Fertilization-Assigned Personhood [FAP]

Yes, we get it. You think some nebulous sentimental standard disregarding a woman's human rights—in other words, what we have now—is better than even discussing the idea of what will happen under legislation designed to erase that nebulous, sentimental middle ground. Or so it seems. But given the first sentence of your post, and its idiotic accompaniment in the second sentence, God only knows what you're actually on about. And, given God's absence in human endeavors, that divine secret will remain in whatever oblivion in which it currently exists.
No, as usual you don’t get it. What does trying to establish a neurocognitive basis for fetal rights have to do with sentimentality? It’s a position that is consistent with how we determine the loss of personhood at death. Speaking of consistency, I guess we could apply a DF standard for death as well, where as soon as a patient goes on life support they loose their personhood, cause we don’t need no stinking EEGs.

And, really, by the time you're looking to count oocytizens in order to make your point, invoking ovarian pershonhood, just how seriously do you expect people to take you?
Yet another misguided twist of a metaphor. The ovarian count was in regards to the assertion that fertilized eggs are a product of foreign invasion, or squatters as Bells likes to define them, when in reality they are the product of a natural citizen of the female body that has joined with the invited citizen from the body of a male partner. I advocate no rights to that union until it reaches a sufficient developmental stage of neurocognition later in pregnancy. So much for your ovarian personhood smear.

As it is, perhaps you should be thankful people are still willing to pretend you're making a sincere argument instead of acknowledging the obvious trolling.
You should be thankful that anyone bothers to respond to your rants of redneck legislators attempting to collapse the skies above us. And it’s no longer surprising to see you and Bells frame responses to your blown smoke as trolling, and your own such responses as sincere discussion. It’s just tunnel vision in spades.

And now we've got Captain Turducken over there with the absolute crowning jewel:
• What happens to a woman's rights when personhood is applied from the point of fertilization?

"A woman would be in a similar position that she is now in regards to abortion regulation, only without the option of a period of unrestricted termination. Why does this simple fact have to be explained to you?"

I would love to see that explanation, but coherent explanations aren't something this crowd goes in for. Otherwise, Balerion could have tried explaining the authority charging his abstract and subjective moral duty, Geoff could explain just how viability means the fetus doesn't exist inside another person, Capracus could explain the apparent legalistic quirk he's discovered that the anti-abortion FAP advocates have missed—to the effect that FAP won't do anything at all if applied with constitutional force—and you could stop ignoring the reality of equal protection and due process guarantees while suggesting that extant law which will be overridden by the FAP outcome will ... do ... I don't know, something.
Current federal and state law in regards to abortion give women 20 weeks or greater before imposing restrictions on abortion, where FAP essentially takes that option away. As for your equal protection assertion, it’s not consistent with the relevant Constitutional language.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Equal protection implies that laws regarding like circumstance must be applied and addressed in an equal fashion. When federal law grants states the right to enforce child or fetal protection laws against violators, it applies equally to that specific class of violators. When men and women become parents, due to their relationship with children, their risk of becoming part of that violator class increases. Likewise, when pregnant women enter advance stages of pregnancy that are subject to legal sanctions by the state, they increase the risk of becoming part of a specific class of violator. It’s as if you’re trying to pretend that the state sees no legal distinction between pregnant women and those who aren’t, but we both know that federal law sees it otherwise.
Capracus said:
The risk of abortion increases with each week of pregnancy.
Well duh. Thank you so much for pointing that out Captain Obvious.
Capracus said:
As stated in the article, the average mortality rate for abortion for 21 weeks or greater is 9 deaths per 100,000.
From quite a few years ago.. 16 years ago? What I linked is from the last few years. Gee.. How far we have come medically..

In 2007, the most recent year for which data were available, six women were reported to have died as a result of complications from known legal induced abortions.
Actually according to a more recent CDC vital statistics report, there were 37 abortion related deaths in 2010 and 28 in 2011.

The researchers estimated that 18.5 mothers died for every 100,000 births in the U.S. in 2013, a total of almost 800 deaths. That is more than double the maternal mortality rate in Saudi Arabia and Canada, and more than triple the rate in the United Kingdom.
The study was the latest to underscore a steep rise in pregnancy-related deaths in the U.S. since at least 1987, when the mortality rate was 7.2 per 100,000 births
As for how far we’ve come medically, 7.2/100,000 in 1987 vs. 18.5/100,000 in 2013 isn’t what I would call progress in maternal healthcare in the US over the past 26 years. I would expect a similar trend in terms of late term abortion mortality. So does Planned Parenthood.
Even though in-clinic abortion procedures are generally very safe, in extremely rare cases, serious complications may be fatal. To understand this risk, it may help to compare it to the risk of childbirth:

The risk of death from childbirth is 11 times greater than the risk of death from an abortion procedure during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.

After 20 weeks, the risk of death from childbirth and abortion are about the same.
Overall, the risk of death from abortion increases the longer a woman has been pregnant.

Actually according to a more recent CDC vital statistics report, there were 37 abortion related deaths in 2010 and 28 in 2011.

As for how far we’ve come medically, 7.2/100,000 in 1987 vs. 18.5/100,000 in 2013 isn’t what I would call progress in maternal healthcare in the US over the past 26 years. I would expect a similar trend in terms of late term abortion mortality. So does Planned Parenthood.
37 deaths in 2010 down to 28 in 2011.. Compared to 18.5 in every 100,000 and rising..

While you may expect the trend to rise in 3rd trimester abortion, the fact that less than 1% of abortions are in the 3rd trimester, you won't get that big of a rise in trend.

And deaths arising from complications in abortions appears to be dropping, while maternal death in childbirth is on the rise. So I fail to see how you could expect a similar trend when deaths from abortion (from what you provided) is going down, while deaths from childbirth is going up.

No, as usual you don’t get it. What does trying to establish a neurocognitive basis for fetal rights have to do with sentimentality? It’s a position that is consistent with how we determine the loss of personhood at death. Speaking of consistency, I guess we could apply a DF standard for death as well, where as soon as a patient goes on life support they loose their personhood, cause we don’t need no stinking EEGs.
Pregnant women do lose their rights when they are on life support. The case of Munoz is a prime example of that. And the Bill in Louisiana is yet another example of that.

