beliefs on what other believers have said.


So, as long as you say "I accept Jesus", you're allowed to be an insulting, rude, annoying, idiotic freak as much as you want, and you still get into heaven?
Everyone sins, so to answer your question yes I can. I can be as annoying as I want to whoever I want and still get in heaven because the lord forgives all. Thats where jesus comes in. He died for my sins so I can insult all that dont believe in him. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Originally posted by mossfan125
Everyone sins, so to answer your question yes I can. I can be as annoying as I want to whoever I want and still get in heaven because the lord forgives all. Thats where jesus comes in. He died for my sins so I can insult all that dont believe in him. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You are everything that is wrong with organised religion.

You see this folks? This is a troll. Yes, a troll.

Do not feed it. Let it starve to death. Thank you for your time and patience.

Although I must admire our necrophiliac little troll. He's found the only person who will ever love him unconditionally, in spite of his sins - and what's more, that person will never ever stop.

'Cuz they've been dead for 2000 years! They don't even have a say in the matter! Jesus loves mossfan125 because Jesus is mossfan125's own construct.

*Xev grins and then bursts into a sort of holy laughter*

Necrophilia rocks.
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Yes, you're right. Mossfan125 is just someone being silly with us. Nobody could really be that stupid...
Hey, he is at least not talking about demon pizza......


Besides, I like his approach to life. All humans desire to feel loved. mossfan125 controls this desire by making a 2000 year old dead dude be the one who loves him.

And unconditionally, no less! It's great! He's a genius! I mean, I could go on and on about how brilliant this son of a bitch is (vodka is truely a great thing). Think about it. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of man, of what man could be. And those of us who really think about such things realize what a tragedy this is, and those with true potential hate ourselves for it.

But we need to assuage this self-hatred. What better than to deify man! To create a messiah of mankind, an overman of sorts, a truely great human being, then to crucify him and - and here is where things get very brilliant -

HE FORGIVES YOU! All that you've done, all that you've failed to be, every potential that you've squandered, as corrupt as you have become - he forgives you for all of it and he loves you in spite of your sins against yourself, in spite of your sins against your potential.

Christians realize this, they just don't see that sin is not against GOD - God is dead! - sin is against man! More appropriatly, sin is against what man could be!

Fuck all, it's Xev's atheistic deification of man become Christian! The unthinkable! I've become a Christian! A Nietzschean Christian!

I'm also somewhat drunk. :p
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Three southern fundamentalistic over muscly 'Christian' guys were waiting for me after the show.

*One of them pushes me*


"We don't like what you said about Christians in there!"

"And you guys are Christians, true Christians?"

"We sure are!"

"Then stop pushing me and forgive me..."

- the great Bill Hicks.
Originally posted by Xev
Besides, I like his approach to life. All humans desire to feel loved. mossfan125 controls this desire by making a 2000 year old dead dude be the one who loves him.

And unconditionally, no less! It's great! He's a genius! I mean, I could go on and on about how brilliant this son of a bitch is (vodka is truely a great thing). Think about it. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of man, of what man could be. And those of us who really think about such things realize what a tragedy this is, and those with true potential hate ourselves for it.

But we need to assuage this self-hatred. What better than to deify man! To create a messiah of mankind, an overman of sorts, a truely great human being, then to crucify him and - and here is where things get very brilliant -

HE FORGIVES YOU! All that you've done, all that you've failed to be, every potential that you've squandered, as corrupt as you have become - he forgives you for all of it and he loves you in spite of your sins against yourself, in spite of your sins against your potential.

Christians realize this, they just don't see that sin is not against GOD - God is dead! - sin is against man! More appropriatly, sin is against what man could be!

There's an Australian movie in which the bad guy is all of the above... but for the life of me I can't remember what it's called. It wasn't very good anyway.
Re: Why?

*Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
Why do some theists just make total idiots of themselves?

We all started out as atheists, and some of us haven't been cleaned up yet.