famous quotes bashing men


Registered Senior Member
Genesis 6 8
The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become.....and he was grieved that he made man on earth and his heart was full of pain. So the Lord said, " I will wipe man whom I have created, from the face of the earth. But Noah found pleasure in the Lord...

sighs what would have happened if Noah would have been your typical man?

We have reason to believe that man first walked upright to free his hands for masturbation." Lily Tomlin

"But history, real solemn history, I cannot be interested in... I read it a little as a duty, but it tells me nothing that does not either vex or weary me. The quarrels of popes and kings, with wars or pestilences, in every page; the men all so good for nothing, and hardly any women at all -- it is very tiresome" -- Catherine Morland in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey (1817)

"Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable."


"Why are women. . .so much more interesting to men than men are to women?"

Virginia Woolfe

"Give a man a free hand and he'll run it all over you."

Mae West

"I only like two kinds of men; domestic and foreign."

Mae West

"If a man watches three football games in a row, he should be declared legally dead."

Erma Louise Bombeck

smiles I collect these and am interested in any where we know the author...smiles oh I love you guys and feel it is every womens right to have one to use as she see fits
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Diamonds are a girls best friend?
Well try getting them to go to the shop for chocolate when you're too tired to go yourself.
:) My, my, look at this! All male answers! And so typically male too. Immediately in the defense. :)

"And god created man" - Hahaha, what an understatement! ;) Without women there would be no men. Who gave birth to you men? Who wrote the bible? A Monk! A male, a man!

Do I need to say more? Women Rule...!:) :)

Come on guys, comments...:p
My favorite:

"Women. Can't live with 'em, can't find a good way to dispose of the bodies either"

Could as easily subsitute. :D
posted by Wet 1
They always told me the washer on spin cycle was effective...

Now that's what I call the appliance of science
If a man spoke in a forest where no woman could hear him, would he still be wrong.

I'm all for equality of the sexes, so heres the plane, jig saw, drill and chisels to hang a door with. I'll go make the tea for me and the kids, get your own when you are finished.
Originally posted by Bbcboy
*My comment would be that you should read the rest of my last post..*

Yes, I did. And come to the conclusion that vibrators must be a male invention, for they are the ones who are too sex focussed. Alright, there are exceptions, in general, men are out to get a woman in their bed, backseat of the car or whatever.

I'll give you something: Ever heard of a woman who raped a man?

Oh hell, now I'll get you guys all over me I figure...:bugeye: :bugeye:
Yep...! :D

Then they can defend themselves even more when the results are too bashful for them...

I was once raped by a guy and later when I told my girlfriend about it she looked at me and laughed "yeah uh huh as I know you are attracted to him"

me.. "well I was raped"
Her.."did you call the police?"
me..Hell no I enjoyed it!...
and we came to the conclusion you can not rape the willing or said another way "you can't rape a guy"LOL
Speaking of male rape I heard that someone up heeya in maine was raped (a male you doofus'), he wouldn't get 'excited' so the women shoved a pencil down his you-know-what. I was cringing for weeks after that and wondering if I should wear an iron plate over my pelvis (which would likely solve more problems than it would create;) )

, he wouldn't get 'excited' so the women shoved a pencil down his you-know-what
OMG!!!!I'm speechless at this...poor guy