Fear and Hate are Satan´s stronger weapons


Speaker of my truth
Valued Senior Member
Only Love is Godly; fear leads to hate, and hate leads to the dark mentality...
´cause hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated.

Dark mentality = Satan’s mentality.

Do you hate someone or a group of people?
If positive, then you are hearing Satan’s voice.

Do you act upon that hate towards the person or people you hate?
If positive, then you are following Satan’s commands.

Do you hate, judge and discriminate, and then go to a church to ask forgiveness?
If positive, you are deep into Satan’s games.

Forgiveness and love are the weapons of the only true God.

Do you forgive those who actively prosecute you and insult you?
If positive, then you are following God’s will.

Do you have unconditional love towards someone?
If positive, then you are hearing God’s words.

Do you do well for others (f.e.: charity), and not ask for any kind of recognition or reward?
If positive, then you are doing God’s will.

Do you do well for others (f.e.: charity), and then go tell everyone what you did, so they tell you how good are you?
If positive, then you are doing Satan’s will.

Are you personally offended by this thread?
If positive, then you are in denial of the voice of Satan in you.

Discuss… :D :m:
Geez, where to begin...

Only Love is Godly; fear leads to hate, and hate leads to the dark mentality...
´cause hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated.

Dark mentality = Satan’s mentality.

Do you hate someone or a group of people?
If positive, then you are hearing Satan’s voice.

That's funny, God boasts the most intense form of hate imaginable, his hate towards sin.

Do you act upon that hate towards the person or people you hate?
If positive, then you are following Satan’s commands.

God certinaly must be following Satans commands, as he annihilated Sodom and Gomorrah, threw slanderous insults at Pharisees, and ultimately sent all those and more to an endless, tooth-grindingly painful, and "just" eternity in Hell. Now if that isn't action, then I don't know what is.

Do you forgive those who actively prosecute you and insult you?

Doesn't seem like a very efficient deterrent to get them to stop, eh?

Do you do well for others (f.e.: charity), and not ask for any kind of recognition or reward?
If positive, then you are doing God’s will.

Now I'm confused, I do charity and I don't believe in God at all...surely it isn't his will for me to not believe in him.

Aside from all that, I wonder who created evil in the first place...hmm...
Geez, where to begin...

That's funny, God boasts the most intense form of hate imaginable, his hate towards sin.

God certinaly must be following Satans commands, as he annihilated Sodom and Gomorrah, threw slanderous insults at Pharisees, and ultimately sent all those and more to an endless, tooth-grindingly painful, and "just" eternity in Hell. Now if that isn't action, then I don't know what is.

Doesn't seem like a very efficient deterrent to get them to stop, eh?

You speak of a fake God created by humans lead by Satan.

Now I'm confused, I do charity and I don't believe in God at all...surely it isn't his will for me to not believe in him.

You are following your inner-voice, that is God, either you believe it or not. All love is God.

But if you do give charity, and tell others for recognition, you are doing it for yourself and your ego.

Aside from all that, I wonder who created evil in the first place...hmm...

God did, except that you are the one who judge stuff as evil.
You speak of a fake God....
I'm lost... is there another type of God?

You are following your inner-voice, that is God, either you believe it or not. All love is God.
You mean my conscience?

But if you do give charity, and tell others for recognition, you are doing it for yourself and your ego.
The charity I do is for other people, and I desire no recognition.
What I'm trying to get at, if you haven't noticed, is that I don't believe in any sort of god, so the idea of a supreme being shaking his finger at me is silly.

I find it silly as well. you should chek out the thread I gave you, its about this discussion.

Yeah, but I was talking about a singing cricket.

then you need to get that checked out man.

I'm not your brother.

mm, so what are you? my sister?
You speak of a fake God created by humans lead by Satan.

You are following your inner-voice, that is God, either you believe it or not. All love is God.

But if you do give charity, and tell others for recognition, you are doing it for yourself and your ego.

God did, except that you are the one who judge stuff as evil.

Oh how convenient! We all judge stuff as evil, yes, but it seems as thought the stuff you judge as evil is the real evil, simply by fiat. I guess that makes anyone's idea of God that differs slightly from yours completely wrong. Oh yeah, and evil.

Could you be any more close minded?
Oh how convenient! We all judge stuff as evil, yes, but it seems as thought the stuff you judge as evil is the real evil, simply by fiat. I guess that makes anyone's idea of God that differs slightly from yours completely wrong. Oh yeah, and evil.

Could you be any more close minded?

Something we all agree to be good or bad... NOT

Can anything really be Good or Bad? NOT

I believe in ETs, I don´t think we should put people in jail, I am against law enforcement, I think all drugs should be legal, I think wars are useless and ignorant, I believe in karma and meditation for spiritual growth, I don´t think we are able to judge anyone. I don´t care and accept the different attitutes towards sex, and I don´t agree with most people´s conception of god or love. I don´t call myself of any religion, I think the ideal of nations is screwed up, the world is one.

I have my own thoughts, something people should try and do sometime :cool:
So you have long hair, a hemp shirt... and pants, and sit in a smoked filled room?
Basement or attic?
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I believe in ETs,
Me too.

I don´t think we should put people in jail, I am against law enforcement, I think all drugs should be legal,
So no order what-so-ever? Some people can't take care of themselves, much less take care of themselves without some higher power keeping them in check. Now I'd have to admit that crime may be curved by legalizing drugs, but they do pose a threat to peoples health. I know, I know... so do cigarettes and alcohol, but they are by some chance legal, so live with it.

I think wars are useless and ignorant,
It's hard to get some people to be diplomatic. Force is sometimes necessary.

I believe in karma and meditation for spiritual growth,
No comment. I don't believe what goes around comes around. But if meditation is what does it for you, have at it.

I don´t think we are able to judge anyone.
How can you not judge people? I'm judging the hell out of you right now! Are you telling me you've never judged anyone? You can't help it.

I don´t care and accept the different attitutes towards sex,
What attitudes toward sex?

and I don´t agree with most people´s conception of god or love.
Well what is your thought on love? I know your thoughts on god by that god-awful post you linked me too.

I don´t call myself of any religion,
Didn't you say that in the sentence before that?

I think the ideal of nations is screwed up, the world is one.
So you're all about a free world, do whatever you want, carefree, drugged orgy?

How can I not judge who you are when you spout babble such as that? I'm all for thinking what you want. Believe what you will, but in todays world, some things are just how it is, and other things, such as what you believe, lead me to judge you... and think you're nuts. Oh well.
upon further review of your post...

I don´t think we are able to judge anyone.

I have my own thoughts, something people should try and do sometime :cool:

Yet you are so quick to tell me that my mind is deluded by Satan without any thing backing it up except for (gasp!) your judgment call?

It's good that you have your own thoughts, but you should make sure they don't betray each other or else no one will care to hear what you have to say.
i personally believe it..im a faithful christian(if i may say so) and i do believe that God is love..so, to my opinion, your opinion is good...