Yet another misguided twist of a metaphor. The ovarian count was in regards to the assertion that fertilized eggs are a product of foreign invasion, or squatters as Bells likes to define them, when in reality they are the product of a natural citizen of the female body that has joined with the invited citizen from the body of a male partner. I advocate no rights to that union until it reaches a sufficient developmental stage of neurocognition later in pregnancy. So much for your ovarian personhood smear.
You completely misrepresented my analogy and once again went with a stupid extreme.

Neurocognition? Ermm neurocognition is not proven in a fetus. In other words, there is no scientific proof that it has perception, thought and mental processes, etc while in utero (as linked repeatedly in the thread in religion). Do you have proof that this is the case? And from what point exactly? And which studies have found this to be the case?

You should be thankful that anyone bothers to respond to your rants of redneck legislators attempting to collapse the skies above us. And it’s no longer surprising to see you and Bells frame responses to your blown smoke as trolling, and your own such responses as sincere discussion. It’s just tunnel vision in spades.
Is it better to close our eyes and pretend it is not happening?

Is it better to ignore that one state in the US is attempting to legislate using dead women as incubators for their 'babies' without their consent, and pretend that it won't have an impact on women's rights?

Current federal and state law in regards to abortion give women 20 weeks or greater before imposing restrictions on abortion, where FAP essentially takes that option away. As for your equal protection assertion, it’s not consistent with the relevant Constitutional language.
Your Supreme Court deemed that restrictions should apply after the 24th week and that the decision should ultimately remain between the patient and her physician - you know - right to privacy and all that.. It also did not apply personhood from any point for a very specific reason that doing so would infringe on the woman's rights and create a conflict of rights legally.

Women are still able to access abortions in the 3rd trimester if they are able to afford the cost. Even in States where women can access it, the figures of those that do is less than 1%.. So once again, why do you wish to restrict something that does not need to be restricted further when the most simple solution would be to allow women to access abortions earlier instead of restricting that to the point where some women are forced to wait until the 3rd trimester to begin with? The more you restrict abortions, the more women will have to wait to have them later on. So why do you wish to impose even more restrictions?

Equal protection implies that laws regarding like circumstance must be applied and addressed in an equal fashion. When federal law grants states the right to enforce child or fetal protection laws against violators, it applies equally to that specific class of violators. When men and women become parents, due to their relationship with children, their risk of becoming part of that violator class increases. Likewise, when pregnant women enter advance stages of pregnancy that are subject to legal sanctions by the state, they increase the risk of becoming part of a specific class of violator. It’s as if you’re trying to pretend that the state sees no legal distinction between pregnant women and those who aren’t, but we both know that federal law sees it otherwise.
What a shame the State is happy to let women give birth in unsanitary solitary confinement cells resulting in harm and death to their babies under the guise of keeping them in prison to protect the baby, huh? Which by any stretch of the imagination, makes the State the biggest violator, when you consider that not only are they allowing doctors to force risky procedures on women that will have a lifetime of impact and will impact on the number of children they can have in the future, but they also allow hospitals to utilise procedures that they know will kill the mother to save the baby, even against her will..

A woman is more likely to miscarry eating the wrong type of cheese and drinking the wrong herbal tea than she is smoking dope or drinking alcohol. Are you going to police the diets of women as well now and check what perfumes she wears and what herbs she uses to cook with?

I mean hell, just lock them all up in internment camps when they hit the 3rd trimester to protect the "baby". That would suit your demand and idea for control.
The Functional Problems of Intellectual Dishonesty ... Or Is It Just Ignorance?

Capracus said:

Equal protection implies that laws regarding like circumstance must be applied and addressed in an equal fashion. When federal law grants states the right to enforce child or fetal protection laws against violators, it applies equally to that specific class of violators.

This part is exactly correct.

When men and women become parents, due to their relationship with children, their risk of becoming part of that violator class increases.

This is correct, but incomplete. So does that risk escalate for everyone else around that pregnant woman.

Likewise, when pregnant women enter advance stages of pregnancy that are subject to legal sanctions by the state, they increase the risk of becoming part of a specific class of violator.

And under equal protection for zygotal personhood, the range of potential homicidal violations expands by orders of magnitude.

It's as if you're trying to pretend that the state sees no legal distinction between pregnant women and those who aren't, but we both know that federal law sees it otherwise.

It is as if you're trying to pretend that Roe will have any relevance if FAP gets constitutional endorsement.


"A woman would be in a similar position that she is now in regards to abortion regulation, only without the option of a period of unrestricted termination. Why does this simple fact have to be explained to you?"

—you have failed to justify this ridiculous assertion. What option of unrestricted termination does she have now? And just how is it that access to hormonal or intrauterine birth control is illegal right now?

You made a completely incorrect assertion, and your attempt to justify it really makes no sense whatsoever.

After all, even without personhood, some states are arresting and charging women with crimes for having simple accidents, or being mentally ill.

And as has been noted already:

At least 38 of the 50 states across America have introduced foetal homicide laws that were intended to protect pregnant women and their unborn children from violent attacks by third parties – usually abusive male partners – but are increasingly being turned by renegade prosecutors against the women themselves.

South Carolina was one of the first states to introduce such a foetal homicide law. National Advocates for Pregnant Women has found only one case of a South Carolina man who assaulted a pregnant woman having been charged under its terms, and his conviction was eventually overturned. Yet the group estimates there have been up to 300 women arrested for their actions during pregnancy.


And that's without FAP.

And I remember the fetal protection debate; it occurred in my youth, and yes, it's true, the abortion access folks knew this was coming. And they were called cruel and unfeeling and all sorts of things we also hear coming from people in this debate who are trying to give cover to the FAP movement.

Everybody knew this was the score thirty years ago. And the anti-abortion people willfully lied.

Part of the problem, Capracus, is that you don't seem to understand what you're dealing with when it comes to the laws. Such as the Turducken Principle:

"According to your Dry Foot Policy, personhood is attained through the act of umbilical severance, by that logic it would be rescinded through umbilical reattachment."

That's not how human rights work. And, specifically, that's not how rights work in the United States of America, unless you are willing to assert that a doctor committing medical malpractice, assault and battery, potentially murdering a newborn, and savaging a woman's body construes some viable semblance of due process.

