Folding@Home sciforum Team!

Folding@home is a screen saver named after the ever popular Seti@home. Folding@home simulates protein folding and interaction adding to our understanding of human proteinomics. What’s proteinomics you ask? The human genome was the sequencing of all 3 billion+ Base pairs of human DNA, this gave us a “parts list” of every protein our bodies make, now we need to know how every protein works and interacts, equivalent to a full blue print off a human being! We can just imagine the implication of this kind of data, ALL disease would be curable, understanding of the human body would be near complete! Even so this is not an easy task, far harder then the genome project in fact, with over 100,000 to 1 million proteins to analyze and with the equivalently power of that in possible interactions (more hypothetical possible interactions then there are atoms in the universe!) this is going to take a long time! To help you can give your computers wasted time (as a screen saver, or try the run-in-background version) your computer will simulate the folding of specific protein as they take there functional shapes, simulate the interaction of proteins and other biochemical events understudy.

For more info go to links provide above.
Just a minor addition . . .

I would say that the initial sequencing of the human genome does not entirely give us "every protein our body makes." Not that it was your major point of your post . . . I just wanted to state this for the general readership. Too often, do people misunderstand what was completed and what was not completed in the draft sequence of the human genome.
The genome it self’s gives us the sequence of every gene, each gene with introns and exons can make several possible proteins, we have yet to decide on how many genes there are in the sequenced genome, let alone the proteins they produce!
It is a good cause, and I would join if I weren't already folding for the Team 32.
If they piss me off though, you might might just end up with 4.933 GHz folding power 24/7!
I dont know but I want one! haha. I would join, however my computer is weak... 500mhz

No, it's my folding farm. I have a P3 600, an XP1600 at 1.533, a Duron 750 at 766, and my main system, an XP1700 at 2050.

I prefer the console version to the screen saver.

A 500 MHz CPU will fold slowly, but it can complete the work units before the deadline.
Why don't you have one of your computers on the "Folding Farm" do some work for sciforums? ;)

I prefer the console as well.
That would be great! Oh how puterful are your puters?

*Hates the word "puter" think it sound geeky*

If you join first which do you want: Unreal 2 or Splinter Cell PC?
i've got two Athalon 800+ table top pc's
and one pent 4 1.5 ghtz laptop.

I've been thinking of Unreal 2 i just got me a new 128 mb card for 61 bucks


hopefully this will help
What the card? It should run fine with all graphics enhancing settings off.

need a address as well (hope your in the states)
i had a 64 mb card in my pc but a 128 is much better. Currently in class right now but my email is under my info. I'll email you when i'm done. Routers are soooo boring....zzzzzz

p.s. yeah in the states
No no whats the cards type and class? my card is a Leadtek Geforce 4 Ti 4400 overclocked to 300Mhz GPU, 650Mhz VCRAM.
Geoforce GTS2 64 mb

but i found myself an ait radeon 9200 128mb for $61. Ahh technology is good