Favorite Bible Quotes

I'm new here so Hi everyone (yeah, I know, bleh). Although I'm a scientist, I do not possess the gall to assume that all things are within our understanding and fit within our neat and tidy little framework of understanding. Probably fitting that my first post be something written 2000 years ago. From the book, I like many quotes. Especially ones with intense imagery or poetic.

"I have seen Satan fall from the sky like lightning." - Luke 10

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a liar from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." John 1

I'm Jon, BTW... TTYS hopefully

M*W: Hi Jon, welcome to sciforums. What does "TTYS" stand for? I'm not sure I understand your reason for joining sciforums other than there are a lot of things you don't understand. If that's the case, then you have definitely come to the right place.

However, I get this sense that you came here to preach about your religious beliefs. Is that true?

Since you said there's things you don't understand, do you have any specific questions we could answer or at least lead you to where the answers might be? Is there any particular reason you would quote from the NT? As a scientist, surely you are aware that the bible is neither a scientific nor historical document nor is it considered reliable or accurate for the discussions herein.
Common sense should tell a person all the contradictions, often cruel and strange, bizarre, hatefull nature attributed to God are nothing more than the corruption of man' influence.
Do you mean it is Man who turned God into Devil?
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"If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her."

-Deuteronomy 22:28-29
"Thus says the Lord: 'I will bring evil upon you out of your own house. I will take your wives while you live to see it, and will give them to your neighbor. He shall lie with your wives in broad daylight. You have done this deed in secret, but I will bring it about in the presence of all Israel, and with the sun looking down."

-Samuel 12:11-14
ok! there a sun in the solar system with your so called faith could you move the sun just a degree or two further away so the earth cools a little then we would not have to worry about global warming..lol no seriously, could you move mount everest in the alps over to the andes, then you would get a hell of a lot of converts.oh so your lying, in one breath you say it can be done and cant be done, make up you mind hypocrite.

Ah...but a hypocrite would not be intrested in God's opinion, nor would he or she bother themselves with establishing precedents to understand bible context.

As we discussed before this is a matter of prayer. And prayer must be conducted with the hightest level of respect since it is the only form of direct communication to our God. Prayer thus must be inaccordance with his will. What is required to understand this is study to discover the trend that allow us to appreciate this as well as meekness. The williness to be taught and directed so larger and more important things maybe discovered.
Meek means guidable, its a Hebrew word having to do with a horse's bridle, to guide the horse.

So "the meek shall inherit the Earth" doesn't mean that the doormats will inherit the Earth, it means that those who respond to God's instructions will inherit the Earth.
M*W: Hi Jon, welcome to sciforums. What does "TTYS" stand for? I'm not sure I understand your reason for joining sciforums other than there are a lot of things you don't understand. If that's the case, then you have definitely come to the right place.

However, I get this sense that you came here to preach about your religious beliefs. Is that true?

Since you said there's things you don't understand, do you have any specific questions we could answer or at least lead you to where the answers might be? Is there any particular reason you would quote from the NT? As a scientist, surely you are aware that the bible is neither a scientific nor historical document nor is it considered reliable or accurate for the discussions herein.
After reading this, I have to say I don't feel very welcome. TTYS is short for "Talk to you soon". Wow. You don't just jump to conclusions do you? You fly to them. I don't have anything to preach but I do believe in the freeflow of ideas - the very essence of a "forum" correct? I thought it was a legit post in a thread title "Favorite Bible Quotes". I suppose I left my other favorite quote, "And Jesus said to them: And I say that nothing can exceed the speed of light in a vacuum unless engaged in some form of entanglement." - yes... that is my favorite quote I suppose.

Regarding the things I don't understand... well I do not look forward to someone such as yourself setting me straight. Of course, there are many things I, and indeed "we" don't understand (yes, that includes you too). I hope to discuss many of those very things. I don't look at the bible as a historical document nor do I descend to the notion that it contains any data that is scientific in nature. Perhaps inspirational is a good term. Right now, the dicussions "herein", doctor, are simply "Favorite Bible Quotes".

Did I mention gall???
Meek means guidable, its a Hebrew word having to do with a horse's bridle, to guide the horse.

So "the meek shall inherit the Earth" doesn't mean that the doormats will inherit the Earth, it means that those who respond to God's instructions will inherit the Earth.

