Finally! some Truth


I am sending this letter everywhere to shed some light and shout the truth from the rooftops as it is my job.

I have spent the past 30 years in suicidal depression, unimaginably, fervently seeking the truth and trying to figure out who I am. My name is Paul.

This morning I read the Gospel of Thomas and it all came together for me. I suggest you type "Gospel of Thomas" into your search engine and read it, then read this again.

At times I thought I was God, sometimes Jesus, Sometimes Satan himself, at other times Paul the apostle, John the baptist, Elijah, etc.

When I stare into my eyes in the mirror I see hundreds of faces in succession.
At this time I confess, I am not the Christ, and Jesus Christ did come in the flesh.

5 years ago Kid Rock came out with the song Bawitdaba. It starts out "Who are you" and continues, "Paul with the ball that bang a dang dicky dicky dicky said the boogy said upchuck the boogie" and "Come on Paul" , "Rock the house Paul". At that point I knew that some group or at least Bob the Kid knew who I was. Then Dave Mathews came out with the song Lift me up love "Every Day", where he sings, "come on, come on Paul".

My search continued. Now let me shed light on the Gospel of Thomas. This gospel was not put in the bible probably because until now, it was considered jibberish. In it christ sais that all the apostles and saints will become one. I am that one. He said first I would be disturbed, then I would marvel. I have been disturbed for years with multiple personalities, bipolar disorder, and horrible depression. Imagine if you were all the apostles and saints rolled into one but did not know it for 44 years. You had been tortured and killed many times. Imagine the loneliness and depression. Enough pity.

Christ also said I will reign. This explains why my thoughts and my spirit are in you and are transferred to you. Pay close attention to the changes in your mind and spirit over the next few days, starting last night. These changes come from me.

Christ also sais you will return to James the Just. This is likely the king james bible. read it sometime.

God said he would send a messiah and that he would not be late. Here am I. I am the temporary messiah, here to prepare the world for the coming of the Almighty Jesus Christ. The son of the Father of Light.

I have been emailing TBN. Trinity Broadcasting Network with my thoughts, my anger, and my truth over the past month. I got no response from them other than once they told me I was listening to the father of lies and that I should pray this prayer... Something I have prayed hundreds of times of course. They have hidden the light under the bushel and have been poor shepherds of the millions in their flock. They are nothing more than salesmen. Selling the prosperity doctrine to poor old ladies and milking their social security checks.

Needless to say, the farm was lent to them as Thomas says and it is to be taken away by me for better shepherding and preperation for HIS coming.

It is written that the Son of Perdition (he who is to perish) is coming to rule the world and sit in the seat of God. I am sure he is reading this and will likely come to kill me. I don't care. If it is even possible, I will pop right back like a dandy lion.
witnessjudgejury said:
multiple personalities,
then how can you be sure that what you believe is the truth, and that your are the one, or not as the case maybe.
witnessjudgejury said:
bipolar disorder,
this is the commonest problem amongst the religious, so how can you be sure your not hallucinating, dreaming, asleep.(did you really read the gospel of thomas, are you absolutely sure.)
witnessjudgejury said:
and horrible depression
and yet nother common problem of the religious, fear of a god, and lack of selfworth, hence depression.
when you wake up, it will all become clear, but unfortunately thats along way off, as your to far gone.
M*W said:

Originally Posted by witnessjudgejury
am sending this letter everywhere to shed some light and shout the truth from the rooftops as it is my job.

M*W: WJJ, I am concerned for you. You have given yourself an impossible task, one that no god would ask of you. If a god itself cannot "shout the truth from the rooftops," why do you believe you can? You are aiming for unreachable goals which will lead to frustration, failure and deeper depression.

I have spent the past 30 years in suicidal depression, unimaginably, fervently seeking the truth and trying to figure out who I am. My name is Paul.

M*W: Paul, before you do anything else, I sincerely want you to see a psychiatrist. If you're already seeing one, maybe you should look into finding another one. If you're taking medication for your suicidal depression, it may not be helping you.

This morning I read the Gospel of Thomas and it all came together for me. I suggest you type "Gospel of Thomas" into your search engine and read it, then read this again.

M*W: The GoT is revealing. It certainly makes more sense than the four gospels in the NT. The GoT helps bring the whole gospel story together. I'm not christian, but I've read the GoT. It contains inner wisdom.

At times I thought I was God, sometimes Jesus, Sometimes Satan himself, at other times Paul the apostle, John the baptist, Elijah, etc.

M*W: If you're not already on medication for multiple personality disorder (MPD), I suggest you ask your psychiatrist or even family practitioner for a prescription called Seroquel. It's not uncommon for someone with MPD, psychotic depression and schizophrenia to cling to religious themes. Sometimes, it can be devastating and wreck your whole life and family. Religion provides a standard for behavior. Sometimes this can be a good thing, but when you are suffering with severe mental problems, religion can destroy you. If you let me know what city in the USA you live in, I will try to find you a good psychiatrist. If you're not in the USA, I won't be able to recommend anyone. The characters you tend to emulate (God, Jesus, Satan, Paul the Apostle, John the Baptist, Elijah, etc.) are not real and they never existed. You are living in a fantasy, and you need to let go of this behavior.

When I stare into my eyes in the mirror I see hundreds of faces in succession. At this time I confess, I am not the Christ, and Jesus Christ did come in the flesh.

M*W: I cannot urge you enough to seek psychiatric help. You don't need to confess to anyone that you are not Christ. I am hearing that you don't like yourself and that you have failed because you're not a fantasy being. Don't do this to yourself. You are Paul, and that's the only person you need to be. You need to lose the fantasy characters and find Paul again.

