faster than light?


Registered Senior Member
Hello all, this is my first post. It deals with a thought I had about God and his ability to monitor the Universe.

It goes something like this. The universe is vast(billons of light years across) and God monitors everything that happens in this universe. If God used the electromagnetic spectrum for information gathering he would have to wait billions of years for updates.

Obviously that can not be so. My question then is how does God gets his info from the universe and gets it in an orderly fashion so he can know what occured first,second,etc?

Hi and welcome to sciforums.

God wouldn't have to wait since he is omnispresent, i.e. he is everywhere at the same time.

How this is achieved is a mystery. Or more accurately a fantasy created by the human imagination.
If God created light and the universe then he
must exist apart from his creation.
I think to be all-knowing, God just has to be capable of
knowing. The entire universe could be held in place by nature
and God could just use cause and effect to find
out all the information that he wants. It's
the souls of man that is interesting because he
does not know which ones will choose good or evil.

God would have to have been "exempt" from the Laws of Physics in order to create the universe in the first place. It stands to reason that he goes about his business as though they do not exist. For God they don't...

"God is everywhere", they taught me in Catholic School...
What if God is the universe?
Being God, he could theoretically be aware of everything within it at once, at the same time, all the time...

While it seems beyond imagining... Well... I mean... GOD... The name says "can do" if anything does...

Who da man?
If the program that he was using was made by Microsoft, then, yes... he would have to wait.
Originally posted by okinrus
It's the souls of man that is interesting because he
does not know which ones will choose good or evil.

Ok, so the Christian God isn't omniscient anymore...

And out of a universe billions of light years in which it could be conservatively be estimated there are billions of billions of stars, a good percentage of them having planets, God is only concerned with a little blue dot in the backwaters of the known universe?
Omnipresence does not imply predestination.
The creation of the soul requires loss of knowledge of
the future, but once we choose either good or
evil God knows the answer instantly.

And out of a universe billions of light years in which it could be conservatively be estimated there are billions of billions of stars, a good percentage of them having planets, God is only concerned with a little blue dot in the backwaters of the known universe?
Billions of light years and planets are nothing compared
to human life.
Welcome Greco, God is whatever you perceive, or wish to believe, He, She, or It is. The speed of light is just another challenge to be conquered. Perhaps God has already figured out a way around it and that is why He is God, or maybe He has to obey that speed limit and that is why some people think He is dead, or why he hasn't spoken to anyone lately. Then again, maybe He is just pissed off about the way we turned out and has gone elsewhere to start again. Whatever the answer is, I hope that if you find out, you will let the rest of us know.:D
I'd love to lay some mystical shit down for you but it'd be pointless. Officially, the concept of god is moot due to lack of evidence. Unofficially, I just don't care I guess.. which would be nothing more than fullfilling my purpose under god's plan if his plan is so goddamn perfect eh?

I'm an abomination to the fictional truth, a logical, reasonable objective sluth.

Hehe, sorry.. I just thought of it on the fly and it sounded cool so I threw it right in there.. *shrug*


You are a freak. I like that. Freak on freaking freaker.
God can do 100 parsecs under ten mimi seconds

I read with fasination your question about god and light speed. My thorght on the matter is this. If there is a god, then god created the universe, including such trivial things as the laws that govern it. God is not subject to these laws,she made them, so the limitations of space time do not apply to god.( or my wife actually!!!)
To observe the universe, you must be within it. To be within it, you must obey the laws of said universe.

These truths hold up all we know and rely on. If you're willing to say "Oh well, where God's concerned, we can forget about physics", then I'd be equally justified in saying "I saw God personally, but the light rays hitting my retina were probably influenced in some way by a third party, so I can't rely on them and thus my vision is void."

Christians either need to completely reject physics (which would be interesting as their lives as they know them depend upon Physics), or they need to completely accept them and the ramifications these laws have for their faith. You can't pick and choose which ones you like and don't like. Do you think at a trial, the defence should get to pick and choose what evidence they want to be shown to the jury?
The laws of physics are not complete and I think
most agree that the laws only model the universe.
The fact is that there are some things that are not explained
like why is the speed of light is aprox 3 * 10^8 not
3 * 10^7?
Velocity can be measured. The speed of light has been measured to be just shy of 3*10<sup><font size="2">8</font></sup> (or ~300,000,000) meters per second.
Originally posted by Siddhartha
To observe the universe, you must be within it. To be within it, you must obey the laws of said universe.

These truths hold up all we know and rely on. If you're willing to say "Oh well, where God's concerned, we can forget about physics", then I'd be equally justified in saying "I saw God personally, but the light rays hitting my retina were probably influenced in some way by a third party, so I can't rely on them and thus my vision is void."

Christians either need to completely reject physics (which would be interesting as their lives as they know them depend upon Physics), or they need to completely accept them and the ramifications these laws have for their faith. You can't pick and choose which ones you like and don't like. Do you think at a trial, the defence should get to pick and choose what evidence they want to be shown to the jury?

But to create the universe, you would have to be apart from... seperate... somewhere other than ... exempt from the governance of...
Physics: Big Bang... God: "Let there be light"...
Which sounds stranger?
I'm not even saying that I believe in a "Divine" creator. but while physics can certainly explain what is going on in the universe, the matter of why the universe is here at all remains beyond this discipline to explain.
Also, who's to say that Christianity doesn't allow for the laws of physics to be obeyed?
It merely holds the physical world to be trivial in comparison to the "transcendental", or "spiritual" world.
Therefore the laws governing the physical world are of secondary importance.

Besides... Like I said... Sumbitch is GOD...
Create the World, Flood the World, Kill whole cities, Raise the Dead, Mana from heaven, Plague of locusts...
It's all in a days work for the Lord of Hosts.

Who STILL da man?
To all of you "geniuses"

Your egotistical ejaculations are far too diminutive for my copious comprehnsion, and your sarcasm abundently exceeds your sense of tact. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Killjoy
But to create the universe, you would have to be apart from... seperate... somewhere other than ... exempt from the governance of...

Originally posted by revbill2001
Because if you are a part of this universe, you are subject to the laws that govern it.

That is the base of the argument why the laws of physics must apply to God if God is a part of this universe.

That doesn't explain why God being the creator of the uinverse necessarily implies that God is not within this universe or subject to its laws and limitations.

The logic seems a little backwards and skewed to me.
Or perhaps I am not clearly seeing the point.

It seems that you (collective sense) are justifying God's omnipresence by stating that since it seems to break the rules of physics then God must not be a part of this universe without actually offering up any reasoning stating WHY God must be immune to the laws of the universe in order for him/her to create it.

Am I missing something in your argument?
Or are you missing something in your argument?
Originally posted by revbill2001
Because if you are a part of this universe, you are subject to the laws that govern it.

Isn't that somewhat like this...

person 1. That Ford Pinto is not faster than that Porsche 959.
person 2. Yes it is.
person 1. But the top speed of the Pinto is 85 miles per hour and the top speed of the Porsche is 204 miles per hour.
person 2. But the Pinto is faster because the rules don't apply to the Pinto.
person 1. Why do the rules not apply to the Pinto?
person 2. Because if they DID apply, then the Porsche would be faster, so logic dictates that they must not. Silly!
person 1. :bugeye: :confused: