For atheists

I got these definitions off of
An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings.
If you are denying it, then it is your job to prove theists wrong. Do not tell us to prove our religions correct, we make the statement, and you are supposed to rebut our beliefs.

That is hypocritical as hell. You choose to believe in something for which there is no evidence whatsoever, then you tell us the onus is on us to prove you wrong? If I decide I believe in the Fart Cloud God, is the onus on other people to prove me wrong?
We need a book specifically titled "for atheists"

We have many books for atheists. Books about science, etc which deal with the real world. All religionists have is a book full of mistakes, contradictions and nonsense.
I got these definitions off of
An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings.
If you are denying it, then it is your job to prove theists wrong. Do not tell us to prove our religions correct, we make the statement, and you are supposed to rebut our beliefs.

Creationists always manage to prove themselves wrong with their own posts but the quality of intellect that made such posts is not capable of seeing how wrong they are.

Religionist - Believer in the supernatural.

Atheist - Someone who does not believe in the supernatural.

Santa Claus, Peter Pan, the Tooth Fairy, Golems, etc all exist. Prove me wrong. Once you start believing anything can exist solely because it has not been disproved, then we have a nice white padded room ready for you.
Forum members give their eyewitness accounts of the Gospels? Got to read that for sure.

There is only a few verses that ended up in the gospel of John from about 125 AD. After that nothing till the third century when we suddenly have whole books of the gospels. Christian apologists and critics in the second century (Origen, Celsus, Trycho, etc) did not mention the gospels and it is believed now by some that they may not have beenh written till late in the second century. Any earlier dates are only empty guesswork by the church.