And this is a common problem: As you, Billvon, and others point to Roe for support, you seem to forget that constitutionally sanctioned FAP will erase that Supreme Court decision. The Court refused to establish personhood in Roe. Review section VI of the Opinion of the Court for the Court's historical review, section IX.A for the Court's consideration of Equal Protection under the Fourteenth Amendment, and IX.B ¶2 for the Court's refusal to establish personhood:

Texas urges that, apart from the Fourteenth Amendment, life begins at conception and is present throughout pregnancy, and that, therefore, the State has a compelling interest in protecting that life from and after conception. We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins. When those trained in the respective disciplines of medicine, philosophy, and theology are unable to arrive at any consensus, the judiciary, at this point in the development of man's knowledge, is not in a position to speculate as to the answer.

Constitutionally-empowered FAP will resolve that issue statutorily. Roe will no longer apply.

And while it is apparent that some agents of the state will take liberties with the Constitution, and some courts will grant them that leeway, to the one it's not supposed to be that way. Look what happens in criminal law; the courts will often allow sleights of law to pass because it makes things too complicated for law enforcement to throw people in jail. And as the Founders' discussion went, some complained that provisions in the Bill of Rights would make it difficult to prosecute people; I believe it was George Mason who responded, "It's supposed to be difficult."

So what is this about? Is FAP really just about restricting abortion access and getting rid of hormonal and intrauterine contraception? That is, is it really just about restricting women? Go back and review Billvon's argument from eighteen months ago, the climax of which is linked in the topic post. In a desperate attempt to argue that the implications of zygotal personhood would not include negligent homicide charges for everyday human foibles, he came down to asserting that the rational thing to do is ignore the Constitution; furthermore, in this thread he backs that argument with Roe, apparently oblivious to what constitutionally empowered FAP will do to that decision. That is to say, it is ridiculous, stupid, and utterly dishonest to refer to extant law to explain what happens when that extant law is stricken.

And the preceding sentence applies to your argument, too. You do not get to rely on Roe to explain what happens if Roe is stricken.


Pilkington, Ed. "Outcry in America as pregnant women who lose babies face murder charges". The Guardian. June 24, 2011. TheGuardian.com. May 30, 2014. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/jun/24/america-pregnant-women-murder-charges

Blackmun, Harry. "Opinion of the Court". Roe v. Wade. Supreme Court of the United States of America. January 22, 1973. Law.Cornell.edu. May 30, 2014. http://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/410/113#writing-USSC_CR_0410_0113_ZO
The "what now?" what now

You keep claiming that your position is the correct one without any evidence to back up your claims and based solely on your say so.

Tiassa tells us above that arguing the legal frames of a decision not even taken, let alone made law, is "flaccid". Now, I think that was a little insulting to your position, but he does have a certain reasonability in the point he makes: how exactly shall I provide evidence of a proposition that is not law yet, nor may ever be?

So who are you again?

And who are you?

Because regardless of your say so, what you claim is not representative of what is actually happening in the real world.

What in the hell is that supposed to mean? To what are you referring? What is it you're now claiming I'm claiming?

As a supposed scientist, you should be fully aware that you need to have some sort of evidence to back you up. You have provided none, you have ignored what is actually happening to women and instead, you just keep telling us how you think it is, despite a mountain of evidence that you are absolutely wrong.

Aw, those personal slurs make you seem so mature, Bells. I'm sure your ex-co-workers don't look down on you because of them as they read this forum.

There is so much wrong with that paragraph that I'm actually going to have to fisk it, itself, to try and illustrate to you what you're doing here. I get that you're all rage-y and all that, but it's not an excuse.

As a supposed scientist, you should be fully aware that you need to have some sort of evidence to back you up.

As a supposed lawyer, you should probably understand the difficulties in providing counter-evidence against a proposition (a biologically-derived ethical limit to abortion rights) that is not actually in practice anywhere, let alone being proposed. I have to ask at this point: do you know what you've been arguing against? What is it you wish me to provide evidence of, exactly? The correct implementation of a law that does not currently exist? Does that seem even slightly insane to you, as a demand?

You have provided none,

See above.

you have ignored what is actually happening to women

What exactly am I meant to have ignored here? Riffle through your comments and tell me what it is I've ignored, and in context of this discussion.

instead, you just keep telling us how you think it is, despite a mountain of evidence that you are absolutely wrong.

I'm afraid I'll have to double-dog dare you to illustrate how this mountain of evidence proves me 'wrong'. You don't even seem to know what it is that I'm arguing for, although I've explained it innumerable times. Let me ask this another way: in what way can my proposition, which has not yet been tested anywhere, be proven either right or wrong? Above, you demand evidence that it be 'proven right'. How can there be evidence of the correct and ethical application of a law that does not exist? Here you insist that I am 'absolutely wrong', as if you knew what those words meant. How can an untested and even unproposed legal proposition be "proven" wrong by any evidence? Are you slowly coming round to what I'm asking here? Are you beginning to get why this new line of yours makes no sense whatsoever?

Perhaps because your magical deadline does not exist?

That response made absolutely no sense in light of my comment; current abortion deadlines exist. Define how you mean this: do you mean it as a proposition, or extant in the courts, or what, exactly? None of what you're writing makes any sense. It's as though I said "Imagine a brick of the following dimensions..." and you leaped in to scream "That brick doesn't exist!" Of course it doesn't exist in fact; it's a proposition. Are you feeling quite all right?

So you have no issues with women's rights being abrogated?

Which ones, when and under what circumstances, Binary Bells? Don't spout off again, just be honest and specify which ones.


Have you failed to notice the many, MANY personhood measures trying to be implemented by States around the US?

You do realise that the OP is actually discussing reality, yes?

Ermm.... you remember that the 4th post is tying my position to personhood and PAF, yes? And that I haven't argued any of the above? So why are you trying to dun me with this?

In other words, you are making unsupported claims of what you think it is without proof and you have nothing to support your side of the argument except for 'because GeoffP says so'..

There is a plethora of studies out there regarding the issue. Put in some effort. Find something that supports your argument.

I could certainly propose a reasonable biological deadline, and I tentatively suggested 27 weeks earlier on because of the viability issue. Now, if this is what you're requesting, then I have to infer that your mounds of 'evidence' must be dismissed, because they would have nothing to do with such a question. Before you flip out: what exactly are they evidence of? The violations of existing law? Okay... so what do they have to do with my proposition, which is not law, nor even a bill? Explain yourself.

No, placing the decision of what happens inside the mother's body with the mother kind of makes sense instead of referring to men who are wholly unrelated to her to determine her reproductive and medical decisions for her.

