I was arguing against what I believe is bad philosophy of science, namely the claim that 'evolution is a fact' immediately following the claim that 'facts are observations'. The obvious inference there is that 'evolution is an observation'. But virtually all of the evolution that seemingly gave rise to the species observed today happened long before human beings were making scientific observations. In fact, most of it happened before human beings even existed.
And, as I have pointed out, you are wrong. Evolution has been directly observed in real time in both the lab and in Nature. Evolution is an observed fact, deal with that fact or stop bloviating. Yes, we have much evidence from the past, but we also have copious evidence of evolution's occurrence in the present, in the lifetime of a single researcher. That includes speciation. Can you bring yourself to deal with real facts as opposed to your uninformed opinions?
Nylon was first developed in 1935, yet a new species of bacteria exists able to live on byproducts of the process that
did not exist until Nylon started being manufactured in Japan after WW2.
"In 1975 a team of Japanese scientists discovered a strain of Flavobacterium, living in ponds containing waste water from a nylon factory, that was capable of digesting certain byproducts of nylon 6 manufacture, such as the linear dimer of 6-aminohexanoate.
These substances are not known to have existed before the invention of nylon in 1935. Further study revealed that
the three enzymes the bacteria were using to digest the byproducts were significantly different from any other enzymes produced by other Flavobacterium strains (or, for that matter, any other bacteria), and not effective on any material other than the manmade nylon byproducts."
IE an entirely new species of bacteria in just 30 years,
with new and unique enzymes not found in any other bacteria. That is why evolution is an observed fact. In addition, species exist today that did not exist long ago, they evolved from other, different species that no longer exist. If you go back in the fossil record about 400 million years, no species alive at that time had a single bone in their bodies, they had not yet evolved. So, the fossil record shows that lifeforms evolved, IE evolution occurred. IE Evolution is a fact.
I can give many examples of observed evolutionary events, in the lab and in the wild. The fact that evolution has been observed cannot be denied by rational actors, only by those ignorant of the evidence or resistant to facts that contradict their beliefs, which are you? Ignorance is easily fixed for those who are rational, for believers, not so much.
And extrapolating from facts to form theories is an entirely separate thing from observing the facts. Facts are the world's data, theories are explanations of the cause. Facts are what, theories are why. Facts don't change, theories are only as valid as their ability to explain all the relevant facts. From Darwin on, biologists have always emphasized the difference between the fact that evolution occurred and the theories that try to explain that fact. Yet you don't seem to understand the difference, even though you seem rational. leopold and others are resistant to facts because of their belief based world view, they reject uncomfortable truths that contradict those beliefs. Are you similarly hampered? Your belief that evolution is not a fact is wrong, do you accept new data? Can you discard your old invalid belief? If not, then you are in the same boat as all other believers, even if what you believe is closer to the truth you cannot change your belief given new data and you can't be a real scientist or even understand what science actually is. That is the reason there is no faith or belief in science. Scientism is an oxymoron. That's why belief and science are two diametrically opposed paradigms for looking at the world, but one is valid, the other is not.