For James R. 'The Honest Theist'.

just because you don't understand him doesn't mean he needs to see a fucking doctor. :mad:
Does he sound coherent to you? Does he ever sound coherent? It's not a matter of spelling (though he gets your/you're and there/their mixed up) or English not being his first language, his manner of posting seems to imply he thinks in that manner. If someone struggles to hold even basic conversations then something is wrong.
Does he sound coherent to you? Does he ever sound coherent? It's not a matter of spelling (though he gets your/you're and there/their mixed up) or English not being his first language, his manner of posting seems to imply he thinks in that manner. If someone struggles to hold even basic conversations then something is wrong.

i don't understand a lot of what he says, but i do understand where he's coming from. i don't think it's drug-induced, and i don't think drugs are the answer.

there are things that some people go through that are so "out there" that it's nearly impossible to speak about them "coherently". that doesn't mean that they're sick, it just means you don't get it, and don't feel bad, because no one else does either. it was isolating and frustrating for me but i don't get the impression it is for mekigal.
Then how can he answer phlog's question?

He can't. Phlog is asking because James gave him a warning or something for suggesting there is no such thing as an honest theist. I guess he assumed james reacted negatively because he himself is a theist but alas he is not.
Does he sound coherent to you? Does he ever sound coherent? It's not a matter of spelling (though he gets your/you're and there/their mixed up) or English not being his first language, his manner of posting seems to imply he thinks in that manner. If someone struggles to hold even basic conversations then something is wrong.

You know I like to think of your a smart guy . You not understanding me worries Me. If you are best the human race has to offer in the way of the male species then man is one stupid animal . You don't have a clue do you. F--ck Alpha male all that math and still can't put it together. There is rhythm to it all dude. I don't know why you can't find it? You need a women to teach you is all I can say .
i didn't realize james r was a theist.

James isn't a theist.

For the purposes of this thread, I will argue the theist position to the best of my ability. I am quite happy for other people to participate too. My aim here is to show phlogistician that being a theist is not "unreasonable".

This thread was prompted by another one in which phlogistician was arguing essentially that theists shouldn't be given the time of day on sciforums.


OK James, you said you would take the part of the honest theist. I'll ask some simple questions, and we'll see if you can answer then honestly.

My first question:

"Could you describe your God to me please?"


God is an all-powerful supernatural being who created the universe we live in. He is omniscient and omnipotent.

Perhaps you'd like me to go further than this and to take the line of a Christian. If so, I would also say that God is concerned with human beings. He sent his son, Jesus, to Earth to tell human beings about the kingdom of God and the hope of everlasting life in heaven. God listens to prayers. God is Good. God loves us.

. He sent his son, Jesus, to Earth to tell human beings about the kingdom of God and the hope of everlasting life in heaven. God listens to prayers. God is Good. God loves us.

praise be to jesus for our brother has returned to the fold!
god is truly great!
welcome back brother james
For the purposes of this thread, I will argue the theist position to the best of my ability. I am quite happy for other people to participate too. My aim here is to show phlogistician that being a theist is not "unreasonable".

This thread was prompted by another one in which phlogistician was arguing essentially that theists shouldn't be given the time of day on sciforums.

no offense james, but how are you going show that any better than the real theists on this site?

his point was that theists are somehow inherently dishonest, but this thread is also inherently dishonest. the premise behind it, and also you pretending to be a theist.

hey phlog,

would you please answer my question and clarify if, by "dishonest", do you actually mean "less honest than i am"?

or are you asserting that you're never dishonest?
In what? You can't assign any description to what you believe in?
any label i could use to describe what i believe God is, would limit him.

Do you realise how ridiculous and stupid that is, if taken literally?
depends if you listening for an argument or are seriously seeking answers.
i think the arguers ask a question then attacks the answer, the serious will ask more questions.which are you?

What you mean to say is that you do have plenty of things to say in regards to describing what you believe but that doesn't completely describe what you believe.
if i am reading that right..yes, what happens when too many things can describe God..and it still falls short of what/who God is..

I hear plenty of Christians say their god can't be described yet they then talk about the god of the bible and his views and behaviour and intentions and attitudes. So clearly they can describe what they believe it sufficiently to distinguish it from other religions or Santa or unicorns or the creature from South Park posted further up in this thread.

because ppl want to be told what to believe, its easier than to take responsibility for ones own beliefs.
religion capitalizes on this..
all religions have a common denominator,God.
the rest is man made..

the term 'God of the bible' I have a prob with, it limits God.God is more than one book.
there is a difference in describing what i believe, and describing God.
your original question was for me to describe God, not to describe what i believe.

If you literally cannot say anything, ANYTHING, about what you believe exists then you're either lying or an idiot.
so you are not seeking answers, you are only looking to judge and insult?
God is a He?

Now that you ask, no. God doesn't really have a gender because he is not a biological entity like a human being. He is, however, a person, and we're most comfortable referring to persons as "he" or "she". The convention in religious texts has traditionally been to refer to God using masculine pronouns and terms. But you don't need to think of him that way if you don't want to. You may prefer to think of him as a kind of disembodied spirit of indeterminate gender.

These questions are easy so far. Got any others?

no offense james, but how are you going show that any better than the real theists on this site?

I was invited into this thread by phlogistician. I did not set out to do this. I make no advance assumption that I'll do any better than the "real theists".

his point was that theists are somehow inherently dishonest, but this thread is also inherently dishonest. the premise behind it, and also you pretending to be a theist.

You can correct me any time you think I'm not saying what a real theist like you would say.

But James if you, as a non-theist, argues for the theist world-view wouldn't Phlog only see this as an intellectual deception? Or a propaganda for other purposes leading him to conclude there really isn't such a thing as an 'honest theist'?:shrug:
As I told phlogistician in the thread that led to this one, I was once a theist myself, and I assert that I was also an honest one. He thinks that such a thing is impossible, and told me he would demonstrate as much in this thread.

There's no deception here. I'm not pretending to be something I'm not. I have said that I will give the best answers I can to phlogistician's questions from the point of view of a theist, as best I understand it. I'm not usurping theist's rights to speak for themselves. They are very welcome to contribute here if they wish, and to correct me if I am wrong about something.

You have heard the term "Devil's advocate", have you not?
hey phlog,

would you please answer my question and clarify if, by "dishonest", do you actually mean "less honest than i am"?

or are you asserting that you're never dishonest?

Hi Lori, no, I'm not saying 'less honest than I am' that's James making some weak ad-homs and diversions. Of course I've been less than honest, I used to work in sales,....

But by 'dishonest' in this context, (and James was banging on about that in the thread that started this ball rolling) I mean that theists often hold beliefs that they cannot justify, and I think that is dishonest. You at least have had a convincing experience (even if I think you misinterpreted it), yet many just go along with what they have been told, without question. I find this latter approach, especially when coupled with proselytism, dishonest.
Now that you ask, no.

OK, each time you change your story, I'm going to have to ask you to restate your answer, re-worded to accommodate your newly found opinion.

This way we won't have to refer back to several posts to understand what it is you are declaring.

So please restate your answer using non-gender specific terms.
As I told phlogistician in the thread that led to this one, I was once a theist myself, and I assert that I was also an honest one. He thinks that such a thing is impossible, and told me he would demonstrate as much in this thread.

Ha, we need another thread for this perhaps. If you were an 'honest' theist, why did you change your mind?