Fear and Hate are Satan´s stronger weapons

no, i don't have a hard time...it's just that, i'm so sick of people not believing in God. anyway, it's their opinion, not mine...all i care about is to do anything i can to make myself worthy of living in heaven. i have stated my opinion that God is love. if they don't believe it, then, it's their loss...

I believe in God. Look at your own assumptions.
My point was precisely that Wisdom Seekers post was not teaching love, it was teaching us how to hate our own emotions.
The heaven you seem to be seeking must demand that people dismiss what they have not really felt or understood. I hope you like it there.
well, it's up to you to believe it..you may take it or you may not. for all i know, there's really a hell so i'm trying my best to stay on God's side so that i won't be in hell.

Do you really think God wants to hang around with people who are good because they are afraid of hell? Even Wisdom seeker wouldn´t agree with that.