For the atheists

Or lack of them. Actually, ignore that. It's a patent nonsense.
if an atheist has a view that claims to god are delusional on the basis of their personal experience (which encompasses a very insignificant part of the "real" world), how is that any different from a person making the claim that oceanographers are deluded on the basis of inspecting their bathroom sink?

From the author of "The End of Faith"(Dawkin's review: "The End of Faith by Sam Harris is a genuinely frightening book about terrorism, and the central role played by religion in justifying and rewarding it. Others blame “extremists” who “distort” the “true” message of religion. Harris goes to the root of the problem: religion itself. Even moderate religion is a menace, because it leads us to respect and “cherish the idea that certain fantastic propositions can be believed without evidence”. Why do men like Bin Laden commit their hideous cruelties? The answer is that they “actually believe what they say they believe”. Read Sam Harris and wake up.")

Religion can be occultism. It can pacify and it can brainwash. It can also provide salvation to those who feel they have no other option.
if an atheist has a view that claims to god are delusional on the basis of their personal experience (which encompasses a very insignificant part of the "real" world), how is that any different from a person making the claim that oceanographers are deluded on the basis of inspecting their bathroom sink?

Except that I don't base my view on personal experience alone but rather the actual claims and evidence (or lack thereof) of religious people.
Except that I don't base my view on personal experience alone but rather the actual claims and evidence (or lack thereof) of religious people.
Unless you are referencing your own body of "evidence" or "logic", its not clear on what grounds you would dismiss theistic claims - eg - there is the claim that the soul is continues after the death of the body - how do you deem there is no evidence for that (without referencing your own experience as an authority)?
The thing about really being dead is that you can't tell anyone about it. Besides, there is no evidence for a soul, no phenomenon that can be seen or measured in any way.
its not clear on what grounds you would dismiss theistic claims - eg - there is the claim that the soul is continues after the death of the body

I suppose I should start up with this new practice..

"I can't say anything about those voices you hear in your head telling you to kill people unless and until I also hear those voices in my head telling me to kill people".

Well parts of it, the whole thing is kind of long (23 minutes), whats the difference my argument still holds up...this same guy Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins will tell you the reason Stalin killed over 20 million people (millions more than all religious wars combined)
Honestly, that is one of the most ignoratn things I've read on this site. You don't bother to listen to his actual argument but Know what he's gonna say. Nice.

wasn't because he was an atheist, it could NEVER have anything to do with the fact that the thought there was no karma, no heaven, no hell, no consequences of killing, but if a religious person kills then it MUST be because of religion, it can ONLY be because of their religious beliefs....great atheistic tactic...continue to preserve the atheistic faith at all cost...
The video has absolutely nothing to do with "atheistic faith." The simple fact is that much killingis done in the name of religion. Aisde from the fact that your term "atheistic faith" is completely meaningless, it has nothing to do with this thread.
lightgigantic, you married a woman that wasn't a virgin, therefore God requires that we stone you to death. What do you have to say now?
if an atheist has a view that claims to god are delusional on the basis of their personal experience (which encompasses a very insignificant part of the "real" world), how is that any different from a person making the claim that oceanographers are deluded on the basis of inspecting their bathroom sink?

It isn't, but the person can be taken to the ocean. It's much harder to make a person have a religous experience ins't it?
From the author of "The End of Faith"(Dawkin's review: "The End of Faith by Sam Harris...
I noticed he said we have faith against faith, Christian against Muslim against Jews....

No mention of Buddhism or Hinduism or polytheism....
Honestly, that is one of the most ignoratn things I've read on this site. You don't bother to listen to his actual argument but Know what he's gonna say. Nice.
Actually I did watch the whole thing, typical atheistic propaganda (promoting the atheistic faith), calling something ignorant without explaining how its so is exactly what atheism is ALL about...

grover said:
The video has absolutely nothing to do with "atheistic faith." The simple fact is that much killingis done in the name of religion. Aisde from the fact that your term "atheistic faith" is completely meaningless, it has nothing to do with this thread.
Yes it does, just like Dawkins says, he wrote his book just to convert more people into atheists, this is what Dawkins HIMSELF says....

Why doesn't the guy speak out against atrocities committed by atheists? I know why, it doesn't serve his purpose, which is too ridicule religion, make fun of people who aren't atheists, then take the victim stance to make it look like atheists are always the victims, and we should all feel sorry for the poor atheists and hate religion...