So male opinions are invited if they're her relatives? Her father, brothers, uncles, husband? Anyway, people make all kinds of social decisions without being related to those directly or indirectly affected.

No, your opinion is invalid because you are gormless

Now you're trying to cover blatant sexism with insults. Good plan!

My position is that it is up to the woman to decide. That is my so called "bright line". Clear enough for you?

Op - we're getting somewhere now. Up to what point is it the woman's right to decide? I'll have your opinion out in plain text, if I must chase it 'round the Horn, and 'round the Norway maelstrom, and 'round Perdition's flames before I give it up!

Oh, believe me, my threat is not an abuse of power.

Oh, but it is.

I think anyone would agree that 16 pages worth of requests that you stop trolling and stop trying to change the subject and leave the thread if you are incapable of discussing the subject of the thread is too much leeway for you.

You have certainly not filled 16 pages with your demands for me to accept your false dilemma and just "go from there", sorry. That is a nonsense. If you want to condition the argument in that way, you need to demonstrate the following and in the following order:

1) Why is personhood necessary to establish abortion limits? What jurisdictions currently use this term in their definitions? What ones do not?

2) Why, if personhood were granted to an individual at my bright line of individual competence (viability, neural rigour, etc), would that extend to PAF, as you insist it does?​

If you have a problem with that, then you can complain to Tiassa.

Ah - I see you have abandoned your stance about fair play here. I should complain to the other moderator on this thread who is opposing my view? He might judge fairly, but I think he has an agenda here also, and so I've done a little differently.

Around 400 women in prison, several dead and the women being tied down to operating tables because their doctors imposed personhood on their fetus, forcing vaginal ultrasounds on women (even rape victims) so they can look "at their baby", admitting privileges, denying women treatment for miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy and risking their lives because the hospital believe in personhood... would disagree with you.

Would disagree with me how? Here's my post:

Maybe you should check the post directly above yours, and what it entails. If you want to be taken seriously on this subject state your interpretation of "DF" unambiguously and without redirection. I've asked for this many, many times already.

Oh, and this:


Current laws embrace neither absolute choice on the part of the woman, nor absolute restriction.

In short: such laws [Ed note: restrictions on abortion] exist, absolutely. This is simple fact, and it is striking that you seem to be claiming you're not aware of it. If you want to debate whether they're better, that is a different question and should be framed as such, again unambiguously.

How could anything you just posted disagree with that? It's like you're trying to tell me that a fish disagrees with a bicycle.
Meanwhile, I still want an explanation about how viability removes the conflict. Not how you think it changes the equation according to your subjective sentiments, but how that works objectively. Because unless you and Geoff are proposing to remove those fetuses at viability, that viable fetus still exists inside another person.

I've suggested a couple legal arguments already, since this is the sine qua non of the issue for you. Your argument is the imperialist one: control equals control. When a fetus is no longer critically reliant on the mother, why does the location matter, particularly?

What happens to a woman's rights when personhood is applied from the point of fertilization?

Answered dozens of times, directly and indirectly. Irrelevant.

The only real extremism here is the hatred of women evident in the swindle. Why you continue to work so hard to give those people cover is beyond me, but therein lies the question: What the hell is it you think you're accomplishing?

It would be better to turn the question on yourself. As it stands now, it would be as easy and fair to ask why it is you hate fetuses so much. What is DF accomplishing, save as a negated platform on the other side of an extremist balancing act - at best.
Stating the Obvious

GeoffP said:

When a fetus is no longer critically reliant on the mother, why does the location matter, particularly?

Because the mother is a person, too.

I know you like to forget that, Geoff, but really, man. A woman is not a Bokanovsky vessel. She is a person.

Answered dozens of times, directly and indirectly. Irrelevant.

Cite. Because we do have one answer on record suggesting that the loss of hormonal and intrauterine birth control would be an insignificant change:

"A woman would be in a similar position that she is now in regards to abortion regulation, only without the option of a period of unrestricted termination."

And when we add in that ridiculous assertion of "the option of a period of unrestricted termination" that doesn't actually exist, the problem is either extraordinary ignorance of the issue or extraordinary dishonesty.

So cite these dozens of answsers, please. And I'll even take a baker's dozen to justify the plural.

It would be better to turn the question on yourself. As it stands now, it would be as easy and fair to ask why it is you hate fetuses so much. What is DF accomplishing, save as a negated platform on the other side of an extremist balancing act - at best.

The moralistic admonitions of an alleged scientist with your reading comprehension deficiencies aren't exactly convincing, you know.
billvon said:
You have yet to address my question, or the OP issue. The matter at hand is the consequences of granting personhood to a developing fetus - obviously an increase in rights to the minimum defining "personhood"
There is no minimum set of rights that define "personhood."
Really. Odd that the prolife crowd is wasting so much energy on the distinction, then - if the innocent little embryo gains nothing by it. Apparently they have a different expectation.

What do think the odds are of them being right, and you being wrong, about that? In real life USA, I mean.

billvon said:
Rights are gradually gained as a fetus, and then a child, grows from a fertilized ova
And thus gradually lost - by the woman - as the fertilized egg becomes a two week embryo, etc. When does her right of self-defense vanish, in your opinion?

billvon said:
Nonsense. The "the ordinary rights of self defense" do not abrogate "every single right of the fetal person"
Sure they do. What rights would any person doing to someone what a developing embryo is doing have in the face of that person's rights of self-defense? That is why they are denied to the woman, when States ban abortions.
billvon said:
nor does a "fetal person" has all the rights a 21 year old adult has. The simplest example is a woman who has a legal abortion, even though that same fetus would be considered a person if an assailant killed the fetus
That example does not exist yet in the US - the assailant kills an embryo or fetus, not a legal person, which is why a special law is necessary in those States. The ordinary laws against killing people do not cover the situation - although they do cover the murder of persons under 21, automatically, without special provision.

The regular laws against murdering people would cover the murder of an embryo, if the embryo were a person - right? And manslaughter, of course. Contributing to a miscarriage then becomes a felony crime.

billvon said:
Nope. This is the situation that exists now,
No, it isn't. We are debating the consequences of its being created.
billvon said:
and no pregnant woman I have heard about has been denied the right to vote, or her right to drive, or her right to free speech based on her pregnancy.
There is no "right to drive". There is no explicit "right to vote". Free speech is often curbed for the incarcerated or hospitalized. Are you sure you have thought the situation through?

