Fantastic UFO Documentry Everyone Should See

All these people that believe and yet the evidence is still so weak. Don't you think that is strange?

With so many people being convinced you would think we'd have something better than unreliable eyewitness testimony and shaky video footage of lights in the distance.

Perhaps people, no matter what their profession is, are too eager to believe that we are being visited by beings.

I agree with you in a sense.
Unless you have actually seen one in person then it is all heresy.
However, there is so much evidence and information available today I don't know how anyone could be 100% against it...well I do but not in any balanced way.

I disagree on the "unreliable" witness testimony.
Name a position and I will find you someone in that position who has come actually seem balanced so interaction is actually pleasant, lol.

I agree, I'm sure there are many people who are overly eager to believe in ufo's, just as there are people who are overly eager NOT to beleieve...both are unbalanced and impractical.
nope, no phone for NORAD. That blew his credibility.

I like the shady motels where they have the interviews.
drinking a beer in the park. too funny.

LET HIM WORK THE CONTROL way man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i just shat myself.

This is more of a comedy than a documentary. It ranks with Spinal Tap.

hotels in vegas have 800 numbers toolio.
Lol, so what's your point?

My point is that there were no facts in the 'documentary'. That it veered off a fairly sensible path espousing the idea that UFO's were probably secret military aircraft, to remote viewing and alien encounters.

Your overview reads much the same way I see your opinion on the matter...a waste of time.

So you think there were facts in there? That footage of Cook parking his car to ominous music was more than just padding? We saw a lot of him driving his car, and no facts.

If you were serious on finding out anything of value on this subject you could find it.

Have, and haven't.
Brian Greene and many other respected physicists espouse that there are 11 dimensions. (super string theory)


If the purpose of your review was to make humans look've succeeded.

People believing stuff that is contrary to physics is stupid. People thinking that aliens travel for several light years to anally probe people and mutilate cattle is stupid. Believing in a world wide conspiracy to cover up 'the truth' about aliens is stupid, world govts never all agree.

Maybe it's his project and he can veer off into any area he wants.

He lost credibility when he veered off into remote viewing and alien encounters. If he'd stuck with the black budget angle, and that UFO's a secret aircraft, that is highly likely, and believable, but he added a load of bunkum, and lost the plot.
Who says they are defying physics...that's just inane.

The speed of light is the same for everything with mass, and wormholes have been debunked, as they require more energy to create than is available in the entire Universe.

Your basing that on a hubris type perception that we know everything already.

And what are UFO believers basing their beliefs on? That physics is wrong? That the Universe doesn't work the way we think it does, allowing aliens to anally probe people?

Let me guess, a persons credibility doesn't mean squat as soon as they confirm in any way the possibility of the UFO phenomenon...right?...lmao

Don't hide behind the term UFO. I firmly believe many 'UFO' sightings are secret military aircraft. That's a no brainer. If however you want to tack Extra Terrestrial Craft into that definition, well it's a stretch. I do not believe that alien craft have visited the Earth.

Ministers of defense from several countries have come forward, presidents, military pilots, police, radar commanders, you name a top high level position and there will be someone who has come forward.

Most of this can be explained by mundane things, even if secret. It's abductees and those claiming encounters that are untrustworthy, as there is only ever hearsay, and never hard evidence.

And no I'm not gonna do all the research for you...I don't respect your character enough. Your too busy trying to be cool on the internet, which is fine cause you probly spend alot of time on here.

I have read and researched, and guess what? Nothing has met my standards of proof. I'd love it to be true that aliens were visiting Earth, but there is no evidence of that.

So far officials from Britain, Mexico, Canada, France and Brazil have come forward admitting to a UFO phenomenon and more.

UFO's being what? Please don't hide behind the term, and say what you mean. Secret military aircraft, or alien craft? Of course the USA will test stealth aircraft by incursion into foreign airspace, that is a no brainer, and you dont need to involve ET's!
"However, there is so much evidence..."

"Evidence?????" What evidence??? A big bunch of low-grade videos? And eye-witness reports?? None - I repeat NONE! - of that is evidence.

Thousands and thousands of people have seen UFOs. Meaning they saw things that they themselves could not identify. That's certainly not any evidence and a LONG way from being a direct indicator that we are being visited by ET-piloted craft. :bugeye:

For example, if you were to see a hot air balloon that was trying to set a distance record and traveling at night, the moment he flared the burner to gain lift you WOULD see a UFO! If he's high enough and it's a dark enough night, probably not one person out of a hundred would be able to identify it.
Read Only is onto something here. This mock-u-mentary is nothing but unfounded speculation (is that redundant?).

I could not stop laughing at how ridiculous the video was. Tons of wasted time with scenic shots with eerie music. This would have been a better movie than The Last Broadcast.

I think "The Billion Dollar Secret" was intended to be a comedy but they just did not have the correct writers for the script.
The speed of light is the same for everything with mass, and wormholes have been debunked, as they require more energy to create than is available in the entire Universe.

Agreed, new developments are actually suggesting that the objective is in fact to reduce the mass of an object, to change the vibratory state of the object/objects to be travelled.(possibly why many crafts have been reported to "glow" as they change their state closer to that of light in order to achieve these high velocities and insane G forces.)

Can I explain how this works exactly, but these are the current theories on the matter.

We could probly go back and forth on all of our particular points, however, I respect your responses as they were more respectable than I expected in terms of manner...sorry if that sounds derogatory in any's not.
I respect your opinion Phlog.
I guess I am at the same juncture you are at with UFO's as I am with the ET's.
I have not myself ever seen an ET so I can only give levels of probability to that conclusion(albeit high)...just as you have never seen a typical mettalic saucer like craft, and have to base your conclusion on probability as well.

Oh also, I never meant that this video was any type of "smoking gun", or thought about how others would view it in that light...again I was simply taking it for what it was, a mans personal take on the matter.
I would be suprised if any where in the movie the man actually stated that his sole purpose of the film was to prove to others the existence of UFO's or ET's.
Maybe he did, I'm not sure.

I'm assuming that's what most of you were expecting it to be, that it was going to attempt to challenge your current world view rather than just a sharing of his experiences on the subject.
I can understand that.
I don't think there could ever be anything on the internet or anywhere other than first hand personal experience that should be able to convince an individual otherwise.
Increase one's opinion of probability sure, but to convince?...even the evidence would have to be first hand, meaning actually talking to witnesses in person and probly only after 100's if not thousands of them.

I digress, peace.