First Possible Scientific Evidence of ETs

I'm curious as to why they didn't state what 'extraterrestrial' element they found. That alone is more than a little suspicious.

I am not in anyway certain of how elements or compositions are keyed or identified, but there is documentation of analysis as recent as November 2008
on his site.

Is it possible that it's not possible to technically name what is at this time unknown but has been identified as being in other meteorite material?

It's a great question and makes me wonder as well.
I meant real, as in surgeon, as opposed to someone who treats bunyons.

Name them, and support that please.

That web site is run by 'Dr' Weir. Can you find any reputable sources?

so in effect you can't provide any proof against the man or his credentials as a surgeon, just hear say correct?
OK, looking at the 'Raw Data' from Dr Leir's web site, the sample is mostly iron, with traces of other metals. It may be a fragment of a meteorite, I can't be arsed to check the ratios. You can buy meteorites easily enough, but it doesn't answer the question why aliens would implant meteorite fragments, not refined metals, or why Dr Leir cannot photograph the 'implants' and get them all in focus.
so in effect you can't provide any proof against the man or his credentials as a surgeon, just hear say correct?

If he's a podiatrist, he's studied feet for four years, as opposed an MD who holds a Doctorate of Medicine.

A course in podiatry is a regular degree, so doesn't earn the title 'Dr', even though it's medical.

Podiatrists are licensed to carry out some surgery, .. on feet, so it seems he's stretching his expertise to operate on someone's jaw.

What conformation do you have of his qualifications? Seems yet again you've taken this guy at face value and done no research of your own.
I am not in anyway certain of how elements or compositions are keyed or identified, but there is documentation of analysis as recent as November 2008
on his site.

Is it possible that it's not possible to technically name what is at this time unknown but has been identified as being in other meteorite material?

It's a great question and makes me wonder as well.

The raw data shows it's mostly Iron, with traces of other metals. The other 'data' on his site is pointless, the axes cannot be seen in the fuzzy images.
If he's a podiatrist, he's studied feet for four years, as opposed an MD who holds a Doctorate of Medicine.

A course in podiatry is a regular degree, so doesn't earn the title 'Dr', even though it's medical.

Podiatrists are licensed to carry out some surgery, .. on feet, so it seems he's stretching his expertise to operate on someone's jaw.

What conformation do you have of his qualifications? Seems yet again you've taken this guy at face value and done no research of your own.

Wait just a minute Sir, you called his qualifications into perspective question. Not I. It's up to YOU to provide evidence of your contentions, not up to me to uphold and validate his credentials.
Wait just a minute Sir, you called his qualifications into perspective question. Not I. It's up to YOU to provide evidence of your contentions, not up to me to uphold and validate his credentials.

It's right in front of your face, silly boy!!! Look at the banner they put on the screen - does it say PhD or does it not CLEARLY say D.P.D.
Do you not even know that a D.P.D. is nothing but a FOOT DOCTOR????????:bugeye:
Then how did they know where to look?

The patient knew where it was, and it was confirmed with X-Ray.

Hypoallergenic substances do not produce an inflammatory response. This is why titaniun is often used in medical screws to repair bone etc. Also, as we replace peoples' joints, hips etc, and they do not suffer inflammation, terrestrial technology achieves the same results.

Is Iron (the majority composition) a hypoallergenic substance? If not how do you explain the lack of inflammation?

Furthermore you can read part of the actual report done by New Mexico Tech at 8:27 in the video. It said at the very least 11 elements were found, and is highly characteristic of a meteorite. It contained Na, Al, Si, P, Cl, Ca, Co among more which I could not read from the video. Are these all hypoallergenic materials as well?

... is B-Movie schlock.
B-Movie dialogue.

Your hard earned associations at work.
Where I have heard this before? Oh yea that cheesy B-movie alien film, it must be fake! Please...

Assuming it was meteorite. Scarring is not always obvious, btw. I've got loads, some only show up when I tan, for instance.

But they do show upon close inspection. (or tanning):bugeye:

Not necessarily. A friend of mine still has a titanium screw in his leg from a motorbike accident.

Well like you said titanium is hypoallergenic so this is expected. Congratulations?

So where is that evidence trail? All we have is hearsay in a Youtube video!

Im sure if you contact Dr. Leir he would be more than willing to send you copies.

The problem is the stigma which is associated to these things by people like you make all of this very difficult for the people who actually want to know.

