Finish my Sentence

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...why was uranium was used as power for the nanorobots. All humans had olfactory nerves (in their noses) composed of nano-robots, there to serve humans in enchansing their senses, just as the world was all full of labor robots fullfilling the dreams of every human, working tirelessly...
to build the great memorial to the all powerful, all knowing G.W. bush, but they didn't take into account that...
...this of course was the year 2240, and G.W. bush was the name of the virus, who's sole purpose was to infiltrate inside the biochips installed inside every human for wireless smooth communication between each other...
and the penal probes in men that prevted prostate cancer. This caused the rise of the amazon society of...
.....fuzz balls, where once upon time not long ago, people wore pyjamas and lived life slow, laws were stern and justice stood and people were behaving like they were all no good, their lived a little boy who was miss-led by another little boy and this is what he said "me and you tommy are going to make some cash, robbing old folks and making the dash" they did the job money came with ease but.........
... that they had to break out of the cage and when they did the robbing was like a disease, so they robbed another and another and a sister and a mother, they tried to rob a man who was a D.T. undercover,
The cop grabbed his arm, he started acting........
....strange. So they ended back in the cage. They knew they would have to dig themselves out. They dug for days, months, years. Eventually the reached the Earths core and to their surprise, they found Hell. It was just like the brochure - warm climate, firey lakes, hot saunas. So they....
...loose their ability to hit on girls. However they were teleported back to the surface where they meet a guy who had just sat on a Rolo next to a guy called marco polo who decided that they should.......
... they were packed up and shippped to Tora Bora where a big fan of McNuggets was waiting to see what would happpen if.....
if he stuffed 20 boxes of the stuff up his rectum. The result was interesting. With a loud bang his rectum blew and showered a busy street with parts of rectum and parts of Mcnuggets. Many delighted people opened their mouth to savour this theat. Soon...
brain tissue. That didn't go well for long. People got too smart and didn't believe their politicians anymore. Soon riots started and people started boiling politicians alive and eating them with...
...animal-like zeal. But soon the smart people directed their energy towards bigger things like exploring space. Eventually a beta version of 'Google Universe' was released. However there was a problem in the program caused by the Infinity2k bug. When it seemed all was lost....
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