For peaceful life among us here is an biblical advice

To be honest... this is kind of preaching... per Merriam Webster:

You are, quite simply, preaching timojin - especially as your original post had no question or point of discussion, but was delivered simply as a statement (presumably of fact)

Your analysis is questionable . I am not telling any body to repent , them it would be preaching ,
Other person ( Yasata ) apparently found something to discuss.
I don't know what the point of a "Religion" forum might be if we can't discuss what we read and think on the topic.
The proposed relationship between fear and knowledge needs more explanation. (My guess is that the Hebrew word translated as 'fear' may not mean precisely the same thing as our English word. If so, then that needs more explanation.)

I'm inclined to doubt that fear is the beginning of knowledge. It seems to me that skeptical curiosity might be the best path to knowledge.

And just spiritually speaking, is fear really the best attitude for theists to take regarding their God? Might love or respect or appreciation be better?

Isn't it equally foolish to credulously believe anything we are told? Wisdom and instruction need to come from sources qualified to convey them. Recognizing them is often the hard part.

I agree that our parents, and the traditions that they ideally represent, should be listened to and heeded.

Don't fall in with bad influences. Ok, I can agree with that.

But what if the bad influences pretend to be sources of wisdom and instruction? How do we know who we should be listening to?

Apparently you agree about parents influence . To me that Proverb 1 is an advice to a young person , I doubt you are a young person. Skeptical curiosity it depend on what . If I advice my child don't stick your hand into fire, and that child is skeptical on my advice and stick his hand into fire and get burn with pain , that definitively got him the knowledge the hard way to listen an advice .

God is our father ( creator ) . If I love my father I respect Him and listen to His advice . The father gives us good advice so we don't get hurt, since He have knowledge , therefore the fear is not because ( He will send bolt on me ) but the surrounding or environment will cause the pain.

Foolish to believe what we are told ///Please go on a busy highway and attempt to go 100/ mph. Ask an addict if heroin is addictive . Literature tells you cigarettes are harmful to your healt . You can run the experiment on yourself ( perhaps you will disapprove the literature ).
There's a difference between discussion and preaching.

ull Definition of PREACH
intransitive verb
1: to deliver a sermon
2: to urge acceptance or abandonment of an idea or course of action; specifically: to exhort in an officious or tiresome manner

transitive verb
1: to set forth in a sermon <preach the gospel>
2: to advocate earnestly <preached revolution>
3: to deliver (as a sermon) publicly
4: to bring, put, or affect by preaching <preached the … church out of debt — American Guide Series: Virginia>

Have I said anything beside post a copy
Have used the word we should ?
I was replying to Bowser there.

I don't really need that definition, but thanks?

Also you didn't raise a point of discussion.
What you did was create a thread titled "For peaceful life among us here is an biblical advice".
Then you gave a quote from the bible.
I was replying to Bowser there.

I don't really need that definition, but thanks?

Also you didn't raise a point of discussion.
What you did was create a thread titled "For peaceful life among us here is an biblical advice".
Then you gave a quote from the bible.

For the sake of discussion let me agree with, What alternative you folk do you have ?
Why would you presume that?
Because everything in nature serves a purpose. Ask me why I would presume houses don't spontaneously assemble from a pile of lumber, cars just fall together from raw steel, or cities simply appear without cause. We look at the forces of creation in our own lives and naturally lend that force to the larger world.

I'm not satisfied with the notion that the mechanisms of the universe and life are simply arbitrary coincidence.
I don't have any problem with somebody posting a passage from some religious writing for discussion. It would be hard to discuss religious ideas at all, without real life examples.

Of course, that means that people must be willing to discuss the material.

Denouncing religious thought simply because it's religious isn't sufficient. That's how atheists often fail.

And just announcing some idea as scriptural truth with no further justification isn't sufficient either. That's how apologists typically fail.

I still want some explanation of how fear is supposedly the beginning of knowledge. And the question still stands whether fear is the most appropriate emotion for a theist to feel regarding God. Wouldn't love be better? The association of God with fear seems to suggest that God is a monster.

There's also the idea of just believing whatever one is told. Is that really wise? Wisdom and instruction need to come from sources qualified to convey them. So the question arises, how do we recognize sources of wisdom? Why should Hebrew proverbs be accorded that status if they don't otherwise make sense?
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I still want some explanation of how fear is supposedly the beginning of knowledge. And the question still stands whether fear is the most appropriate emotion for a theist to feel regarding God. Wouldn't love be better? The association of God with fear seems to suggest that God is a monster.

It would seem that God holds the power of life and death. I don't subscribe to the idea that he holds a gun to our heads, but I understand why some people do.

There's also the idea of just believing whatever one is told. Is that really wise? Wisdom and instruction need to come from sources qualified to convey them. So the question arises, how do we recognize sources of wisdom? Why should Hebrew proverbs be accorded that status if they don't otherwise make sense?

I suppose if you look at the success of others (father and mother), and use them as an examples, it would be wise to listen. Looking at the success of the Hebrew religion and its successor, there might be an incentive to consider its validity.
Because everything in nature serves a purpose. Ask me why I would presume houses don't spontaneously assemble from a pile of lumber, cars just fall together from raw steel, or cities simply appear without cause. We look at the forces of creation in our own lives and naturally lend that force to the larger world.

I'm not satisfied with the notion that the mechanisms of the universe and life are simply arbitrary coincidence.
They aren't arbitrary, nor are they purposeful. What's the purpose of cancer?
They aren't arbitrary, nor are they purposeful. What's the purpose of cancer?
They are the product of creation. You can't look at the diversity around us and not assign an agent of force. What I call God, you might call nature.

The purpose of cancer is to kill, or so it would seem.
They are the product of creation. You can't look at the diversity around us and not assign an agent of force. What I call God, you might call nature.

The purpose of cancer is to kill, or so it would seem.
God and nature aren't the same concepts.
God and nature aren't the same concepts.
I actually ran into someone on SF years ago who took issue with my use of the word "nature." If we attribute all of the forces of nature to a God, then I believe they are the same concept, but I'm not looking to argue over the point.