Finish my Sentence

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...until four horseman appeared eclipsing the sun and ushering in plague and pestilence to the turtles world...
at which the chameleon just closed its eyes and slept calmly while the turtle moved the last 3 centimeters over the last 3 hours...
....regrettably, never having heard of Zeno, the turtle became stuck in paradox, and started to drown in metaphysical quicksand...
until the chameleon, which was still on its back, figured out that the limit of infinity is actually...a 0. Thus the turtle didnt have to move at was simultaniously in all places at the same time...
at which the turtle was now sitting on the chameleon...whereas the chameleon was moving the last 300 million meters in one second...
....the turtle and chameleon became as one and morphed into a single grain of sand in an infinite vacuum...
created by the proximity of a neighboring black hole that became a ...... suddenly I was back, what a trip!, I never thought I'd become addicted to ....
staring at the computer screen so long...but than I realized this wasnt a trip...this was a journey into the big and I mean BIG jungle...
punched him in the jaw. That'll show him to talk about my mom like that. the next day....
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