For the atheists

Atheism is not a start to making people behave better. Atheism is a dead end in that regard. Why should I act kindly towards an atheist, when everything is meaningless anyway? Might as well act as badly as possible while avoiding possible consequences. That's the logical thing to do.
No it isn't. That's what we non-believers call: "asking for trouble".
So the invisible hand of public condemnation will keep all the atheists in line, will it? Will keep them doing good works and giving to charities? Will keep those lemon aid stands for cancer ridden children running smooth? I doubt that.
If lemonade stands for cancer-stricken children is your beacon of hope for the world, whilst governments continue to spend trillions per annum on instruments of torture and destruction, we're in serious trouble.

Safe to say, I'm no big believer in charity.
So you want the heavy hand of the law to come down on the atheist utopia? Their respect for the law will only be as great as their odds of being caught for breaking it. Religion is a great enforcer of conscience which you will lose in an atheist utopia.
Atheist utopia? You're getting slightly trippy now, but I'll try to stay with you.

I'm not an atheist. I am agnostic though, which is the next best thing.

I have no impulse to break the law.

The same atheists who say this are the same ones that say "the reason Stalin did these horrible things wasn't because he was an atheist" ROFL...

It should be quite needless to point out that communism and atheism are two entirely different things - indeed communism in itself is a form of religion.

You very well might have a serial killing atheist but you wont find him killing for his lack of belief in gods whereas history will clearly show you that many do kill because of a belief in gods and belief that they are doing his will.

Why should I act kindly towards an atheist, when everything is meaningless anyway? Might as well act as badly as possible while avoiding possible consequences. That's the logical thing to do.

Horse poo. Monkeys don't have gods or heavens or hells or jails or legal systems and yet you don't find them just going around killing each other for no good reason. If you "act as badly as possible" your own survival prospects become minimal - so no, it isn't the 'logical' thing to do at all.
Atheism is not a start to making people behave better. Atheism is a dead end in that regard. Why should I act kindly towards an atheist, when everything is meaningless anyway? Might as well act as badly as possible while avoiding possible consequences. That's the logical thing to do.

I think it is one facet of rejecting irrational beliefs of all kinds. Atheism isn't Nihilism, things can be meaningful in relation to other things. It's not logical to behave as badly as possible.
So the invisible hand of public condemnation will keep all the atheists in line, will it?

-So the "visible" hand of church condemnation will keep all the theist in line, will it?

Religion is a great enforcer of conscience which you will lose in an atheist utopia.

-Why is that, I had stronger conscience when I was child and did know next to nothing about any religion. People are still stoned to death by religious people. Maybe we just have bad religions ? We cant love each other without religion ?
It should be quite needless to point out that communism and atheism are two entirely different things - indeed communism in itself is a form of religion.

You very well might have a serial killing atheist but you wont find him killing for his lack of belief in gods whereas history will clearly show you that many do kill because of a belief in gods and belief that they are doing his will.
Anyone can easily argue that atheists kill because they're atheists, materialists, empircists....why does it only apply to religion and not anything else?

I'll tell you, its because atheists have to preserve the atheistic faith at all cost, anything that goes against atheism they have to rule out and ignore, but all things that apparently go against religion, they must emphasize and point out....

All praise the atheistic faith..."we have belief without evidence, but its not faith"....
Typical projection of religious dogmatic belief systems on those that lack it entirely.
Atheism is characterised by an absence, an emptiness, of religious belief. It's a vacuum into which you can fire any other belief(s) of your choosing, for better or for worse. Therefore it doesn't, in and of itself, actually contain anything than can be 'preserved'.

Atheism and faith do not go that so hard to grasp

Atheism is characterised by an absence, an emptiness, of religious belief. It's a vacuum into which you can fire any other belief(s) of your choosing, for better or for worse. Therefore it doesn't, in and of itself, actually contain anything than can be 'preserved'.


Right guys, I agree, even though atheists have belief without evidence (also known as faith) that there is no God, no karma, no heaven, no hell, no soul, some how its not faith, even though it matches the exact definition of guys win on this...

Right guys, I agree, even though atheists have belief without evidence (also known as faith) that there is no God, no karma, no heaven, no hell, no soul, some how its not faith, even though it matches the exact definition of guys win on this...


Extraordinary claims without evidence can also be rejected without evidence.
I dont believe in god because there is no proof of his existence, but find me proof, and I'd be hard pressed to say he didnt exist, or just stupid
Actually it's a lack of belief in the absence of evidence. Which is quite different.

Are you sure? I thought it was a lack of belief due to absence of evidence supplanting a belief in a possibility of evidence of absence?
Are you being deliberately obtuse? Whose belief in a possible "evidence of absence"? I'm not going to waste my time responding to gibberish.

Incidentally, I always feel slightly uncomfortable defending atheists. I'm not one.
Anyone can easily argue that atheists kill because they're atheists

That's like saying that aleprechaunists kill because they don't believe in leprechauns. The statement is daft when you actually put some thought into it.

why does it only apply to religion and not anything else?

It applies to things other than just religion, but a lack of belief is hardly a motivation. A "belief" is motivation, a lack of belief can never be. So yes, you can get someone who is anti-religious and thus goes about killing religious folk - his belief leads to him killing others, but atheism in itself, (a lack of belief in gods), much like aleprechaunism can never be espoused as motivation.

The problem now is you reconciling your misunderstanding as to what atheism is.

Religion is a big motivation by its very nature. From a biblical perspective you have god telling his people to go and slaughter men, women, children and animals without mercy - and whether this god ultimately exists or not, it was the belief that lead to the action. Further than that you have irreconcilable differences from religion to religion and indeed within each individual religion, (protestant/catholic etc). That's why it's a problem.

I'll tell you, its because atheists have to preserve the atheistic faith at all cost, anything that goes against atheism they have to rule out and ignore, but all things that apparently go against religion, they must emphasize and point out....

Extraordinarily naive.

All praise the atheistic faith..."we have belief without evidence, but its not faith"....

While your statement is highly inaccurate, am I to understand from it that you have a serious dislike to 'faith'? You seem to be under the impression that faith is a stupid thing but then feel if you can lump it on everyone else then it somehow makes it less stupid if you live by it. I find the notion quite bizarre myself.

Anyway tell me.. is your lack of belief in martians 'faith'? How about your lack of belief in zeus or apollo?
After listening to Sam Harris for 5 minutes, it became obvious where a lot of the atheist posters on this site get their beliefs from ....