For those of you that dont believe in the bible


Registered Senior Member
I've heard this from so many different people that it's not even funny..... "some guy created the bible to entertain people and/or make people believe he's a messiah" Now for those of you that think that way, think about this... Why would some guy or girl or what have you write the bible down when in doing that it would take years upon years to write, not to mention for no publicity or monetary reward because people did not buy books back then. let me know your thoughts on this subject, thanks
Well first off, nobody wrote "the bible" - it was assembled in its final form from a lot of sources following the council of nicaea. They also decided which bits to throw out, as an aside....

As to who wrote the "bits"... Many historians will write summaries, articles, analyses, etc. for no financial gain, simply because they're interested in the subject. That does not autmatically mean they are correct in their analysis. Not only that, but if you give several historians the task of summarising an event or series of events independantly of each other, they will all come up with different stories. Sounds kinda familiar.... doesn't it?

I would agree with you that those who say "its just a story" are obviously incorrect, because the bible seems to have some form of historical basis. That does NOT mean, though, that it is in way true to actual events, nor, as the church would have it, that the council of Nicaea was "inspired by god" when they gathered the "official" versions into one final document.
Originally posted by Squid Vicious
I would agree with you that those who say "its just a story" are obviously incorrect, because the bible seems to have some form of historical basis. That does NOT mean, though, that it is in way true to actual events, nor, as the church would have it, that the council of Nicaea was "inspired by god" when they gathered the "official" versions into one final document.

No it's not just a story, it's a series of short stories, some that are sequels to previous ones.:p
The bible is full of short stories, you are correct about that. But they're all part of one big story which is the bible. And all of it's meanings and stories are the true testements of the lord jesus.
To answer your question - I would do it.
If I thought there was the slightest chance of my book becoming a hundredth as accepted as the bible is I would take the time to make it as realistic as possible and however long it might take to write the entire thing out by hand.

Why? Because it's fucking hilarious to see people making idiots of themselves.
so what your saying is you would write a 1000 page book only to recieve publicity and exceptance 1500 years later. I highly doubt it.
Are you kidding?? Of course!!! What could possibly be funnier? I would laugh my ass for the rest of my life if just ONE person accepted my book as truth let alone a whole group!!!!! And if I thought that in the future millions would accept it?? Holy shit!!! I would probably piss myself multiple times at just how hilarious it is!!!!! I would write a 10,000 page book to do that!!!!
So what is your take on the bible, are you an athiest and believe that someone like yourself wrote the bible for self amusement. Or do you believe in the good word of our lord and saviour jesus christ.

Okay, try to take in these few ideas please.

- The christian religion and bible were developed over a long period by many different people, collecting and collating stories from other religions and cultures.

For example:

- The entire "god sends his son down to die for our sins" thing, including the bit about rising three days after his death, was stolen from Mithraism.
- The demons and angels, it seems to me, was nicked from Zoroastrianism.
- The whole Noah's Ark story was pinched from the Akkadians.
- The goat-legged devil? Pan.

Every damn thing in that book was ripped off from somewhere else, incorporated into their new religion because it was far easier than making stuff up anew. Also it was easier to simply change a few terms and continue old stories than to try getting cultures to entirely dump their old beliefs.

Scientology is an exmple of someone making up a religion just for the hell of it. Or for being remembered after death. It has no basis in reality, the guy just did it.
How are you so sure that the bible supposedly "ripped off" these religions. How do you know that those religions didn't rip off the bible. unless you are hundreds of years old, you have no proof of the statements you just mentioned.
Oh you silly kid. Records of earlier religions and such prove it. For example, clay tablets from Akkadian culture which predate the christian mythology by a long time, containing the same story? Think about it.
mossfan you should probably think about reading something before you reply.

First off, it's not a good idea, generally, to summarize an entire people and that's what you seem to be doing about atheists thinking the bible was a joke by some guys. I'm guessing you have some friends that believe that.

I said I would do it (and that's true) - but I highly doubt that is the way the bible was written.

Second, the way Adam knows they didn't rip off the bible is because they ALL came BEFORE Christ was supposedly born. Do a little research.

"So what is your take on the bible, are you an athiest and believe that someone like yourself wrote the bible for self amusement. Or do you believe in the good word of our lord and saviour jesus christ."

The bible was likely developed like every other of the thousands of religions that came before it. People like to believe in magic men, so they make up magic men. I doubt someone wrote it for self amusement in the way you are asking.
I have a question adam, where were the following religions/cultures based (geographically)

Originally posted by mossfan125
I have a question adam, where were the following religions/cultures based (geographically)

Well, I couldn't be bothered checking for exact locations in my books and such, but as far as I recall right now (and I'm drunk):
- Mithraism: Around the north and east shores of the Mediterranean.
- Zoroastrianism: Persia.
- Akkadians: Mesopotamia.
What is the one thing that will give a human being eternal life? Believing in jesus christ. Now I am not trying to offend you in any way when I say this, but you are a very close minded person. Why would god give us ultimate proof of jesus? He wouldn't because everyone would believe in him, thats not a bad thing
but im sure the lord would only want the faithful and smart people(that can see past all those false supposed proofs of the non-
existence of jesus) into heaven. So your just buying into all those temptations that god has laid out for you. It's not your fault you were probably just raised up that way.

Originally posted by mossfan125
What is the one thing that will give a human being eternal life? Believing in jesus christ. Now I am not trying to offend you in any way when I say this, but you are a very close minded person. Why would god give us ultimate proof of jesus? He wouldn't because everyone would believe in him, thats not a bad thing
but im sure the lord would only want the faithful and smart people(that can see past all those false supposed proofs of the non-
existence of jesus) into heaven. So your just buying into all those temptations that god has laid out for you. It's not your fault you were probably just raised up that way.

As a non-denominational theist, I would say becareful with these atheists.

They will..err...literally gang rape you up the ass...:D

Or in other words...counter what you have said with great ease.

They can say YOU were raised up that way, it's not YOUR fault either. You can apply such reasoning to any one person. In debates it fairly hard to challenge.

Goodluck, and atheists, one at a time gang rapes allowed!! :mad: :p :D

What is the one thing that will give a human being eternal life?

Believing in jesus christ. Now I am not trying to offend you in any way when I say this, but you are a very close minded person.
Actually, when you say someone is wrong for not sharing your beliefs, that is awfully close to facism.

Why would god give us ultimate proof of jesus? He wouldn't because everyone would believe in him, thats not a bad thing
but im sure the lord would only want the faithful and smart people(that can see past all those false supposed proofs of the non-
existence of jesus) into heaven.
Ah I see. Thanks. You've cleared it up nicely.

So your just buying into all those temptations that god has laid out for you.
What temptations? You name some temptations and I'll tell you if they tempt me or not.

It's not your fault you were probably just raised up that way.
Don't insult my parents you pathetic little worm.
I dont know why you would call me a little worm, I am probably bigger than you and could beat your ass with ease. And you know what, FUCK YOUR PARENTS.
Re: Mossfan125

Originally posted by Adam

Bingo! :cool:

Actually, when you say someone is wrong for not sharing your beliefs, that is awfully close to facism.

Define what an "open-minded" person is first mossfan125.

Is it someone that believes everything? Or is it one that considers everything?

You did not explicitly state, "they are wrong" - I just hope you aren't infering that, are you?

What temptations? You name some temptations and I'll tell you if they tempt me or not.

LOL, this will be fun...:D