For peaceful life among us here is an biblical advice

That's pantheism. My view is, if this is really true, we should be able to abandon the idea of God entirely, because it doesn't add anything to the idea of nature.
I don't have any problem with somebody posting a passage from some religious writing for discussion. It would be hard to discuss religious ideas at all, without real life examples.

Of course, that means that people must be willing to discuss the material.

Denouncing religious thought simply because it's religious isn't sufficient. That's how atheists often fail.

And just announcing some idea as scriptural truth with no further justification isn't sufficient either. That's how apologists typically fail.

I still want some explanation of how fear is supposedly the beginning of knowledge. And the question still stands whether fear is the most appropriate emotion for a theist to feel regarding God. Wouldn't love be better? The association of God with fear seems to suggest that God is a monster.

There's also the idea of just believing whatever one is told. Is that really wise? Wisdom and instruction need to come from sources qualified to convey them. So the question arises, how do we recognize sources of wisdom? Why should Hebrew proverbs be accorded that status if they don't otherwise make sense?

What do you mean real life examples ?

An atheist is a close minded individual for him religion is a NO NO NO, he does not allows a possibility of deity

I posted earlier but it did not registred , but here I com. I assume you are a parent and you have a skeptical child , you show your child fire , and you explain it that by touching he ir she will get burned and it hurts.
Your child is curious and skeptical , for curiosity he stick his hand and get burned . Now you have the knowledge, you explained made the kid aware , because his skepticism and and not using the parents wisdom got hurt.
You as a parent, who cares for your child informed the child of the danger plying with fire , but the child did not obeyed your admonition got hurt . You did not hurt the child the disobedience of the child caused the pain.
Not all Proverbs in the bible are Hebrew originated, Proverbs are a collection of peoples experiences in life.
Do you believe what have you been told in school ? or in scientific presentation ? who are the qualified sources ? Theory on a subject ? theory change as more evidence rise.
I suppose wisdom , is a collection of information analysed then used to achieve a desired goal
I hope it explains
An atheist is a close minded individual for him religion is a NO NO NO, he does not allows a possibility of deity
It's possible that some people think that way, but it's not typical of the atheist movement. Atheists are more likely to be open minded, but simply not convinced by existing arguments. Religious people are far more likely to be closed minded. They didn't come to God through reason, so they can't be reasoned out of it.
An atheist is a close minded individual for him religion is a NO NO NO, he does not allows a possibility of deity
He allows the possibility - he just doesn't believe it to be true at the time he says he's atheist.
If anyone is close-minded (and I don't think either side necessarily is, merely individuals can be) then it would be the theist who seems to shut himself off to the possibility that God does not exist.
So please stop with the bashing of atheists based on a mere caricature notion of what atheism is and/or means - such bashing is a seemingly common trend on this forum these days.
If you do wish to insult the atheists among us, do so with something sensible and actually well thought out rather than some apparent naive cliche such as you have done here.
I posted earlier but it did not registred , but here I com. I assume you are a parent and you have a skeptical child , you show your child fire , and you explain it that by touching he ir she will get burned and it hurts.
Your child is curious and skeptical , for curiosity he stick his hand and get burned . Now you have the knowledge, you explained made the kid aware , because his skepticism and and not using the parents wisdom got hurt.
You as a parent, who cares for your child informed the child of the danger plying with fire , but the child did not obeyed your admonition got hurt . You did not hurt the child the disobedience of the child caused the pain.
And the child obtains his knowledge not through fear of the parent, or fear of the fire, but through experience. That is where all knowledge ultimately comes from: experience. It is passed down through teaching, but until we ourselves experience what we are taught (in some way or other) we can never be sure that it really is knowledge, and until then we can/should only label it advice that we believe to be true.