Finish my Sentence

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and playing Nintendo Ds and Pirates of the Burning Sea online while also watching...OMG ........
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Mel Gibson tried to lure them with cheap papaya whiskey and half naked pictures of Janet Jackson into his trailor so he could.....
sell compromising pictures of pure young Southern Baptist girls being sacrificed by Pastor Phelps, who believed they were lesbians and even worse that ......
on Sunday mornings he would dress up in their tartan skirts while baking brownies made with homegrown......
wheat which had been prayed over daily for seven years as it says in Timothy 2. 16 which goes on to say" I say unto ye , partake not of young wheat for that is unpleasing in the eye of Gilgamesh, the man with the world's biggest ....
Nose :p He knows everything there is to know because he lives by the words "Follow your Nose" if you do you will become....
wise in the ways of wily women who seek to entrap innocent young men by flaunting themselves in high heels amd micro-mini skirts because they are only after one thing which is ....
to marry and become maids, slaves, unappreciated, ignored, and be at his beck and call night and day. Only to one day wake up!! Fuck this, I have had enough of this bullshit I am out of here.....
but, because they marry Muslims they get beaten, dressed in a burkah and chained to the bed where ....
lucky husband, who kind of fells some regret being with them and wishes that they were virgins, so he thinks to himself, if they were, he would...
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