Favorite Bible Quotes

Yes IAC, join us... God wants you to come and be with our collective.. "we are borg resistance is futile".
That scripture is symbolic. It means to have no association with those that do not produce fine fruits. Those who don't produce fine fruits are those that will be "cut off" Those who are apart of Satan's world.

Just FYI
What? They were told never to eat a fig tree?
no they weren't told that.
jesus did not like it that a fig tree had no fruit, because it wasn't time for the tree to bare fruit, so being the clever person he was, he cursed the tree.

That scripture is symbolic. It means to have no association with those that do not produce fine fruits. Those who don't produce fine fruits are those that will be "cut off" Those who are apart of Satan's world.

Just FYI
utter rubbish, so if those are symbolic, then the whole of Mark 11 must be, remember this is the chapter where he steals a colt, throws people out of the temple and tells you faith can move mountains, well he lied on that point, so in this one chapter he's a a thief, a lier, and a fool.
so it might be a good Idea to throw this chapter out, and say it's symbolic.
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utter rubbish, so if those are symbolic, then the whole of Mark 11 must be, remember this is the chapter where he steals a colt, throws people out of the temple and tells you faith can move mountains, well he lied on that point, so in this one chapter he's a a thief, a lier, and a fool.
so it might be a good Idea to throw this chapter out, and say it's symbolic.

Rubbish. I think not. Faith is indeed powerful and can move the unmovable. Thus through you faith you have in God he moves the mountain. Yet our faith is tempered through knowledge of his will.
Indeed. If it is not in God's will to move the mountation then we have not place our faith in his will.

But...if he asures us...and makes it evident then it will be just as he says.

Which brings me to another scripture I do appreciate
The Definition of Faith

Hebrews 11:1

Faith, is the asured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not yet beheld
The following passage is from Proverbs 18:1-2 --

"Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom. A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself."
Indeed. If it is not in God's will to move the mountation then we have not place our faith in his will.

You seem to imply that you can only move the mountain if god so wills that the mountain be moved - and thus at the end of the day your 'faith' is valueless unless god wants the mountain to move. What you want is neither here nor there.

Mark 11:24
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

This however indicates that gods will is irrelevant. If you want a wallet that never runs out of money or you want a mountain to get up and take a 50 mile walk before jumping to its death off a larger mountain then you will get it as long as you want it.

So, in saying I would like you to demonstrate this to me. Get a video camera, ask for a mountain to move and, as long as you believe it, it will happen. This would clear up a lot of issues and save a lot of forum debates.
I don't think God would move a mountain just for your amusement Snake.

So he reneges on his word? His solemn promise? Besides, it isn't for my "amusement", it's to show me that your god's word is real.. which - given all your preaching etc, is surely what you want? You want us atheists to believe in your god and his word.. no?
You seem to imply that you can only move the mountain if god so wills that the mountain be moved - and thus at the end of the day your 'faith' is valueless unless god wants the mountain to move. What you want is neither here nor there.

I don't simply imply it. The scriptures say so. And at the end of the day. God's will is the only thing that matters.

Mark 11:24
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

This however indicates that gods will is irrelevant. If you want a wallet that never runs out of money or you want a mountain to get up and take a 50 mile walk before jumping to its death off a larger mountain then you will get it as long as you want it.

This however is not for individuals like yourself, who would ask, for the simple act to test God and put foolish material pursuits ahead of his will.

Matt: 6:33

Seek first the Kingdom and his righteousness and all these other things will be added to you.

Those other things being things which you need.
The scriptures say so. And at the end of the day. God's will is the only thing that matters.

So then, if the scriptures state that only gods will happens, (you can only move a mountain if god wills it), then surely one can only do evil if god wills it, or lack a belief in god if god wills it etc. Instead it is likely that you will now go against such a notion and claim that gods will has nothing to do with it and indeed we're all going against his will - which he seemingly would therefore allow.

This however is not for individuals like yourself, who would ask, for the simple act to test God and put foolish material pursuits ahead of his will.

This is where you make a fundamental error. I am not testing god, I am testing your faith. I already have gods word that he will give you whatever you ask for if you have enough faith. There is no testing of his word, merely testing whether you have enough faith or not. If you fail then you clearly don't have enough faith in god - which might lead to burning.

As such surely it would be in your best interest to try? Not to test god, but to test yourself?
So then, if the scriptures state that only gods will happens, (you can only move a mountain if god wills it),

then surely one can only do evil if god wills it, or lack a belief in god if god wills it etc. Instead it is likely that you will now go against such a notion and claim that gods will has nothing to do with it and indeed we're all going against his will - which he seemingly would therefore allow.
and yet you come to this conclusion. Why?
and yet you come to this conclusion. Why?

Repeated statements by theists under the notion that we have "free will". If everything we do is indeed 'gods will' then our "free will" is actually non existant.

You claimed that scripture supports your claim that god will only give you what you want if he wills it. Kindly show me this text. I have indeed supplied scripture that states the opposite. You will get whatever your will wants if you ask for it.
Repeated statements by theists under the notion that we have "free will". If everything we do is indeed 'gods will' then our "free will" is actually non existant.

And yet..what is the subject of the scripture? Prayer or Random wishes? What are we speaking of? More importantly what is the propper view of prayer?
Let's remember god is good, he offers you anything as long as you don't argue and become independant (similar to Christians). Let us now pray, pray for the day of gods aka Google.com's return.