Fear and Hate are Satan´s stronger weapons

Only Love is Godly; fear leads to hate, and hate leads to the dark mentality...
you can fear a thing, an inanimate object, does that too lead to hate.
I dont think so, I thing first you'll need to define what you mean by hate.
I detest religions, because religions cause sensible good people to do bad thiings.
I have no hate towards these person as they know not what they do, they are coerced into the evil they do, so yes I do fear what they can do, but not them personally, they cannot be held responsible, they need help and pity more than hate, hate is a term a religous person uses to describe anybody who does not think like him, and I feel sorry for him for that reason too. hate is to strong an emotion, I can dislike a person, but never hate.
´cause hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated.

Dark mentality = Satan’s mentality.

Do you hate someone or a group of people?
If positive, then you are hearing Satan’s voice.
and I dont hear imaginary voices in my head.
Do you act upon that hate towards the person or people you hate?
If positive, then you are following Satan’s commands.
because I dont hear imaginary voices in my head.
Do you hate, judge and discriminate, and then go to a church to ask forgiveness?
If positive, you are deep into Satan’s games.
no, and non-applicable.
because I dont hear imaginary voices in my head.
Forgiveness and love are the weapons of the only true God.
and humanity.
Do you forgive those who actively prosecute you and insult you?
If positive, then you are following God’s will.
yes, I have no malice towards them.
and I dont hear imaginary voices in my head.
Do you have unconditional love towards someone?
If positive, then you are hearing God’s words.
yes my wife and children, my brothers and sisters, my mum and dad.
and I dont hear imaginary voices in my head.
Do you do well for others (f.e.: charity), and not ask for any kind of recognition or reward?
If positive, then you are doing God’s will.
constantly, without question, I'm a humanist.
and I dont hear imaginary voices in my head.
Do you do well for others (f.e.: charity), and then go tell everyone what you did, so they tell you how good are you?
If positive, then you are doing Satan’s will.
no, only religious people do that, I think, because they need to look good in each others eyes.
and I dont hear imaginary voices in my head.
Are you personally offended by this thread?
If positive, then you are in denial of the voice of Satan in you.
not in the least, though I am puzzleed as to why you would think everybody hears imaginary voices.
because I dont hear imaginary voices in my head.
Only Love is Godly; fear leads to hate, and hate leads to the dark mentality...
´cause hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated.

In the simple formulas you tossed out you are contributing to self-hate. You are tryng to get people to hate their own so-called negative emotions DESPITE THE FACT THAT THESE FEELINGS ARE NATURAL AND FURTHER APPROPRIATE in certain situations.

Someone being raped hating his or her rapist is not serving Satan.
Someone being raped and hating their rapists and scratching his eyes (acting on that hate) is not being evil.

And of course, being afraid is not bad in countless situations.

You speak of love, but in the end what you are teaching is self-hate adn guilt.
no, i don't have a hard time...it's just that, i'm so sick of people not believing in God. anyway, it's their opinion, not mine...all i care about is to do anything i can to make myself worthy of living in heaven. i have stated my opinion that God is love. if they don't believe it, then, it's their loss...
no, i don't have a hard time...it's just that, i'm so sick of people not believing in God. anyway, it's their opinion, not mine...all i care about is to do anything i can to make myself worthy of living in heaven. i have stated my opinion that God is love. if they don't believe it, then, it's their loss...

That's a remarkably arrogant and elitist position to have as a default, don't you think? Simply by what you think of alone in your mind, we are at a loss.
I'm glad you see it as your opinion. But do you see that by the same token, it's illogical to say that it is "our loss", as if your opinion applied to all of us?
well, it's up to you to believe it..you may take it or you may not. for all i know, there's really a hell so i'm trying my best to stay on God's side so that i won't be in hell.
no, i don't have a hard time...it's just that, i'm so sick of people not believing in God. anyway, it's their opinion, not mine...all i care about is to do anything i can to make myself worthy of living in heaven. i have stated my opinion that God is love. if they don't believe it, then, it's their loss...

if you do good deeds just to get into heaven then it is selfish and not for the sake of goodness,

i believe that alot of religious people do good deeds for selfish reasons, and to me that makes the deeds driven by the ego and selfish desire to gain something.

if you are 100% good in your heart then you will do good deeds simply for the sake of honour and goodness, i myself am not a theist i am a daoist. i am good to others because i want people to enjoy life. if i get rewarded with heaven then i would love that reward. but i dont know if heaven even exists, i think thats why alot of atheists dont respect the good deeds of christians. because can you say its a good deed if you only do it to gain a place in heaven?

that's true...what i mean is that, it's good to have a goal..if you have that goal and you know how to attain it,(by giving without reward)i think it's not bad...i mean, i'll just do what pleases God.
that's true...what i mean is that, it's good to have a goal..if you have that goal and you know how to attain it,(by giving without reward)i think it's not bad...i mean, i'll just do what pleases God.

I am very sympathetic towards your position, honestly. I too was once a very proud and devout Christian, trying to please God and escape hell just like you. All I'm trying to do is show you that these concepts that are ruling your life, even down to your thoughts, don't make any sense. I see this as a problem, as I would want you to experience a higher plane of active living and observation in the world, so I'm very passionate about exposing the weakness and contradictions of these 'answers' you have been programmed to spit out.
well, i have just programmed myself to live that way...to please God..i knew this will come..i knew that many will go against God..it is stated in the Bible...
well, i have just programmed myself to live that way...to please God..i knew this will come..i knew that many will go against God..it is stated in the Bible...

If you created a complete fairytale that you knew people would consider believing, wouldn't you include some pseudo-prophetic warning against those who oppose?
do you think that even if i do that pseudo thingy, those who oppose would believe me? maybe. if they are open-mided...

and, i've not created a complete fairytale...and it's not even fairytale...

wait, are you mad to those who are theists??
::La sigh::...I'm not mad at those who are theists, but I am mad at their theology and how it's poisoned otherwise very intellectual people, from adults to promising youngians like yourself. It's ridiculous on all accounts.
oh okay...for me, it's not ridiculous...in fact, when i'm in the right age, i am considering to take up theology..but that's still not sure though..

okay, i have to sleep,,bye..
Okay, a question for you to ponder as you drift to sleep; why do you consider it fact?
i don't know..i just feel like considering it a fact..anyway, my idea of taking up theology is not sure anyway...i could back out or i could pursue it..it depends on the happenings in the future
i don't know..i just feel like considering it a fact..anyway, my idea of taking up theology is not sure anyway...i could back out or i could pursue it..it depends on the happenings in the future
yes you could come to your senses, dont completely dismiss the fact that you are able to think for yourself and use that ability to discern the facts, not to just believe, without question, that is just infantile, your now becoming a man, be that man think for yourself, the alternative is being a sheeple, which I hope you think your not.