For atheists


Not a cosmic killjoy
Registered Senior Member
I got these definitions off of
An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings.
If you are denying it, then it is your job to prove theists wrong. Do not tell us to prove our religions correct, we make the statement, and you are supposed to rebut our beliefs.
It's quite hard to prove a negative.
Besides, atheists don't believe the claims of theists,
therefore the burden of proving such claims is upon the theists.
I got these definitions off of
An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings.
If you are denying it, then it is your job to prove theists wrong. Do not tell us to prove our religions correct, we make the statement, and you are supposed to rebut our beliefs.

why do I have to rebut your beliefs? I just don't believe because nothing you have shows that I should. I'm not trying to make theists not believe, they are trying to make me believe.
Seriously, theists aren't worth my time. I have a life.
I would think that to prove the existence of a Deity would be the way to go

because the proof is what they claim is real not what isn't real. Believing in

a Deity is up to the individual, either you do or you don't. Just remember the

word BELIEF because that doesn't have to be proven only accepted as a

way of thinking.
"Did Jesus die? (Noe questions about this - all the histories attest to this) Where is His body? Why didn't the Romans show the "Christians" the dead body? Why didn't the Jews show the new "Christians" the dead body? If they knew where the body was why didn't anyone show the crowds the dead body of Christ? Why did 10 of the 11 remaining disciples all die terribly painful and horrific deaths (and many others) for something that was not true? If this was made up you can bet that at least a few people would have stepped forward and said "We made it up!" The 11th died of old age on the island of Patmos - John. None of them, nor anyone who saw Jesus denied that He rose from the dead. There is not one piece of evidence to support that he didn't rise from the dead. (Without using scientific theories).
Explain Jesus' death and resurrection."
You can not prove a belief wrong, unless you have evidence. And Christians have evidence for their belief.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The arguments for atheism generally don't rest on disproving that there is a God, but rather that such an explanation for anything is unnecessary and irrational.
Do you deny that my God Zeus was the father of your God? If you are denying it, then it is your job to prove me wrong.
why do I have to rebut your beliefs? I just don't believe because nothing you have shows that I should. I'm not trying to make theists not believe, they are trying to make me believe.
Seriously, theists aren't worth my time. I have a life.

If you have a life, then why are you "wasting your life" posting comments on this forum? :confused:
Do you deny that my God Zeus was the father of your God? If you are denying it, then it is your job to prove me wrong.

Yes, if he did exist, where is he now? I've never seen a huge buff man in the sky. And for all other Greek and Roman gods, I dont exactly see any of those three-headed beasts.
Yes, if he did exist, where is he now? I've never seen a huge buff man in the sky. And for all other Greek and Roman gods, I dont exactly see any of those three-headed beasts.

OK. Well, I could also say that I don't see any man in the sky, therefore there isn't any God.
I was not intending to be rude, and sorry if that offended you. The original point of me starting this was to say that it is not our job to prove us correct. We make the statement, you challenge it. Not that im saying you have to, many Christians enjoy proving the Bible correct. If you dont feel like proving us wrong, for no reason do you have to. And I can't force you to agree with me, as much as i would like you to.