You have been handed several examples of women being jailed and otherwise legally persecuted based on their being pregnant, even under the current less rigorous and comprehensive legal status of their fetus. That tends to interfere with driving, voting, talking to people of one's choice, no?

billvon said:
They would be obligated to establish time and cause of death for any miscarriage, if it were of a legal person, correct?
Incorrect, and no one does this, even in countries where all abortion is illegal.
Do you have some reason for saying that is "incorrect"? I don't see how one can avoid the normal legal registration of a person's death. And whether other places have US laws and Constitutional rights and so forth is hardly relevant.
Is your Freudian slip showing?

Tiassa said:
Because the mother is a person, too.

My emphasis. You know, I think this constitutes a breakthrough: “too”. Your own language betrays an appreciation that with two lives in focus, maybe a balance would be preferable to dominance? Too Freudian?

I know you like to forget that, Geoff

Then it should be easy to find evidence of how I don’t care about the woman when I repeatedly state that the woman’s health is primary. Balerion makes the same point here. I appreciate that it takes more time to read than just assassinate your opponent’s character. After all, you have… that busy blog to run.


I answered that very question even in the post you’re responding to. Surely you couldn’t have missed it; you took the time to slander my character on the very basis of that response! Must I offer you your other false dilemma? You seem to be enamoured of binary choices.

So cite these dozens of answsers, please. And I'll even take a baker's dozen to justify the plural.

Is this a kind of Used Cars Gambit? I’ve never seen anyone try that before, but I confess I did like the movie. Note, though: it was the bad guy that tried that one. Food for thought. (Dozens of “answsers”?)

Now, if you’re really interested in it, read the complete responses to your complaints that no one is addressing the OP and you’ll find these. I link one of Balerion’s above and several below. This being yet another answer to your demand, and with you eagerly monitoring this conversation for citations, I have to admit that I’m very interested to see on what grounds you’re now going to pretend that the OP hasn’t been answered. Will you pretend you didn’t see this part of the post, or just omit it from your response? Is that even possible at this stage? Can you abandon your main line of argument at this point: that is, that the OP hasn’t been answered? That I doubt: 16 pages is not written for nothing. You might be able to gain some traction by further dissecting down the original false dilemma, which I’ve seen done with some success, at times.

Instead of all this you could have just asked what I meant by “irrelevant”. You know: what do you mean ‘irrrelevant’, Geoff? Is this some kind of woman-hating thing etc. There are ripe opportunities for those with retractable values.

Here’s some of those links. I guess this means you’ll be switching to the “real world” herring now? Note: some of them even contain responses from you regarding the OP proposition. Gah! How to explain?


Question: when you and Bells talk about the personhood of the fetus, and how DF means that it is up to the woman to decide what happens to her body, where in any of that are these mitigations that you claim would keep a woman from aborting right up until delivery? You get very sniffy when someone inquires a bit too closely about that, but don’t explain where you consider this ethical limit to exist. Then you veer off and talk about DF as a Devil’s Advocate point… yet reassert two central elements: i) it’s up to the woman to decide if she should have an abortion, and ii) DF is a “bright line” for asserting personhood, which you consider essential to a discussion of rights. I keep looking for these statements by you two on reasonable mitigations to prevent abuse, and I don’t find them. Why is that? Why is it that neither one of you will lay out your exact set of limitations? You keep claiming that it’s a misrepresentation to say that such rights would go right up to conception and, in your defense, I don’t think even you two could possibly mean for it to be applied right up to the day of conception. So where are your limits, then? Specify the ethical limitations you’d put down for abortion rights. I’m interested to see these.

The moralistic admonitions of an alleged scientist with your reading comprehension deficiencies aren't exactly convincing, you know.

Er, this from a specialist in logical fallacy and intellectual disjunct? Oh my, I really have been told off now.
Less than 1% of abortions occur in the 3rd trimester. How many do you think are waiting to go through 3-4 days of agony for fun or because they want to abuse themselves or 'the system'?

Think about it.

What an absolutely ridiculous argument. What abuse do you think they are committing that they need to be restricted and dominated and mansplained by the likes of you? What abuse would you be preventing by that less than 1%?

No, really, you would have to be one of the most ridiculous men I have seen pass through these halls. And I'm talking as someone who once had to put up with a guy who claimed he flew into the spiritual realm and was an ascendant master.
Bells said:
No, really, you would have to be one of the most ridiculous men I have seen pass through these halls. And I'm talking as someone who once had to put up with a guy who claimed he flew into the spiritual realm and was an ascendant master.

And you would have to be on of the most vile "people" I have ever seen pass through these "halls." You are an atrocious human being.
Less than 1% of abortions occur in the 3rd trimester. How many do you think are waiting to go through 3-4 days of agony for fun or because they want to abuse themselves or 'the system'?

Think about it.

Lots of things are rare, Bells. It's not an argument not to have legislation.

What an absolutely ridiculous argument. What abuse do you think they are committing that they need to be restricted and dominated and mansplained by the likes of you? What abuse would you be preventing by that less than 1%?

There's that sexist term again. Purty. So now I'm restricting and dominating them, eh? Words mean things, Bells. And there's the thing: what are the motivations of that 1%? How can we know? For reference, the murder rate in Australia is a lot lower than that, yet there are laws against murder.

No, really, you would have to be one of the most ridiculous men I have seen pass through these halls. And I'm talking as someone who once had to put up with a guy who claimed he flew into the spiritual realm and was an ascendant master.

Don't blame me because you missed out on your big catch there, chief.
And you would have to be on of the most vile "people" I have ever seen pass through these "halls." You are an atrocious human being.

I wouldn't bother Bal. She's just not worth it. And her argument is just the same old points recycled every few posts when it seems like you might have forgotten them.
Lots of things are rare, Bells. It's not an argument not to have legislation.
You missed the obvious point.

It is legislated and regulated.

Yet you believe it needs more restrictions to prevent abuse. What abuse do you speak of? In other words, you have stated that it needs to be legislated and restricted to prevent women from abusing the late term abortion system. What abuse is there?

Do you have any links, studies, etc, that support your claim that more restrictions and legislation is needed to prevent said abuse? What abuse needs to be prevented in that less than 1%?

There's that sexist term again. Purty.

So now I'm restricting and dominating them, eh? Words mean things, Bells. And there's the thing: what are the motivations of that 1%? How can we know? For reference, the murder rate in Australia is a lot lower than that, yet there are laws against murder.
What else do you call it when you attempt to restrict someone's rights over their own body?

