For atheists

Sorry, that's not how it works. You make a claim about some extraordinary thing, like there is a supernatural entity that created us and watches over our lives, and you must present evidence for this. The burden of proof is on you.
Another problem with people who say they are Christians, when they actually aren't. They often act innapropriately, and make Christians look bad. There are many strong Christians who can be very mean, not only to other religions, but to other groups of Christians. Noone is perfect, and unfortunately, since Christians main goal is to glorify our God, we tend to look worse doing something bad, than if a nonchristian did.
Sorry, that's not how it works. You make a claim about some extraordinary thing, like there is a supernatural entity that created us and watches over our lives, and you must present evidence for this. The burden of proof is on you.

Look at snow, trees, water, clouds, animals, and all other nature. How could that have happened by chance?
Look at snow, trees, water, clouds, animals, and all other nature. How could that have happened by chance?

It didn't happen by chance, the living things arose from evolution. The clouds and snow and water can be explained as the actions of various elements made up of atoms, which are made of various sub-atomic particles.
Oh, it does. But really, I honestly didn't start this conversation to discuss why or why not Christians are right.
Originally posted by flameofanor5
I was not intending to be rude, and sorry if that offended you. The original point of me starting this was to say that it is not our job to prove us correct. We make the statement, you challenge it. Not that im saying you have to, many Christians enjoy proving the Bible correct. If you dont feel like proving us wrong, for no reason do you have to. And I can't force you to agree with me, as much as i would like you to.

Disrespect from several people aside, I'd like to challenge your assertion that the burden of proof is upon atheists. In general, when someone makes a claim, others ask for proof. This circumstance is no different. Theists claim that god(s) exist, atheists ask for proof. If I claimed that I am able to lift objects with my mind, you would ask me to prove it. What if I said that you had to prove I couldn't lift objects with my mind?

Again, the burden of proof is upon the claimant.
There are Christians who believe in evolution. They say that animals evolved from molecules or something like that. I believe one example are the T-Rex to birds, but where are the fossils of the animals inbetween the evolving of T-Rex to birds? I have never seen one.

Now you have.
Disrespect from several people aside, I'd like to challenge your assertion that the burden of proof is upon atheists. In general, when someone makes a claim, others ask for proof. This circumstance is no different. Theists claim that god(s) exist, atheists ask for proof. If I claimed that I am able to lift objects with my mind, you would ask me to prove it. What if I said that you had to prove I couldn't lift objects with my mind?

Again, the burden of proof is upon the claimant.
"proof for and against Christianity" I don't know how much will be against Christianity, or for it. But you will for sure find some of each. Try reading through each page, and find some information for and against it. Maybe, you could post what you find (not just against Christianity) and post it, so I can get a better view on what you guys are saying, and you can understand what i am saying better.
I have no interest in proving or disproving Christianity. I don't believe that I was born with original sin that dates back in my genetic lineage to a man named Adam, nor do I believe that there is a book of life within which my name has been blotted out. I believe that natural processes and billions of years of evolution have shaped our world. I still keep an open mind. If you can prove that there is a creator, I'd be more than happy to hear about it.

Okay, what I am about to say is kind of hard for me to say. So please, do not give me a hard time about it. I was wrong about who should be proving who wrong. The Christian Bible actually does say that I should be defending my faith, not that atheists and other religions should be proving us wrong. Obviously, many of you know a lot more about my own faith than I do. I still haven't learned as much as I want to about it. I am still at a young age, so I am not able to fully defend what I believe. Whether or not Christians are right, let me ask you. Is it worth trying to say that Christians are wrong? I mean, if we are correct, that means that you are going to hell. I don't mean to offend you, but personally, I don't think it's worth going up against it. Christianity is the only religion that does not believe you get into heaven by works. I don't want to continue arguing this, I have already messed up enough, and aggrivated enough people. I don't want to push you guys away any farther from the Christian faith than I already have.
Also, there are many Christians who do believe in evolution. With whom I do disagree, but, that does not mean that they are going to hell. Salvation for us is determined by whether or not you have faith in the Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It's not what we do that gets us to heaven, it's what They did for us.
And please don't base your idea of Christians off of the mistakes I made. I'm still young, and I make a lot of mistakes. Noone is perfect.
Evolution and Christianity don't have to be mutually exclusive. Someone could believe in God and evolution with the assumption that God designed the universe to allow for such natural processes to develop over time. As far as the thought of "why don't people just believe in Christianity so they don't go to hell", that's an argument known as Pascal's Wager. Personally, I'm not trying to make you think anything, I just want you to ask your own questions instead of accepting what you're told. If you want to look for reassurances and strength in your beliefs, do more than read the Holy Bible...