Finish my Sentence

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Lorena Bobbit Surgical Hospital he decided to go to Denmark for a sex change because he always wanted to....
...they were speaking in tongues. One of them said "¡}¤¥¶¨©ª«¬*®¯°±²³×çðĄą÷ö¥œ?" To which he replied....
"E=MC² you twit, not æσô☻T=+q├╖S≈■ÜAeߺσ", finally they all shut up, some guy lit up a joint, drilled a hole in a coconut, inserted his dick and declared he was fucking nuts but then they all went......
.....fuck! im the last man alive. Then he decided to look for the last woman alive, so he searched in...............
ham and cheese sandwich he'd bought from the petrol station earlier on. He thoroughly enjoyed it and once he was finished, he..
I recognized her from a Sin Cities episode, it was Inga the Dominatrix, all 400 pounds of her stuffed in an undersized black leather corset, my first thought was......
optical trauma, at least I thought I died because I became aware of another presence, "who's there?" I shouted, next thing you know a voice was heard saying.... kitty to come back, she meant everything to me, although I didn't deserve her, she ran away to find someone better........ dangling a stupid fucking string in her face so she goes crazy, I mean what's the fuck with that??? Anyway I still had my dog 'Beefchop', who....
had started to hump a dead child in the corner of the morgue. After watching beefchop ravage the cold body of the little boy, I noticed something sticking out of...
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