Considering soooooooo much information has been provided about why women access third trimester abortions, I find your asking what the motivations of that 1% to be absolute trolling on your part.

Either that, or you actually do not or cannot read.

Don't blame me because you missed out on your big catch there, chief.
See, you could only get away with that if you had not been caught multiple times not actually reading what is posted, what is linked or it seems, even knowing what is a link in a post.
Look, a laissez-faire system with no abuse!

You missed the obvious point.

It is legislated and regulated.

You're asking for laissez-faire on abortion - the mother's choice, alone, with no limits that you deem important enough to mention. Since LTA occurs in about 1% of all abortion cases, and since this is actually greater than the murder rate even in Australia, these things seem quite comparable in frequency. Your argument, I am essentially forced to remind you, was:

Bells said:
Less than 1% of abortions occur in the 3rd trimester. How many do you think are waiting to go through 3-4 days of agony for fun or because they want to abuse themselves or 'the system'?

Hence the frequentist rebuttal. Capiche?

Yet you believe it needs more restrictions to prevent abuse.

'More' restrictions? How is that, exactly? Specify WRT my argument, please. This is one of the core 'misunderstandings' you have about the issue.

Do you have any links, studies, etc, that support your claim that more restrictions and legislation is needed to prevent said abuse? What abuse needs to be prevented in that less than 1%?

Oh, so you think there can't be any abuse; that it's not possible. Well some of the reasons reported earlier in this thread seem a bit ethically specious to me, Bells. Do you have any links, studies, etc. in that support your claim above that there is no abuse in third term? Can you link some of this information?

So I take it there will be no apology forthcoming. Well, that's no surprise, given the source. Still, it's better than outright libel, I guess.

What else do you call it when you attempt to restrict someone's rights over their own body?

Considering soooooooo much information has been provided about why women access third trimester abortions, I find your asking what the motivations of that 1% to be absolute trolling on your part.

Well, you can't honestly believe anyone thinks that your opinion is either informed or relevant, Bells. That's the failure of Western sociality: the freedom to say anything that pops into your head, regardless of accuracy. Now, back to the question again:

Bells said:
What abuse do you think they are committing that they need to be restricted and dominated and mansplained by the likes of you?

Please illustrate where I am restricting or 'dominating' women. I mean, I'm dominating the argument, I guess, but that's not at all the same thing.

See, you could only get away with that if you had not been caught multiple times not actually reading what is posted, what is linked or it seems, even knowing what is a link in a post.

Nice grammar. Do you even know what you're responding to now?
You're asking for laissez-faire on abortion - the mother's choice, alone, with no limits that you deem important enough to mention. Since LTA occurs in about 1% of all abortion cases, and since this is actually greater than the murder rate even in Australia, these things seem quite comparable in frequency. Your argument, I am essentially forced to remind you, was:

Hence the frequentist rebuttal. Capiche?
How is the comparison even valid?

Murder is the actual killing of another person.

Abortion is the woman exercising her rights over her own body.

'More' restrictions? How is that, exactly? Specify WRT my argument, please. This is one of the core 'misunderstandings' you have about the issue.
So you aren't the one braying about how there needs to be more restrictions and laws regarding third trimester abortions? I must have you confused with another GeoffP who has been pitching a fit for the last few weeks.

Oh, so you think there can't be any abuse; that it's not possible. Well some of the reasons reported earlier in this thread seem a bit ethically specious to me, Bells. Do you have any links, studies, etc. in that support your claim above that there is no abuse in third term? Can you link some of this information?
I have provided ample information about this in this and the other thread - such as studies, interviews with those who perform 3rd trimester abortions. Perhaps you can learn to click on links and read what is posted.

For example:

Here - You even responded to this one..

There is no evidence of abuse.

You are the one claiming that laws and restrictions are needed to prevent abuse. Please support your claims with actual evidence. You have repeatedly avoided supporting your arguments on this issue. I'd suggest you start backing up your claims.

You are the one who is claiming that there needs to be restrictions. Attempting to foist your argument on me will fail and as far as I am concerned, this is simply you attempting to troll once more.

Well, you can't honestly believe anyone thinks that your opinion is either informed or relevant, Bells. That's the failure of Western sociality: the freedom to say anything that pops into your head, regardless of accuracy. Now, back to the question again:
I have provided more than enough information to back up my opinion.

You have provided nothing except your say so. I'd really suggest that you start backing up your claims and argument with links to scientific papers, studies, etc.

Please illustrate where I am restricting or 'dominating' women. I mean, I'm dominating the argument, I guess, but that's not at all the same thing.
You are the one braying about how women need to have restrictions placed on them when it comes to abortions. That is domineering and restricting women's rights.

Nice grammar. Do you even know what you're responding to now?
4am.. No sleep.. Don't care if you have a problem with my grammar.

Still waiting for you to back up your claims.
How is the comparison even valid?

Do you know what statistics are? You said that because it was rare, no law was needed. Murder is even rarer. Do we need no laws against murder? Don't you care about murder victims?

So you aren't the one braying about how there needs to be more restrictions and laws regarding third trimester abortions? I must have you confused with another GeoffP who has been pitching a fit for the last few weeks.

Whereas you favour no restrictions at all?

I have provided ample information about this in this and the other thread

I regret that the cherry-picked examples are not particularly pertinent, since you deliberately selected them. The second one is just reassertion of old evidence, which is trolling, again.

There is no evidence of abuse.

Not with cherry-picked examples, no, I should imagine not. I see you deliberately ignored the evidence that I posted about possible avenues for abuse. Shocker.

You are the one claiming that laws and restrictions are needed to prevent abuse.

Oh, so you support no laws or restrictions, then.

4am.. No sleep..

Aw. Poor malevolent thing. Is Geoffrey being mean to you again?

Still waiting for you to back up your claims.

Not nearly as long as I've been waiting for you to back up your opinion.
Do you know what statistics are? You said that because it was rare, no law was needed. Murder is even rarer. Do we need no laws against murder? Don't you care about murder victims?
Well yes, murder is the killing of a person. Abortion is not.

Whereas you favour no restrictions at all?
Restrictions that make it safe and legal for women, certainly. Restrictions to access, no I do not favour it. Because I know of the horror that occurs when that happens and women die. Do you want women to die?

