Finally! some Truth

god's hand in anger looks a remarkable lot like hurricanes, which are naturally occurring phenomenon. if he wants people to repent he should probably start throwing green lightning bolts which leave the message 'god is really pissed', otherwise we'll be able to explain it with this tricksy science of ours.

regarding sheep and goats: no, no it really isn't. i'd rather have a live sheep that isn't buried under dead goats. why the hell is a sheep buried under dead goats?
No dount By now after 3 days since posting your thread starter you are beginning to realise that you are yet again been misled by your rampant imagination.

The world is not moving into end times, the world is continuuing along it's usual path.
Now you are probably feeling a bit dissappointed now that you have yet again proved that you are having problems in rationalising your extraordinary experiences. It isn't hard to imagine that religion is an easy way to ground your experiences, after all that is what they seem to lead to. yes?
End times, "must" pronounce the second comming, Gods wrath etc etc.

It is sad that you must be so exhausted and mentally frazzled that you must as a way of maintaining any semblence of sanity rationalise your suffering steaped in religious prophecy.

Well one must ask what is there to be learned from this embarrassment and self dissappointment. What are you going to do to avoid going down this path yet again some time in the future.

What have you learned about how fear is manifested in your thoughts and actions? How your imagination is so distorted with fear that you want all of us to join you in fighting it [ your imagination ]?

You mention the experience of possession and your fear and yet jubilation has required a grounding in religious prophecy.
You have experienced a truth about how we are all a composite of everyone else and have reacted to this profound truth in a paranoid fashion.
Unfortunately you have failed to realise that within the essence of who you are exists all souls and not just the 12 or so you have focussed on.

A way out of this mess if you can get your mind into a stable enough state is to get a picture of the planet earth and imagine you are 6 billion people all in one. That you are experiencing a sort of soul refraction and the challenge is to be all people simultaneously and not a bit of this and a bit of that. Then extend this exercise universally and when you finally realise that if you are being possessed by every soul in the universe your problems will simply dissappear as returning to being infinite nullifies the focuss on just a few. Look to the infinite and not the finite.

After all we are all a combination of everything else.

So take your dissappointment and your embarrassment and use it as a way of learning how to reconcile your extraordinary experiences in a way that promotes rational behaviour and not irrational behaviour.

BTW, end times has already happened years ago and well...what can I say to all the disappointed folk?...except that..... God changed his mind.

Best of luck!! :)
Pm me if you wish
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Of course, if I were there I would certainly help them. Anyone in need who comes in contact with me gets the best help they've ever had. I talk to 70 people a day, one on one, for an average of 6 minutes each. Every one of them thanks me. Most of them tell me that I was very helpful, or kind, or professional, or that they really appreciated how easy I made it for them to solve their problem.

Though I am a pauper who can't afford cable TV and have been wearing the same pair of shoes for 10 years, I do have 10 years of college education which is probably more than any of you. As for my sanity, you decide.

I do sense some anger in your comments, but, I don't have time to read them. This is a good sign, because if I can spark something in you then, maybe there is some hope for your salvation. Repent and cry to God for help. Obey his commandments, and all will be well. However, I know I have angered the Devil by foiling his plans and since you are spiritually dead, you are open to his spirit and thoughts as they work through you like the wind blowing through the reeds.

Isn't it funny how the people fleeing Texas are sitting in traffic while the gas prices double before they even get anywhere?
Witless no, but there was some lunatic ramblings.
which unfortunately are still going on.
so you work in a call centre "so what", how the f**k you got the job, I dont know perhaps you volunteered.
what you mean is you where kept back at school, with you mental health problems theres no wonder at it.
and ah diddums, ask a staving african, if he's ever had any shoes or seen tv, "so f**king what".
theres no anger here on this forum, I and I think, I speak for most, dont like being talked down to, by someone who is quite clear mad as a hatter.
and to finish you cant foil the plans of a non-existent thing, it has none.

witless said:
since you are spiritually dead, you are open to his spirit
this is an oxymoron you cant be spiritually dead, and open.
witnessjudgejury said:
Any thoughts on what we're doing today.

Would you like me to copy my latest emails to TBN comments and prayer?

I would be far more interested in evidence of the fantastic claims made.
Little things like a plethora of fantastic claims such as:

* Kid Rock and Dave Matthews are encouraging "me" personally.
Yes, I doubt that, too, but remember, he has only recently discovered the non-canonical gospels, and is still caught up in an intrusive, personal God.

* 'Christ' exists.
Like the Buddha exists, not literally, but as a symbol of the enlightened state which abolishes the illusion of separateness.

* 'Christ' said "I will reign"
Yes, the faith that enlightened beings will prevail over the forces of darkness.

* 'Spirit' exists.
Depends what is meant by that.

* Any changes in you mind and 'Spirit' over the next few days are from "me" specifically.
Yes, I have some doubts about that, too.
* 'Messiah's exist.
Yes, I think a messiah can only hint at the possibilities which only you can manifest.

* I am the temporary 'Messiah'.
True, as are we all.

* The 'Son of Peridition' exists.
Depends what that means.

* 'God' exists.
Again, this depends on what that word signifies. Jesus may not have meant the same thing as modern Christians.
I searched through the nausiating pile of Gnostic verbiage and scriptures and found absolutely nothing of value. Even the direct translation of Thomas is incorrect and found lacking according to the one I read on the net.

The one I originally read was apparently removed from the net as I can't find it anymore. Apparently the posters were not happy with the number of hits they got from the emails I sent out. For example, I read something to the effect. "A woman must become a man".

Of course I can't explain this other than to make two possible guesses.
2)feminism and the fact that women now have careers and many athletic women do not even menstruate any longer.

Oh well, I will continue to stir ALL of the waters, destroying what I will until something of value floats to the surface.
at the moment all thats floats are just turds, you are full of verbal diarrhoea.
Thus in Saying #114, it is to be understood that
"male" symbolizes the pneumatic (spiritual, or Gnostic)
Christians, and "female" symbolizes the psychic (unenlightened,
or orthodox) Christians, rather than actually referring to males
and females.
geeser said:
at the moment all thats floats are just turds, you are full of verbal diarrhoea.
Actually floating poo is a sign of celiac disease, due to the inability to absorb fats.