For the atheists


Registered Senior Member

From the author of "The End of Faith"(Dawkin's review: "The End of Faith by Sam Harris is a genuinely frightening book about terrorism, and the central role played by religion in justifying and rewarding it. Others blame “extremists” who “distort” the “true” message of religion. Harris goes to the root of the problem: religion itself. Even moderate religion is a menace, because it leads us to respect and “cherish the idea that certain fantastic propositions can be believed without evidence”. Why do men like Bin Laden commit their hideous cruelties? The answer is that they “actually believe what they say they believe”. Read Sam Harris and wake up.")
lmao! A thread for the atheists in the Religion forum! :roflmao:
Stop it before I shit myself! :D
I have heard Dawkins' argument before. He says that moderate religion paves the way for extremism, which is really just moderates who really believe what they read, in most cases. Even if their particular religion doesn't offer extremist views, the idea that we should believe things without evidence is dangerous. Believing certain things with evidence can also be a danger, but at least you are then open to new evidence.
Religion is a how to book on living. If someone wants to get you to live badly, such as Bin Laden, an appeal to religion is a way to do it. Without religion, you would still have guidelines for living. Bad people will still attempt to corrupt those guidelines for their own ends. Religion is not the problem. Bad people are the problem.
I will agree that religon is not the only problem. If you go that route then you need to say that the things that make people violent are the problem, TV violence ect. Then you can go even farther and say people are the problem...and we cant get rid of all the people now.....or can we =p
Religion is a how to book on living. If someone wants to get you to live badly, such as Bin Laden, an appeal to religion is a way to do it. Without religion, you would still have guidelines for living. Bad people will still attempt to corrupt those guidelines for their own ends. Religion is not the problem. Bad people are the problem.

No, a guide to living does not amount to a religion.
Every religion may have as an aspect of it, a guide to living. That doesn't mean that any guide to living is automatically a religion.
I find it pretty strange that this video is over twenty minutes long and there is already 10 posts on here in under twenty minutes. This thread was started for people interested in watching the video and commenting on it.
Well, name a religion that isn't a guide to living.
Category error: just because guides to living aren't all releigions does not mean that all religions are not guides to life.
Spidergoat's coment implies religion is a subset of "life guides".
The same atheists who say this are the same ones that say "the reason Stalin did these horrible things wasn't because he was an atheist" only applies to religion and anything that favors atheism but not anything else ahahahaha

These atheistic tactics are hilarious
Well, that just makes my point. Religions are guides to living. Sure, some guides to living may not be religions, but all religions are guides. Bad people will corrupt non-religious guides to living to do bad things, even if all religions are eliminated.
The same atheists who say this are the same ones that say "the reason Stalin did these horrible things wasn't because he was an atheist" only applies to religion and anything that favors atheism but not anything else ahahahaha

These atheistic tactics are hilarious

Well that's true. Atheism wasn't his motivation. Atheism isn't a panacea, but it's a start.
Atheism is not a start to making people behave better. Atheism is a dead end in that regard. Why should I act kindly towards an atheist, when everything is meaningless anyway? Might as well act as badly as possible while avoiding possible consequences. That's the logical thing to do.
Did you watch the Vid vital?

Well parts of it, the whole thing is kind of long (23 minutes), whats the difference my argument still holds up...this same guy Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins will tell you the reason Stalin killed over 20 million people (millions more than all religious wars combined) wasn't because he was an atheist, it could NEVER have anything to do with the fact that the thought there was no karma, no heaven, no hell, no consequences of killing, but if a religious person kills then it MUST be because of religion, it can ONLY be because of their religious beliefs....great atheistic tactic...continue to preserve the atheistic faith at all cost...
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