For anyone who likes to attack christianity as "blind faith"

Enmos-It's a fair comparison. If one believes in one, one should believe in the other. If you believe someone is stupid or weak for thinking "X" then you probably think the same about many other things. It's a question of method of thought.
You didn't ask anything, you made a statement: "And so is "love" and "compassion" for weak, stupid people."

You didn't quote me properly. The following is what I posted:

"And so is "love" and "compassion" for weak, stupid people. But lots of people claim to feel or believe in them."

And in answer to your question, ...yes, I think lots of people claim to believe in "love" and "compassion". So is "love" and "compassion" the same type of belief as that of the belief in god? ...which you seem to think is for "stupid, weak people".

Baron Max

Christianity is absolutely a blind faith. You have no evidence--forget proof, I'm just talking evidence, circumstantial or otherwise--of your God, and yet you go to church ("you" in the general sense, of course) every Sunday and pray to it, give it money (if ever there was an absurd notion; giving God money), and actually fear the ramifications of not living your life according to its code.

It's blind faith just like the belief in Zeus was blind faith. Or the belief in Ra. (though a better case could be made for Ra, really, considering that you could at least see the sun). Your faith is no different, really, than any other faith. It's totally blind, and requires you to have some sort of weakness in order to believe. You don't need to be stupid, but you need to be intellectually weak to believe.
Cato-I have never seen one, myself. I'm told that everything I see is made up of them, but I've never seen an atom, myself. Should I choose to have faith in what I am told about the existence of Atoms?

A lack of education on your part doesn't necessarily equate to belief in the supernatural, but it would stand to reason you're need to "believe" in the existence of atoms.
Just as a quick reminder to everyone...having Q on Ignore makes this a far more tolerable place.

Enmos-It's a fair comparison. If one believes in one, one should believe in the other. If you believe someone is stupid or weak for thinking "X" then you probably think the same about many other things. It's a question of method of thought.
I haven't looked at it as a comparison, thanks.

You didn't quote me properly. The following is what I posted:

"And so is "love" and "compassion" for weak, stupid people. But lots of people claim to feel or believe in them."

And in answer to your question, ...yes, I think lots of people claim to believe in "love" and "compassion". So is "love" and "compassion" the same type of belief as that of the belief in god? ...which you seem to think is for "stupid, weak people".

Baron Max
Baron, I was not meaning to criticize or anything. I just thought you made a statement and was surprised at the content. So it was just curiosity, out of amazement admittedly.
Baron Minnie said:
"And so is "love" and "compassion" for weak, stupid people. But lots of people claim to feel or believe in them."

Actually, that's not true. Love has a practical, healthy, evolutionary use--it is the cement of family bonds. Without it, there would be no families. And compassion requires a person to be in a position to pity another, which kind of implicitly means the person isn't weak or stupid.
Actually, that's not true. Love has a practical, healthy, evolutionary use--it is the cement of family bonds. Without it, there would be no families. And compassion requires a person to be in a position to pity another, which kind of implicitly means the person isn't weak or stupid.

Sounds just a whole lot like what religious beliefs are supposed to, or are intended to do, don't it?

Baron Max
the reason i believe what i do about the bible and about christ is because i have had spiritual experiences or interactions with the spirit or spirits which have brought the bible to life, and revealed the meaning of revelations prophecy to me. and the bible and the revelations make sense according to what i know of the world around me, science, law, and my experience. the spirit has used the bible among other things to teach me a lot.

Christianity is absolutely a blind faith. You have no evidence--forget proof, I'm just talking evidence, circumstantial or otherwise--of your God, and yet you go to church ("you" in the general sense, of course) every Sunday and pray to it, give it money (if ever there was an absurd notion; giving God money), and actually fear the ramifications of not living your life according to its code.

It's blind faith just like the belief in Zeus was blind faith. Or the belief in Ra. (though a better case could be made for Ra, really, considering that you could at least see the sun). Your faith is no different, really, than any other faith. It's totally blind, and requires you to have some sort of weakness in order to believe. You don't need to be stupid, but you need to be intellectually weak to believe.

Intellectually weak is a poor choice of words. The man who chooses to believe something without evidence is not weak. I have no irrefutable, acceptable evidence of Mercury, but I choose to believe what I have been told about that as well. I don't think I'd call it blind, but thoughtful. I know you're familiar with Pascal's thoughts on the matter.

Understand, of course, that I don't speak for the majority. Many, many, christians are blind, silly, unthinking sheep. You know them because they all bleat the same foolishness. I don't go to church, because if you look at it, the church is unbiblical for christians. I attend the occasional bible study, and more often than not, the teacher wants to have a concerned conversation with me about the example I set for other believers. They are sheep, I'm more of an angry rhinoceros. :D
I have no irrefutable, acceptable evidence of Mercury, but I choose to believe what I have been told about that as well.

Notwithstanding the fact that evidence for Mercury's existence is readily available to anyone who wishes to see it isn't the issue here. The problem is your inability to do your homework and find out things for yourself, rather than taking someones word for it. Your posts are littered with it.

It's called getting an education. Try it sometime. :)