Finish my Sentence

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, their begging echoes were heard 600 meters above the praying children of Episcopal church below, the organ played the symphony of God thereafter...
...declared their Grand High Rabbi Lama, preparing to wreak a baleful vengance...
...prompting him to bellow " Damn Lenin and all his works to Hell..." as he...
realized that he was a fake illusionary image of Putin created by some other countrie's citizen who has a grudge...

...who always dressed smartly and fashionably - frequently sporting a stylish stetson - and would never be caught gallivanting about the hinterlands like some half-naked, slogan-snarling, vodka-swilling, machine gun-toting savage capable of...
...cried the ecstatic citizens of Jesusland, knowing that by bringing about the Apocalypse, their divinely inspired Prez was fulfilling God's prophecy to...
write a note saying...
''anyone who notices this notice will notice that the notice is not worth noticing at all...
...thundering, " A multinational corporation with an inadequate accountability structure is an abomination in the eyes of God...! Hereafter all your production orders will be filled by...
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