To quote Sam Harris "We do not respect people's beliefs"...that sums up atheism "Everyone besides me is just another delusional fool, lets ridicule them, make fun of them, then say well if you had some type of hypothetical evidence which I can't tell you, then I would believe you, even though I can never tell you what can be considered as evidence, if you had evidence I would believe you"

I speak out against ALL atrocities, ALL killings, regardless of its atheists or theists doing the killings and horrible acts, this guy however ONLY targets see the difference?
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Actually I did watch the whole thing, typical atheistic propaganda (promoting the atheistic faith), calling something ignorant without explaining how its so is exactly what atheism is ALL about...
Actually, Harris is against the taboo against not being able to question someones faith based beliefs. Didn't you notice the part at the end when he says something to the effect of getting rid of faith means we have to get rid of a spirituality.

Yes it does, just like Dawkins says, he wrote his book convert more people into atheists, this is what Dawkins HIMSELF says....[/QUOTES]
Where does Dawkins say this?

Why doesn't the guy speak out against atrocities committed by atheists?
What exact atrocities are these that are being committed again?

I know why, it doesn't serve his purpose, which is too ridicule religion,

make fun of people who aren't atheists, then take the victim stance to make it look like atheists are always the victims, and we should all feel sorry for the poor atheists and hate religion...
To quote Sam Harris "We do not respect people's beliefs"...
Let's see the whole quote.
that sums up atheism "Everyone besides me is just another delusional fool, lets ridicule them, make fun of them, then say well if you had some type of hypothetical evidence which I can't tell you, then I would believe you, even though I can never tell you what can be considered as evidence, if you had evidence I would believe you"
So you think its reasonable to think that Jesus Christ is going to float down form the clouds at some point and save all believers?

I speak out against ALL atrocities, ALL killings, regardless of its atheists or theists doing the killings and horrible acts, this guy however ONLY targets see the difference?
What atrocities have been committed in the name of atheism again?
Actually, Harris is against the taboo against not being able to question someones faith based beliefs. Didn't you notice the part at the end when he says something to the effect of getting rid of faith means we have to get rid of a spirituality.
Yeah, don't know how this contradicts anything I've said, "you're ignorant and wrong because your belief just doesn't sound true, its sounds like a fantasy, case closed" thats the atheistic argument...

grover said:
Where does Dawkins say this?
He says it all his interviews...just go watch some on youtube...

grover said:
What exact atrocities are these that are being committed again?
What do you mean? Go look it up, we have atheists going into churches and killing thousands and atheists saying "well it doesn't matter, it can NEVER be because of atheism"...we have Stalin going after religious advocates and killing them and atheists saying "well it doesn't matter, it can NEVER be because of atheism"

I'm sure ALL atheists will INSIST that Stalin killing over 20 million, you know more than every religious war combined times FIVE, had nothing to do with atheism, it doesn't matter it can NEVER be because of atheism, it just can't be, it just can't be...but if someone in the crusades kills then IT MUST be because of religion, not politics, it can NEVER be politics or other factors, it can ONLY be religion...great atheistic tactic...anything making religion look bad it must be true, anything else must be false...

grover said:

Can you please explain why someone's wrong instead of just saying "wrong" like atheists enjoy doing "you're wrong, God doesn't exist, you're just wrong"

grover said:
Let's see the whole quote.
The whole quote is not any different, he just talks about beliefs in history, but then encourages people to not respect others

grover said:
So you think its reasonable to think that Jesus Christ is going to float down form the clouds at some point and save all believers?
Well logically its not reasonable, but disbelieving this is also not reasonable, the only reasonable thing is to netiher believe nor disbelieve and say its unknown if its true or false...

I don't believe you should ridicule people's beliefs, atheists do...thereby reconfirming what I just said (which you said was just "wrong" without explanation)...
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Well logically its not reasonable, but disbelieving this is also not reasonable, the only reasonable thing is to netiher believe nor disbelieve and say its unknown if its true or false...
So in other words anything goes? So if I tell you that I think superheroes are real you have no chocie but to respect my beliefs? Or that the tooth fairy is real? Or that the Lord of the Rings really happened once?

I don't believe you should ridicule people's beliefs
Okay, so its alright that muslim fundamentalists are blowing up innocent people because they think they'll get 72 virgins. You are defending murder, what does that have to do with peace?

atheists do...thereby reconfirming what I just said (which you said was just "wrong" without explanation)...

These points your making don't really have anything to do with Harris' point so open a different thread if you want to discuss them. If you have a comment to make on something related to what Harris said I'd like to hear it.
Stalin lasted what, 30 years or so? Religious inquisitions lasted from the 12th to the 19th centuries, and killed nearly 54 million people, and that's just the Native Americans. That's the difference between a totalitarian dictator and religion- the power to corrupt for thousands of years.
Religion is a great enforcer of conscience which you will lose in an atheist utopia.
is it REALLY?
how could it when after misbehaving or even commiting some of the so called "sins"
all you have to do pray sincerely.. ask for forgiveness ,accept jebus and be back on your merry ways of sinning the next day!

why is it that most religious part of US, the bible belt has the highest number of divorces and crime and poverty