Fantastic UFO Documentry Everyone Should See


Registered Member
Hello everyone at Sci-Fi Forums,

I've recently found all the parts of a great UFO Documentry i watched a few years ago. It's in 9 parts (10mins each) and is well worth watching. It's called Billion Dollar Secret. The UK presenter (Nick Cook) is very good, and he investigates Aurora, Anti-Gravity, Area-51, Remote Viewing, and much more.

He works for Janes Defence Weekly so he has some great contacts. It also shows some really great anti-gravity footage from Canada.

Goto UFO Evolution . com and look at the thread Billion Dollar Secret. It can be found off the first page. (Won't let me post a link?)

It's definetly one of the best documentries i've seen on the subject. Many of our US friends might not have seen it.

Since there's no such thing as "anti-gravity", I'll just be amused by your little post and move along.
Since there's no such thing as "anti-gravity", I'll just be amused by your little post and move along.

Well in the documentry it has video proof that it can be done. Of course they is anti-gravity. It clearly shows heavy object being levitated in the air, and it's not David Blaine doing it. LOL
Since there's no such thing as "anti-gravity", I'll just be amused by your little post and move along.

Yeah, me too, CT.

As P.T Barnum said, there's one born every minute.

(And they usually write illiterate things like, "Of course they is anti-gravity." Italics mine.) :D
Since there's no such thing as "anti-gravity", I'll just be amused by your little post and move along.

You know, the man who claims something to be impossible is wrong more often than the man who claims it is possible. (Or at least acknowledges that they dont know.)
You know, the man who claims something to be impossible is wrong more often than the man who claims it is possible. (Or at least acknowledges that they dont know.)

While there's some truth in that (there are plenty of things we don't know), let's hear you explain just how anti-gravity might be possible. And you might as well tackle anti-energy while you're at it. :rolleyes:
Ummm, well lets see the electromagnetic force is MANY magnitudes more powerful than gravity. Hmm, our Earth is encased in a giant magnetic field...
Is that a good start?
Ummm, well lets see the electromagnetic force is MANY magnitudes more powerful than gravity. Hmm, our Earth is encased in a giant magnetic field...
Is that a good start?

Well, I don't see any relationship there to anti-gravity.

And I suspect that instead of "electromagnetic" you meant "electrostatic." Among other things it does, that's what prevents us from walking through walls or falling through the floor or ground. ;)
Thanks for sharing.
I'll check it out.
Here's a link for those who are interested directly to youtube.

Watched it, it's light on facts, full of allegory, and relies on eye witness reports from people and does not establish their credibility.

Most of it was padding, with ominous music. In short, it was a waste a time.

It skirted between a serious investigation, to being so open minded Nick Cooks brains fell out. Why did he veer off into remote viewing and other spurious bullshit?

Oh, and as soon s someone says the phrase 'another dimension' you know they are a crackpot, and it;s not worth talkng to them anymore. If the purpose of this documentary was to make UFOlogists look stupid, it succeeded.
Watched it, it's light on facts, full of allegory, and relies on eye witness reports from people and does not establish their credibility.

Most of it was padding, with ominous music. In short, it was a waste a time.

It skirted between a serious investigation, to being so open minded Nick Cooks brains fell out. Why did he veer off into remote viewing and other spurious bullshit?

Oh, and as soon s someone says the phrase 'another dimension' you know they are a crackpot, and it;s not worth talkng to them anymore. If the purpose of this documentary was to make UFOlogists look stupid, it succeeded.

Ha-ha! Yeah!:D

I'll believe that UFOs are of alien origin whenever one is placed on display in Times Square in NYC. Or whenever several government officials together with a panel of recognized, reputable scientists announce it along with presenting solid evidence.

And until then, it shall remain the stuff of dreams, reports by honest but mistaken individuals and the realm of die-hard woo-woos.
Ha-ha! Yeah!:D

I'll believe that UFOs are of alien origin whenever one is placed on display in Times Square in NYC.

What I don't get is why woowoos think aliens would travel all that way to mutilate cattle and anally probe single people.

I don't get why alien space craft can defy the current laws of physics, yet be seen by woowoos. We have stealth aircraft woowoos can't see, why do aliens reveal themselves to nutters?

The whole phenomenon says more about the observer, than what is observed. One documentary on fake UFOs I saw had this guy in the USA who walked around his cornfield wearing a hat with flashing LEDs around it. (he'd made it specially, it was saucer shaped and such), and then he looked in the local paper, listened to the radio, and waited for word of mouth reports. People reported various things, from seeing lights hovering over the field, to aerial manouvers, to being take aboard. Seems the imagination just needs a seed to set it off.
Watched it, it's light on facts, full of allegory, and relies on eye witness reports from people and does not establish their credibility.

Most of it was padding, with ominous music. In short, it was a waste a time.

It skirted between a serious investigation, to being so open minded Nick Cooks brains fell out. Why did he veer off into remote viewing and other spurious bullshit?

Oh, and as soon s someone says the phrase 'another dimension' you know they are a crackpot, and it;s not worth talkng to them anymore. If the purpose of this documentary was to make UFOlogists look stupid, it succeeded.

Lol, so what's your point?
Your overview reads much the same way I see your opinion on the matter...a waste of time.
If you were serious on finding out anything of value on this subject you could find it.
Brian Greene and many other respected physicists espouse that there are 11 dimensions. (super string theory)
If the purpose of your review was to make humans look've succeeded.
Maybe it's his project and he can veer off into any area he wants.
I don't get why alien space craft can defy the current laws of physics, yet be seen by woowoos. We have stealth aircraft woowoos can't see, why do aliens reveal themselves to nutters?

Who says they are defying physics...that's just inane.
Your basing that on a hubris type perception that we know everything already.

The whole phenomenon says more about the observer, than what is observed.
Let me guess, a persons credibility doesn't mean squat as soon as they confirm in any way the possibility of the UFO phenomenon...right?...lmao
Ministers of defense from several countries have come forward, presidents, military pilots, police, radar commanders, you name a top high level position and there will be someone who has come forward.
And no I'm not gonna do all the research for you...I don't respect your character enough. Your too busy trying to be cool on the internet, which is fine cause you probly spend alot of time on here.

So far officials from Britain, Mexico, Canada, France and Brazil have come forward admitting to a UFO phenomenon and more.
Here's a more recent and on hand clip of an official, a former Minister of Defense from Canada admitting to ET presence here on earth....

I know this shit is tough to get used to...but judging from the depth of your hubris I can't see you coming around any time soon.
I expect derogatory remarks in retort so I forgive you in advance....peace.
All these people that believe and yet the evidence is still so weak. Don't you think that is strange?

With so many people being convinced you would think we'd have something better than unreliable eyewitness testimony and shaky video footage of lights in the distance.

Perhaps people, no matter what their profession is, are too eager to believe that we are being visited by beings.
I've had a sighting myself so I guess I'm biased.
With a friend in broad daylight we saw 30-40 typical mettalic crafts over Kewlowna B.C. doubt about it.
Were these particular crafts alien or military, I don't know.
I guess I forget this fact when I am talking to others about this phenomenon.
I can understand why some people would be skeptical, it just seems like some people are unhealthily skeptical.
Oh well.
Whatever is going on in the world today, there's some strange fucking shit going down.