I regret that the cherry-picked examples are not particularly pertinent, since you deliberately selected them. The second one is just reassertion of old evidence, which is trolling, again.
This is where you utter bullshit stops. I have clearly and repeatedly supported my argument.

You have provided nothing at all except to try to troll and change the subject despite requests that you stop. So either back up your argument and stop changing the subject or vacate this thread.

Not with cherry-picked examples, no, I should imagine not. I see you deliberately ignored the evidence that I posted about possible avenues for abuse. Shocker.
What evidence.

You have made the extraordinary claim that women will potentially abuse 3rd trimester abortions if there are no further restrictions and laws to prevent it (because apparently women get 3rd trimester abortions for kicks or something).. You need to support this claim with studies, articles, statistics.. You have yet to provide a single link in this thread that supports your claim that restrictions and limitations are required to prevent the abuse by women when it comes to 3rd trimester abortions.

Aw. Poor malevolent thing. Is Geoffrey being mean to you again?
Why do you think everything has to be about you?

Not nearly as long as I've been waiting for you to back up your opinion.
I have provided dozens of studies, interviews, articles, commentary to support my claims. Since you clearly do not read what is linked, then demanding I keep doing it is just trolling on your part.

You on the other hand.. You have yet to provide one single link to support your extraordinary claim in this thread.

It won't end up going well for you in the long run.. Well in the short run.

I and others have asked you more than enough times to to support your claims. You consistently refuse and now you are trolling.
The bright line

Well yes, murder is the killing of a person. Abortion is not.

Let's try this again. I know it's futile, but it is a kind of exercise in writing. You cite repeatedly that only 1% of all abortions are in the third trimester; you use this to argue that abortion should be up to the woman alone. Thus you argue for no abortion laws protecting fetuses, which you consider dipsosable, in the third trimester. However, even this low frequency is not an excuse to have no legal protection for fetuses. The murder rate, in comparison, is much less than 1%. So should we correspondingly have no laws against murder? After all, it happens so rarely. Who would really want to murder another human being? Surely anyone contemplating such an extreme act must have a really good reason? So why not then have no laws against murder either. I mean, it's so rare. Are you getting the parallel yet? I've asked this before: is English not your first language? This would explain a few things.

Restrictions that make it safe and legal for women, certainly. Restrictions to access, no I do not favour it. Because I know of the horror that occurs when that happens and women die. Do you want women to die?

Why are you advocating restrictions on abortion? What restrictions could possibly make it safer? Do you want women to die, Bells? No? Then why are you advocating restrictions on abortion?

Now, more seriously: all right, you say you want no restrictions on abortion. This then means you really do favour a "dry foot" policy all along, so that abortion may take place at any point. But you've been telling me this is a misrepresentation. Really?

This is where you utter bullshit stops. I have clearly and repeatedly supported my argument.

No, you never have. You've never stopped the screed and explained exactly what you mean by your support for DF. The above indicates that you support DF at all points, since you state

Restrictions to access, no I do not favour it.

So you want a laissez-faire system, precisely as I inferred pages and pages ago, and have trolled your way around telling us that I've been misrepresenting you, when in fact this is your exact opinion. And it's heinous. It's not a Devil's Advocate argument - which I'm forced to conclude you don't really grasp either - and it isn't a talking point of any kind. It's your actual opinion, as I called earlier. There was some noise a few pages back about 'no mother wanting to abort past 33 weeks' or something, but it was phrased so weaselly that it didn't read as a statement of your opinion, giving you room to slither around. I thought at the time come on, Geoff: thinking that even at this stage of the game is pretty damn cynical but apparently I was right all along. Would you like now to back down from this position?

You have provided nothing at all except to try to troll and change the subject despite requests that you stop. So either back up your argument and stop changing the subject or vacate this thread.

No: what I'm doing isn't trolling in any sense whatsoever. What you are doing is trolling; false assertions about character, misrepresentation, false dilemma, reification, repeated assertion without proof, character assassination, intellectual disjunct. The thread is rife with it. If you want me to leave, we'll press on on the administration front. I'll contact the remaining admins and see if it's all right that I'm allowed to express my opinion, and if it's okay that you're allowed to try and run me off.

What evidence.

I'll post it again and maybe this time you'll learn to click a link. There's a very handy stepwise process that some poster took the time to write out above; I'm not sure why it's helpful but I think that in your case it might be. Here's that link:


Why do you think everything has to be about you?

Bells, have you ever been diagnosed with a narcissism complex? You keep coming back to this position that if something isn't all about you, or doesn't agree with you, that the other person is somehow trying to abduct the argument for the sake of the ego. I'm sure your insomnia really does have nothing to do with me, but this meme runs through a lot of your comments.

I have provided dozens of studies, interviews, articles, commentary to support my claims.

These links have nothing to do with a biologically determined limitation to abortion rights with medical primacy for the mother. Instead, they're just examples of violations of existing laws - either in spirit or overtly - or of the medical requirement for LTA. Neither of these things conflict in any way with my synthesis. They have, literally, nothing to say in this discussion. If you genuinely understand my direction here, they just constitute flak which is intermixed with the libel and personal abuse of other posts or in the same post. If you genuinely don't understand my direction here and think they apply... then that's just sad.

I infer that all your 'evidence' is that any kind of limitation on abortion is bad. Your position then is that of a "dry foot" limitation, which is to say no limitation at all, essentially. If you think your position is different, now's your chance to explain how it is different.

It won't end up going well for you in the long run.. Well in the short run.

I've heard these threats before when you've been caught out badly. Here's the thing: I don't troll. You do. And you mix it with character attacks, illogic, and childish behaviour. I have no idea whether the mods are cowed by your behaviour or not, but I expect some do have enough spine to object. Oh, and I warn you that any attacks on me or my family outside the forums will be subject to legal action. I don't know if that was your intent or not, but you do like to keep things vague. I don't, as you've seen.
Let's try this again. I know it's futile, but it is a kind of exercise in writing. You cite repeatedly that only 1% of all abortions are in the third trimester; you use this to argue that abortion should be up to the woman alone. Thus you argue for no abortion laws protecting fetuses, which you consider dipsosable, in the third trimester. However, even this low frequency is not an excuse to have no legal protection for fetuses. The murder rate, in comparison, is much less than 1%. So should we correspondingly have no laws against murder? After all, it happens so rarely. Who would really want to murder another human being? Surely anyone contemplating such an extreme act must have a really good reason? So why not then have no laws against murder either. I mean, it's so rare. Are you getting the parallel yet? I've asked this before: is English not your first language? This would explain a few things.
Legal protections for the fetus..