5 years ago Kid Rock came out with the song Bawitdaba. It starts out "Who are you" and continues, "Paul with the ball that bang a dang dicky dicky dicky said the boogy said upchuck the boogie" and "Come on Paul" , "Rock the house Paul". At that point I knew that some group or at least Bob the Kid knew who I was. Then Dave Mathews came out with the song Lift me up love "Every Day", where he sings, "come on, come on Paul".

M*W: I understand that someone in your condition believes that entertainers, lyrics, characters in TV shows, etc., are talking to them or trying to get messages to them. This is not reality. They are not talking to you. They don't know Paul.

My search continued. Now let me shed light on the Gospel of Thomas. This gospel was not put in the bible probably because until now, it was considered jibberish. In it christ sais that all the apostles and saints will become one. I am that one. He said first I would be disturbed, then I would marvel. I have been disturbed for years with multiple personalities, bipolar disorder, and horrible depression. Imagine if you were all the apostles and saints rolled into one but did not know it for 44 years. You had been tortured and killed many times. Imagine the loneliness and depression. Enough pity.

M*W: No, Paul, you are not an apostle, saint nor martyr. This is delusional thinking. You are causing your own loneliness and depreession, but I know you won't be able to snap out of it. Please, please go see a psychiatrist. You've suffered enough.

Christ also said I will reign. This explains why my thoughts and my spirit are in you and are transferred to you. Pay close attention to the changes in your mind and spirit over the next few days, starting last night. These changes come from me.

M*W: Paul, please PM me and let me know when you will see a psychiatrist. Again, if you are in the USA, I'll try to find you one. The only person you have any control over is yourself. You cannot delay.

Christ also sais you will return to James the Just. This is likely the king james bible. read it sometime.

God said he would send a messiah and that he would not be late. Here am I. I am the temporary messiah, here to prepare the world for the coming of the Almighty Jesus Christ. The son of the Father of Light.

M*W: I will be waiting to hear from you that you will begin treatment.

I have been emailing TBN. Trinity Broadcasting Network with my thoughts, my anger, and my truth over the past month. I got no response from them other than once they told me I was listening to the father of lies and that I should pray this prayer... Something I have prayed hundreds of times of course. They have hidden the light under the bushel and have been poor shepherds of the millions in their flock. They are nothing more than salesmen. Selling the prosperity doctrine to poor old ladies and milking their social security checks.

M*W: Yes, TBN is not sincere. They're a money-making organization. Stay away from them. They will make promises to you but will not deliver. They don't care about you.

Needless to say, the farm was lent to them as Thomas says and it is to be taken away by me for better shepherding and preperation for HIS coming.

It is written that the Son of Perdition (he who is to perish) is coming to rule the world and sit in the seat of God. I am sure he is reading this and will likely come to kill me. I don't care. If it is even possible, I will pop right back like a dandy lion.

M*W: I will wait to hear back from you. It is very important that you don't let me down. No one is going to kill you, and you should care. I care. I don't want to see you suffer anymore.

~ Medicine*Woman
did you by any chance read this, before you started this thread.
that whole thing is the most insanely ridiculous thing i have ever heard.
I don't blame you for getting caught up in this gospel, it's a good one.

Don't worry about TBN, these people have been shackled by a literal interpretation of a limited set of texts for too long.

93. <Jesus said,> "Do not give what is holy to dogs, lest they
throw them on the dung-heap. Do not throw the pearls to swine,
lest they grind it [to bits]."
You should find the Nag Hammadi library, one volume containing translations of all the texts discovered in 1945 in egypt, buried in a jar by coptic monks around 300AD. Around this time, the church was rounding up and destroying all the texts they considered heresy. The monks must have found these books valuable and left them for posterity.

You are not cured yet - go back to hospital - you've come out too early.
I have spent the past 30 years in suicidal depression... I have been disturbed for years with multiple personalities, bipolar disorder, and horrible depression.

At least you've reconciled with your mental disorders causing your religious fantasies, unfortunately many theists here have not.
witnessjudgejury said:
I am sending this letter everywhere to shed some light and shout the truth from the rooftops as it is my job.

Ho boy, it sounds like you partially lost your sense of self (possibly due to blood flow problems to that part of the brain) and you're in 'one-with-the-universe' ehphoria. I'm 'God', you're 'God', we're all 'God' right?
spidergoat said:
You should find the Nag Hammadi library, one volume containing translations of all the texts discovered in 1945 in egypt, buried in a jar by coptic monks around 300AD. Around this time, the church was rounding up and destroying all the texts they considered heresy. The monks must have found these books valuable and left them for posterity.

Thanks much for the info. God bless you.
When you have to search through mountains of human dung with your mouth to find your missing pearl, And Benny Hinn is selling the Holy Spirit for $140 on TBN, and God has become extremely thirsty for wine, What do you do?

Give shovels to the dead.
Give rope to all.
Let God make wine.

I smell smoke.
For your help, pray this simple prayer.

Our Father, Master and Creator of all things, thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Amen.
witnessjudgejury said:
When you have to search through mountains of human dung with your mouth to find your missing pearl, And Benny Hinn is selling the Holy Spirit for $140 on TBN, and God has become extremely thirsty for wine, What do you do?

1) Consider a smarter way to search for the pearl if it's really that important.
2) Save your $$$ for retirement and don't watch TBN.
3) Question how a fantasy can be thirsty for alcholoic beverages.
The dead are truly better off completely dead.
Those who wish to live shall awaken, some in the light, some in the dark, some on the Sun.

Don't forget there is an uforgivable sin.
I would suggest backing up and supporting a claim with evidence. I guarantee that everyone on the forum would be receptive.