Fascinating...I've always found the Hebrews lanuage approach quite litteral...Ideal for repeatition.
After reading this, I have to say I don't feel very welcome. TTYS is short for "Talk to you soon". Wow. You don't just jump to conclusions do you? You fly to them.

M*W: Sorry if I made you feel "unwelcome." That was not my intention. I am, however, blunt to a fault. What is the point of dragging a point when you can make your point faster and with less carnage?

I don't have anything to preach but I do believe in the freeflow of ideas - the very essence of a "forum" correct? I thought it was a legit post in a thread title "Favorite Bible Quotes".

M*W: True, this thread is about "favorite bible quotes," and it is a legit thread you replied to. Although I am opinionated, I am in no way part of the administration of this forum, so please consider what I said to you as frivolous banter.

I suppose I left my other favorite quote, "And Jesus said to them: And I say that nothing can exceed the speed of light in a vacuum unless engaged in some form of entanglement." - yes... that is my favorite quote I suppose.

M*W: I suppose even as an atheist there are bible quotes that I like, considering that it is a work of allegorical literature.

Regarding the things I don't understand... well I do not look forward to someone such as yourself setting me straight. Of course, there are many things I, and indeed "we" don't understand (yes, that includes you too). I hope to discuss many of those very things. I don't look at the bible as a historical document nor do I descend to the notion that it contains any data that is scientific in nature. Perhaps inspirational is a good term. Right now, the dicussions "herein", doctor, are simply "Favorite Bible Quotes".

M*W: Far be it that I should "set you straight!" You came here for a reason. What was that reason? Just remember who welcomed you here in the first place.

Did I mention gall???

M*W: It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it. Did you think you were joining a forum of religious fundamentalists? If you did, then you may be surprised by the other comments you get. I was just trying to toughen you up for the kill. (Ha, ha).

But, back to the subject of this post... as an atheist, even I like certain phrases in the bible that stand out to me as honest and meaningful. One that readily comes to mind is "The End."
M*W: Sorry if I made you feel "unwelcome." That was not my intention. I am, however, blunt to a fault. What is the point of dragging a point when you can make your point faster and with less carnage?

Why does there have to BE any carnage at all?

M*W: True, this thread is about "favorite bible quotes," and it is a legit thread you replied to. Although I am opinionated, I am in no way part of the administration of this forum, so please consider what I said to you as frivolous banter.

I can accept that ;-)

M*W: I suppose even as an atheist there are bible quotes that I like, considering that it is a work of allegorical literature.

Fiction or not, it's not to be totally disregarded. Being an atheist, you have your beliefs. If we are to set apart science from spirituality (physica from metaphysica) then one could easily say you are preaching atheism. At the very least, spirituality, or perhaps spiritism, is a part of our biology since we do not have any atheist cultures. The utter lack of atheistic societies prompts us to question whether or not we NEED to believe in something, however unrealistic. Jealously, for example, is not usually rational but exists nonetheless - even though we can postulate why jealousy occurs.

M*W: Far be it that I should "set you straight!" You came here for a reason. What was that reason? Just remember who welcomed you here in the first place.

Yes! Thank you. I don't want to dive into the swimming pool only to find that the water is too cold!

M*W: It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it. Did you think you were joining a forum of religious fundamentalists? If you did, then you may be surprised by the other comments you get. I was just trying to toughen you up for the kill. (Ha, ha).

Of course not. I am not a fundamentalist in any sense of the words. I posted the quotes I did because of their imagery and poeticism. Imagine the idea of seeing anything fall from the sky like lightning? Other than just electrons? Seems almost sci-fi to me.

But, back to the subject of this post... as an atheist, even I like certain phrases in the bible that stand out to me as honest and meaningful. One that readily comes to mind is "The End."

