Finish my Sentence

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of their own individuality by all means necessary. We will make sure that these children are allowed to say whatever they want, despite the actions of their parents, they will be Nietzsche's ideal free spirits, uncontrolled an...
d unconquered in their unending quest motivated by an unquenchable thirst for unlimited knowledge, and they will undoubtedly have undying gratitude towards Undine and its unequalled author Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué and
all this because the beloved benevolent bachelor who be(yes, who be) bouncing backwards in benine brains bracing for beheading before the battle is beaten and won, our enemies defeated, with guns, they can't wear depends, their shit runs,...
and they fall down like angels with wings that they burned while trying to fly higher than the sun...higher than God...higher that the universe which spans our humble spirits with its coldness and warmth of nighttime drifting into state of sleep... eternal rest, which we will all find, and which we will accept without question. The sooner we accept that fate, the sooner it will come to be true. However...there is one....
reason why we revolve around the north star, and that is because we live in a holographically projected galaxy which will soon change once half this world is blown up by the special forces known as the...
, but this information being known only to a handful of people like Zardozi and Oniw17, we do not seem to have much
self-esteem. Thus Rosnet went on to commit suicide , but not yet, first he met Y-Woman, the...
thought she was a keeper, and regardless of her spelling, Christ figured 'what the hell' because she was one of the best....
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