To begin with, he has NO PhD as you claim in the post. Even the banner on the screen said he was a D.P.D. - a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine !!! A dumb-bunny foot doctor, for crying out loud!:bugeye:

Oh and you have a higher degree than him? Please share your level of education.

As to evidence, the video presented absolutely NO evidence of any kind. Just a narrator and the silly foot doctor talking. Why did it not provide links to the so-called test results? That would have been a very simple task - provided that such reports actually exist in the first place.

Since when do videos have clickable links in them? Are you that much of a dinosaur? After looking through the site I was actually able to find reports, reports I guess missed your biased eye considering it was on the front page of Dr. Leirs website saying "SCIENTIFIC DATA SECTION".

Here is the raw data (have fun reading through it)

Here are the trace impurities found (boy there are alot)

Here is the general site which also contains spectra of the objects among other things.

And there's no such thing as "ET materials." Spectroscopic analysis has never ever found any matter anywhere in the Universe that does not exist right here on dear old Terra Firma. Nor is there ANY logical reason to even think such stuff might exist.

No shit sherlock. The point is there IS matter which is very RARE to earth. This rare matter found its way into this mans neck somehow.

Garbage, every bit of it is nothing but garbage - pure and simple. And don't forget that the "great" doctor has written at least one book and is trying to make money from the ignorant thing!

Yes because books about ALIENS are the best way to get rich. I bet he is at the top of Amazon!!!

Can we move past this part of the argument? It does not matter if Dr. Leir is a PhD or D.P.D or whatever. The fact remains he removed this object from a mans neck who claimed it was put there by aliens. The object has been TESTED EXTENSIVELY and was concluded to be a meteorite.

So how did a meteorite find its way into this mans neck without scarring or inflammation?
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The one thing that undermines "Extraterrestrial in Origin" for me is stories like this one:
The "Umbrella" Murder of Georgi Markov

I'm not suggesting that people have been implanted by one or other country for assassination, however it could be tests in Espionage by placing trackers on people and interfacing with the mark via radiological equipment at a future point. This would cover both the recovery of Implant's, as well as the reason for the "Abduction" stories... And it's all very Human in Origin.
Is it possible that it's not possible to technically name what is at this time unknown but has been identified as being in other meteorite material?
Actually no. It's not possible.

It's a great question and makes me wonder as well.
If I were to entertain the possibility that the story is true for a second I would guess that they are talking about an isotope, 60Fe for example. But element, no..
The patient knew where it was, and it was confirmed with X-Ray.

And with thousands upon thousands of regular people getting x-rayed each year, how come all ten cases, the ONLY ten cases, have arrived at Leirs office?>

Is Iron (the majority composition) a hypoallergenic substance? If not how do you explain the lack of inflammation?

I don't need to! First, you ave to prove that the sample sent for analysis was actually removed from a patient, .....

Furthermore you can read part of the actual report done by New Mexico Tech at 8:27 in the video. It said at the very least 11 elements were found, and is highly characteristic of a meteorite. It contained Na, Al, Si, P, Cl, Ca, Co among more which I could not read from the video. Are these all hypoallergenic materials as well?

Clearly you haven't actually read the RAW DATA supplied on the web site YOU linked to, or you'd see where the stories don't match up?

Where I have heard this before? Oh yea that cheesy B-movie alien film, it must be fake! Please...

Go Google 'Periodic table' and tell me what metals are possibly missing? Mendeleyev predicted new elements based on gaps, whcih hae now all been found.

But they do show upon close inspection. (or tanning):bugeye:

Die Leir tan his victims? Got support for that? I have very old scars that show up rarely, .. where's your support for Leirs method that _proves_ no scar?????????????????
The one thing that undermines "Extraterrestrial in Origin" for me is stories like this one:
The "Umbrella" Murder of Georgi Markov

I'm not suggesting that people have been implanted by one or other country for assassination, however it could be tests in Espionage by placing trackers on people and interfacing with the mark via radiological equipment at a future point. This would cover both the recovery of Implant's, as well as the reason for the "Abduction" stories... And it's all very Human in Origin.

Heh, him and that dude that was killed with Polonium. Strange shit happens, no need to shout UFO!
And with thousands upon thousands of regular people getting x-rayed each year, how come all ten cases, the ONLY ten cases, have arrived at Leirs office?>

Because not everyone has an alien implant. The one's who do know Dr. Leir is a doctor they can go to without fear of humiliation. Once you become known for alien implant removal I suspect all the cases in that niche would come to you. How many other alien implant removal doctors do you know?