In jest, another is "Proclaiming to be wise, they became as fools." I don't paint myself into corners. Many creatures cannot establish differences in the wavelengths of light, only degrees of light and dark. Does this mean rainbows do not exist? For a person who cannot see color, to argue with a person who can as to whether or not one can exist or not, seems ridiculous.
In jest, another is "Proclaiming to be wise, they became as fools." I don't paint myself into corners. Many creatures cannot establish differences in the wavelengths of light, only degrees of light and dark. Does this mean rainbows do not exist? For a person who cannot see color, to argue with a person who can as to whether or not one can exist or not, seems ridiculous.

wow, 5 post's and he says what i could not in 2k+...good job...M*W???:D

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wow, 5 post's and he says what i could not in 2k+...good job...M*W???:D

LOL... thanks. Can I ask a question? (I guess I just did). Okay a second question... what is M*W? I saw that on another users reply and couldn't get my head around it. My username is H4rd2bme. Is it not showing up correctly? Don't mean to be off topic.

thank you again!
Many creatures cannot establish differences in the wavelengths of light, only degrees of light and dark. Does this mean rainbows do not exist?

Yeah but imagine what those creatures would talk about when they could see rainbows but couldn't understand why the occurred.

"Hey man, look at that... it must be magic".

These creatures would then establish churches and pray to non-existant things in space all because they couldn't understand what they were seeing.
Okay a second question... what is M*W? I saw that on another users reply and couldn't get my head around it. My username is H4rd2bme. Is it not showing up correctly? Don't mean to be off topic.

thank you again!

M*W: "M*W" is an abbreviation for Medicine*Woman when she posts replies. Sure, it's a little diffent intro to her replies along with the 13 "*" which stand for the 13 original colonies and the lucky "13." Medicine*Woman dares to be different. Please don't try to wrap your head around her. Her favorite hobby is devouring christians. Yum, yum!
Yeah but imagine what those creatures would talk about when they could see rainbows but couldn't understand why the occurred.

"Hey man, look at that... it must be magic".

These creatures would then establish churches and pray to non-existant things in space all because they couldn't understand what they were seeing.
They probably would. Just like EVERY man/woman/culture has done since the beginning. But then I assume they would begin to question why the rainbow occurs. They might hypothesize and develop a few theories, test them, and hopefully come to a conclusion and then alls well that ends well. A few might remain and just think it's magic but the rest would know why they really occur. And so it goes from age to age.

Anyway... So why do you dislike man so much? Or perhaps better, the nature of man.

Your forefathers did the same thing. We all come from the same pool my friend. I imagine you'd do the same thing. If a ghost (or whatever) appeared before you, after you lost control of your bodily functions, would you cower in fear or would you grab a petri dish and say "Hold still, I'd like to get a sample for my analysis."
M*W: "M*W" is an abbreviation for Medicine*Woman when she posts replies. Sure, it's a little diffent intro to her replies along with the 13 "*" which stand for the 13 original colonies and the lucky "13." Medicine*Woman dares to be different. Please don't try to wrap your head around her. Her favorite hobby is devouring christians. Yum, yum!
Haha! Okay then! You go girl! People still say that right??
Anyway... So why do you dislike man so much? Or perhaps better, the nature of man.

Oh, nowhere in that did I intend to imply that I dislike man. I was just explaining what is quite apparent and unsurprising of man to do, (by using his creature analogy).

I see these things constantly, but you could name almost anything and if the witness cannot explain it it's gods, or ghosts, or ufo's, (the alien kind), or mermaids etc etc and so on.

Given a choice in the matter I would like to see an end of it. There's people crossing their fingers, throwing salt over their shoulers, saying "bless you" when you sneeze even though the bubonic plague is pretty much long gone, (yes there are still some indivdual cases). Some guys I know even salute magpies and say "good morning Mr Magpie, how's your wife and kids?" I'm like.. "wtf?", they're like "It's bad luck to not salute a magpie", and I'm like "dude, it's a bird ffs, it poops, eats worms and grabs the odd shiny thing". Or when they say "touch wood/knock on wood" and I have to inform them of it's leprechaun origins and point out the idiocy of such a thing.

But that is man. That is what we are and what we have been since time immemorial. These people adamantly believe it to be true, and that's fine for them - but when you actually sit back and look it at it's so bloody stupid I can only laugh.

If a ghost (or whatever) appeared before you, after you lost control of your bodily functions, would you cower in fear or would you grab a petri dish and say "Hold still, I'd like to get a sample for my analysis."

Depends whether it said "boo" or not first. To be honest I would more likely be the latter from what I know of myself, but this is one of those things I suppose where you have to go through it to know the answer.