Please explain what happens to the mother's legal rights and protections the moment you grant legal protections to the fetus. In other words, you demand legal protection for the fetus but you are yet to explain what happens and how it impacts on the mother's rights.. The very crux of this issue.

So answer it.

Why are you advocating restrictions on abortion? What restrictions could possibly make it safer? Do you want women to die, Bells? No? Then why are you advocating restrictions on abortion?

Now, more seriously: all right, you say you want no restrictions on abortion. This then means you really do favour a "dry foot" policy all along, so that abortion may take place at any point. But you've been telling me this is a misrepresentation. Really?
I believe in a woman's right to choose. I believe that the mother's rights over her body remains and should remain paramount. I do not believe that more restrictions are necessary and I do believe that more restrictions will endanger the lives of women (and I have provided more than enough proof of what happens when others recognise the legal protections of the fetus).

Is that clear enough for you?

No, you never have. You've never stopped the screed and explained exactly what you mean by your support for DF. The above indicates that you support DF at all points, since you state

Restrictions to access, no I do not favour it.

So you want a laissez-faire system, precisely as I inferred pages and pages ago, and have trolled your way around telling us that I've been misrepresenting you, when in fact this is your exact opinion. And it's heinous. It's not a Devil's Advocate argument - which I'm forced to conclude you don't really grasp either - and it isn't a talking point of any kind. It's your actual opinion, as I called earlier. There was some noise a few pages back about 'no mother wanting to abort past 33 weeks' or something, but it was phrased so weaselly that it didn't read as a statement of your opinion, giving you room to slither around. I thought at the time come on, Geoff: thinking that even at this stage of the game is pretty damn cynical but apparently I was right all along. Would you like now to back down from this position?
I have repeatedly supported my argument with links, studies, interviews, articles. YOU HAVE YET TO PROVIDE A SINGLE ARTICLE to support yours except for now what seems to be a wiki link - which does not even support your assertion that more restrictions are needed to avoid and prevent abuse of third trimester abortions. Despite repeated links and studies which detail why women are accessing them, all of which clearly show there is no abuse of the 'system', you continue make this fallacious claim without any proof.

Even your own wiki link does not support your claims of why further restrictions are needed.

As it stands, and as has been explained to you repeatedly, so much so that a pea would understand it, doctors will not provide late term abortions past 33-34 weeks. Now, I understand discussing this within the realms of reality is impossible for you, but that is the reality of the whole situation. In short, a woman is not able to access an abortion at full term. This has also been explained to you repeatedly. Yet you continue to misrepresent and outright lie and slander and claim that I believe women should be allowed to abort at any point - despite repeated assertions that the DF policy works within the realms of reality and not your sick and twisted little fantasies.

Is that clear enough for you now?

No: what I'm doing isn't trolling in any sense whatsoever. What you are doing is trolling; false assertions about character, misrepresentation, false dilemma, reification, repeated assertion without proof, character assassination, intellectual disjunct. The thread is rife with it. If you want me to leave, we'll press on on the administration front. I'll contact the remaining admins and see if it's all right that I'm allowed to express my opinion, and if it's okay that you're allowed to try and run me off.
GeoffP, you have failed to support any of your arguments and this is a problem you have been guilty of for years.

Certainly, please contact the administrators and while you are at it, perhaps you can explain to them why you have refused to support your extraordinary claims, why you have repeatedly refused to discuss the thread's topic as stated in the OP and why you have trolled a thread for over 16 pages because you want to change the topic of the thread, despite repeated requests by members and staff that you stick to the topic and stop going off topic and trolling. Because this has been identified and has been discussed by the staff. I suggest you find a good answer.

I'll post it again and maybe this time you'll learn to click a link. There's a very handy stepwise process that some poster took the time to write out above; I'm not sure why it's helpful but I think that in your case it might be. Here's that link:




Now, where does it say that women are abusing late trimester abortions so much so, that you feel the need to outlaw it or restrict it with only a few exceptions?

Bells, have you ever been diagnosed with a narcissism complex? You keep coming back to this position that if something isn't all about you, or doesn't agree with you, that the other person is somehow trying to abduct the argument for the sake of the ego. I'm sure your insomnia really does have nothing to do with me, but this meme runs through a lot of your comments.
Considering your behaviour at the start of this thread where you trolled it and kept claiming it was about you, considering how I say I have not been sleeping when you complain about my grammar, your response is to ask if it's because of you.. Really GeoffP? You really want to go there?

These links have nothing to do with a biologically determined limitation to abortion rights with medical primacy for the mother. Instead, they're just examples of violations of existing laws - either in spirit or overtly - or of the medical requirement for LTA. Neither of these things conflict in any way with my synthesis. They have, literally, nothing to say in this discussion. If you genuinely understand my direction here, they just constitute flak which is intermixed with the libel and personal abuse of other posts or in the same post. If you genuinely don't understand my direction here and think they apply... then that's just sad.
The links deal directly with the biologically determined limitation to abortion rights with medical primacy for the mother because dolts demand that their fetus has legal rights and personhood. So try again, this time, without the lies.

I infer that all your 'evidence' is that any kind of limitation on abortion is bad. Your position then is that of a "dry foot" limitation, which is to say no limitation at all, essentially. If you think your position is different, now's your chance to explain how it is different.
I have explained my position more than enough times to count. Perhaps instead of dreaming that it's all about you, you actually read what is written and linked.

I've heard these threats before when you've been caught out badly. Here's the thing: I don't troll. You do. And you mix it with character attacks, illogic, and childish behaviour. I have no idea whether the mods are cowed by your behaviour or not, but I expect some do have enough spine to object. Oh, and I warn you that any attacks on me or my family outside the forums will be subject to legal action. I don't know if that was your intent or not, but you do like to keep things vague. I don't, as you've seen.
Let me make something clear to you, GeoffP.

At least one of my colleagues has suggested that we simply delete your posts each time they are off-topic in the hope that you learn and that if you persist in this behaviour, then you will face the ban cycle. I would strongly suggest that you start supporting your claims with actual evidence instead of a wiki link that does not even support your claim that further restrictions are needed to combat the threat of abuse within that less than 1% of women who obtain 3rd trimester abortions. More importantly, it is time that you stop trolling (17 pages now) and actually stick to the topic of the thread.