I don't need to! First, you ave to prove that the sample sent for analysis was actually removed from a patient, .....

The worst part about this is your serious. Look the video I supplied had the ORIGINAL VIDEO showing the implant being removed. How the hell am I supposed to provide evidence that this was sent to the labs?

You purposely said this knowing there is no way for me to prove it. But I guess your right every UFO nut is just trying to make a buck, thats why they are all so rich right?

Clearly you haven't actually read the RAW DATA supplied on the web site YOU linked to, or you'd see where the stories don't match up?

No I didnt read through the whole thing. Did you? Where dont they match up specifically?

Die Leir tan his victims? Got support for that? I have very old scars that show up rarely, .. where's your support for Leirs method that _proves_ no scar?????????????????

lol, I was patronizing you and you thought I was serious. Of course he does not tan his patients to find scars.:rolleyes:

And again you know already there is no way for me to prove no scar was there unless I have pictures of this specific mans neck before the surgery. But like all negative people you choose to focus on what ISNT there rather than what IS.

What IS there is a piece of "meteorite" found in a man's neck without scarring or inflammatory response. You cant explain this, and thus far you have only danced around explaining this with things like....

"Oh well they switched the lab samples"
"Can you PROVE there was scarring?" (I guess a doctors clinical observation isnt good enough for this one)
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I have a small stone in the palm of my hand. There is absolutely no sign whatsoever, even under a microscope, of an entry scar. It was not placed there by aliens.
Because not everyone has an alien implant. The one's who do know Dr. Leir is a doctor they can go to without fear of humiliation. Once you become known for alien implant removal I suspect all the cases in that niche would come to you. How many other alien implant removal doctors do you know?

People travel all the way across the United States to see one guy? People in other countries go to this one guy? Please, that stretches credibility beyond breaking point.

The worst part about this is your serious. Look the video I supplied had the ORIGINAL VIDEO showing the implant being removed.

That procedure was edited to pieces! If there had been a single shot, from first incision, to removal, well, maybe you'd have something, but we see the scalpel touch the skin, and then the camera angle changes, and then it changes again, and again, and there is no continuity, we do not know what happened in between camera angle changes, anything could have changed. That video is not evidence, it's an edited presentation, and you fell for it, meaning you lack discernement.

How the hell am I supposed to provide evidence that this was sent to the labs?

Contact them? Make an FOIA request?

You purposely said this knowing there is no way for me to prove it. But I guess your right every UFO nut is just trying to make a buck, thats why they are all so rich right?

I just want provenance to substantiate the claims made. Is that too much to ask?

No I didnt read through the whole thing. Did you? Where dont they match up specifically?

Yes, I scanned through all 49 pages of the raw data, until I found something intelligible. Let's test your discernment, read the reports, then look at the data. The mismatch between the data and the report should be obvious to you. If you can't see it, you lack critical thinking.

lol, I was patronizing you and you thought I was serious. Of course he does not tan his patients to find scars.:rolleyes:

Does he even look under Ultra-Violet? Some of my scars do not show in daylight, but are visible under UV. Also, scars fade with time, and not all surgeries leave lasting scars anyway, or plastic surgery would be a waste of time.

And again you know already there is no way for me to prove no scar was there unless I have pictures of this specific mans neck before the surgery. But like all negative people you choose to focus on what ISNT there rather than what IS.

Er, this 'Dr' (podiatrist) is saying the scar ISN'T there, isn't he? I'm just saying there ISN'T any evidence,....

What IS there is a piece of "meteorite" found in a man's neck without scarring or inflammatory response. You cant explain this, and thus far you have only danced around explaining this with things like....

You have no proof anything was actually removed from this man's jaw, the video is heavily edited you cannot use that as evidence.

You have no proof that the spec removed is the same item sent for analysis.

From the analysis, the piece may be meteorite. These can be bought. Why meteorite? Why not circuitry? Why don't you see that as being odd?
Well what does it do? I mean sure if it does something actively to someone, read their mine, etc. sure maybe its more believeable, all you have now is a random shard of metal. Endlight, if you can prove how this thing works and what it does, and by prove i mean, actually use it in a test environment and get it to work, than you have a solid case.
Jabs a plenty from good ol' Ophelia, thought you might like one to call your own.

How utterly childish and unimaginative. Just what we would expect from a nobody who believes every piece of UFO garbage he comes across. Low brow, low intelligence and low education - what a combination!!!!:rolleyes: