For God so hated the world

Master of Illusion

Registered Senior Member
The following verse I think summarises quite well the theology of Christianity.

John 3:16 For God so hated the world, that he gave his only begotten bastard Son, that whosoever not believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting torture in hell. (KJV revised)
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What is your problem stu?

The revised verse when you look at it is just as true in its meaning as the original, if you believe the bible stuff that is.
Originally posted by Master of Illusion
What is your problem stu?
I don't have a problem, but I'm afraid you're ill.

Whether one believes in the Bible or not, what you have written has been conjured from the very depths of a warped and twisted mind.
Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
I like it. Nice job! :D

Thankyou so much.

Now how did you get the nick name "cabbage"?

I have respect for someone who gives his weight in newtons.

Forgive stu43t, he appears very intolerant but it's because he has absolutely no sense of humour.
Originally posted by Master of Illusion
Now how did you get the nick name "cabbage"?
I see you checked out my site. :) Kohl is German for cabbage. It's also the origin of the word "coleslaw".

I have respect for someone who gives his weight in newtons.
Originally posted by Master of Illusion
Forgive stu43t, he appears very intolerant but it's because he has absolutely no sense of humour.
Thank you for your forgiveness oh great one..... :rolleyes:

I have a great sense of humour, but I don't see the connection with the remark you made re John 3:16

You're right , I am intolerant with people who have a vicious attitude. The remarks you made are insultive to the people of the Christian faith, and are made without reason. From previous posts you made indicate you hate Christianity and Islam, and now you come up with this!

What point are you trying to there a point?

Or am I right in saying you make immature comments in an attempt to create attention?...I think this is the case here.
. From previous posts you made indicate you hate Christianity and Islam, and now you come up with this!

You are just interpreting things wrong stu. You appear to look at things in a way too serious light.
I think it's quite fitting actually Stu34. I imagine a hell must be being lost in a strange new world! Those without direction are so! Have you seen the film Labyrinth??

The remarks you made are insultive to the people of the Christian faith,
Errrrr, how is that so??! This thread is praising christianity!!

You are just interpreting things wrong stu. You appear to look at things in a way too serious light.
Yes, I agree!

"The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference"
Surely not!
Yeah there are some inequites in the Bible, but it was only written by people. Not all the gospels were true witnesses of the lord, but some had faith alone, without any reason, i.e., God was not within them, but merely with them.
God loves his creation, and whatever preserves life and love. Who are we to justify His hatred of those who destroys what He loves?

"The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference"
However, deliberately subjecting millions of people to eternal torture is hardly a display of indifference. At the very least it is vindictive, but hate seems quite accurate.

If love was really present and with such omnipotent power there would be no reason why anyone should suffer.
Who says omnipotence is one of Gods qualities? From our perspective it must seem that way, but just as if we create artifical intelligence, us as creators are not flawless.
"The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference"
-Günter Grass

"I have learned that the Holocaust was a unique and uniquely
Jewish event, albeit with universal implications. Not all victims
were Jews, but all Jews were victims. I have learned the danger
of indifference, the crime of indifference. For the opposite of love,
I have learned, is not hate but indifference. Jews were killed by
the enemy but betrayed by their so-called allies who found
political reasons to justify their indifference or passivity."
-Elie Wiesel

Who says omnipotence is one of Gods qualities? From our perspective it must seem that way, but just as if we create artifical intelligence, us as creators are not flawless.
The definitions come from the Christian Church.

But really don’t you mean from our perspective he is not omnipotent since there are so many bad things that occur that if he was omnipotent and wished no harm to his creations then he could prevent such harm.

The assumption is that he is omnipotent and hence wants harm to occur which makes him evil. If he is not omnipotent and is powerless to prevent the harm then he is impotent and not worthy of any further attention.

I.e. he is either evil or useless. Or more likely simply doesn't exist.
Originally posted by stu43t
What point are you trying to there a point?
The point is that, taking the rest of the Bible in context, God isn't as loving as John 3:16 makes him out to be. EvilPoet provided a link with some good examples.

Or am I right in saying you make immature comments in an attempt to create attention?...I think this is the case here.
It certainly drew attention to the point he was making. Nothing wrong with that, since it's a valid point. Plus, it was damned funny!