Finally! some Truth


The dead are truly better off completely dead.
There are no degrees of death, one is either dead or not dead.

Those who wish to live shall awaken, some in the light, some in the dark, some on the Sun.
You may not have heard but conditions on the sun are extremely hostile to life. Unfortunately we have not overcome the blight of involuntary death yet. Wishing to live hasn’t had any effect yet as we can see from the billions who have wanted to live but have died.

Don't forget there is an uforgivable sin.
And you will tell us what this is perhaps?

Don't you find it amazing that only one of you did not surround my statement with dung?
Dung to dung. Why not try to show why your statements are not equally dungful?

You must realize, assuming you are not stupid, that your assertions lack credibility and to simply state such unbelievable fantasies without support is naturally going to attract ridicule. Why now pretend to be surprised?
Crunchy Cat said:
Ho boy, it sounds like you partially lost your sense of self (possibly due to blood flow problems to that part of the brain) and you're in 'one-with-the-universe' ehphoria. I'm 'God', you're 'God', we're all 'God' right?
Yes, I agree, maybe an MRI is called for?
Let me shed a little more light.

I reign (read the direct translation of the Gospel of Thomas, not an interpretation which is called a translation). My reign is not subject to vote, nor was it a choice that I made. It is simply from the lips of Christ.

Why am I here? As the Bible says: with God, All things are possible. So, my intentions were to save the world. Obviously, I would be rejected because everyone is their own God and worships what they know not. Also, in the Bible it states that the Elect will be saved. These are the 144,000 who have kept Gods commandments. 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes. For these people, I have come. For the rest of the unsaveable, 6 billion people, you are grapes to be trodden under foot in the winepress of the wrath of God. This also, I will see to.

The other reason is simply a legality. God said he would send a saviour and he would not be late. I announced that he was here. No entity can ever (from this point in time on) say to God: "Why did not you send a saviour before it was too late?".
witless: you certainly need somemore treatment, and quickly before you hurt anyone.
These are the 144,000 who have kept Gods commandments. 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes. For these people, I have come. For the rest of the unsaveable, 6 billion people
So even if we convert it's still a lottery with exceedingly poor odds. Why bother?
For the rest of the unsaveable, 6 billion people, you are grapes to be trodden under foot in the winepress of the wrath of God. This also, I will see to.

I would like to end up a Cabernet, if I could, served up with a prime rib. Thanks.
For atheists, to see is to believe, for theists, to believe is to see. Is there really a difference (separation) between these two?

Both of them are quite alike, since they don't agree with each other.

For atheists, to see is to believe, for theists, to believe is to see. Is there really a difference (separation) between these two?
Only at the most fundamantal level when determinining what is true and what is not.

My reign is not subject to vote, nor was it a choice that I made.
But since no one else recognizes your claim to kingdom it is of zero value.

It is simply from the lips of Christ.
Well no. Christ is a mythical fictional character.

Why am I here?
To add comedy to this forum?
Cris said:
Christ is a mythical fictional character.
So are Poseidon and Hercules, still they are/were "real", in one way or another. The people in myths might even be more real than the people you see on earth.
This saying is great:

Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which
is hidden from you will become plain to you. For there is nothing
hidden which will not become manifest."
i sense something. a presence i've not felt since i was an orderly at a lunatic asylum.
Evidence of what? A subjective experience? God in this case isn't someone you need to believe in, but something you seek and find within yourself. Even an atheist should appreciate the Gospel of Thomas.
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The people in myths might even be more real than the people you see on earth.
What does "more real" mean? And the logic behind your statement is?
spidergoat said:
Evidence of what? A subjective experience? God in this case isn't someone you need to believe in, but something you seek and find within yourself. Even an atheist should appreciate the Gospel of Thomas.

Little things like a plethora of fantastic claims such as:

* Kid Rock and Dave Matthews are encouraging "me" personally.
* 'Christ' exists.
* 'Christ' said "I will reign"
* 'Spirit' exists.
* Any changes in you mind and 'Spirit' over the next few days are from "me" specifically.
* 'Messiah's exist.
* I am the temporary 'Messiah'.
* The 'Son of Peridition' exists.
* 'God' exists.
The Hand of God is raised in anger in the Gulf.
a million flee, not in fear or repentance, but in anger at their inconvenience.
What will HE do?

A pearl is a pear even if it sets the world on fire.

Is it not worth searching through a mountain of dead goats to find a single dying sheep?
witnessjudgejury said:
It is written that the Son of Perdition (he who is to perish) is coming to rule the world and sit in the seat of God. I am sure he is reading this and will likely come to kill me. I don't care. If it is even possible, I will pop right back like a dandy lion.

lol. I'm sure your heart is in the right place mate but I'm not sure if you have understood the message of Jesus. Let your faith be apparent through the works of the Holy Spirit in your life. Spouting on about being personally persecuted by some 'Son of Perdition' does not help with the credability issues you seem to be experiencing on this forum.


witles said:
Is it not worth searching through a mountain of dead goats to find a single dying sheep?
Oi witless, I would, but that humanism for you.
so when theres a major disaster, and people are buried under rubble, you would'nt bother to help them, a very christian attitude.