Famous Atheist now believes in God

I believe that my spiritual guide, personal hero, intellectual guru and life mentor lightgigantic, just played us all for fools with a very artistic verbal acrobatics trick.

What a wonderful mind he has.

Testing the waters of his retardation by saying things he doesn’t really mean or introducing arguments to see if they are effective before he commits to them, is astoundingly astute of him.

I’m impressed.

It only goes to prove how well he’s thought out his positions.
He originally thought that this atheist hinting that he now thought God might be possible was some kind of revelation or a good argument against atheism – which is nothing more than the denial of theism.

He really wanted to show how science was just as dependant on faith as religion was, and that religion won because it added the advantage of feeling good and spiritual depth.

His thesis resided on the assumption that to be scientifically minded automatically means you are a superficial materialist and that to be religious is to be a deep thinking philosopher.

In both cases he showed himself to be another run-o-da-mill retard with nothing but gibberish and stupidity to offer.

Maybe he can display his mental abilities further by actually commenting on a subject other than faith and religious mythology.
I want to see that brain in action in another arena.

Now if it were not for that other retard TimeTraveler I would be inclined to call him brain-dead, but since I am now spiritually awakened to the fact that what quacks like a duck and walks like a duck is not a duck but an energy field no different than my own (perhaps Gandhi reincarnated as a duck) I will say that his soul is lacking in energy.

Thanks Sciforums.

Once I realised that even atheists complain about the lack of content in your posts I realised that there was no harm putting you on my ignore list

lightgigantic said:

Once I realised that even atheists complain about the lack of content in your posts I realised that there was no harm putting you on my ignore list

Please forgive me if I do not care and continue exposing your mental prowess to all who do read what I write.

But running away from truth is what retarded minions of memetic need do best.
That's because you are spiritually superior to me and above all this dirty play.
You just do not care.

Nevertheless you are my favorite RETARD on Sciforums.

This makes you a certain winner of the much coveted award of RETARD of the month [September]

You see, my friend, leader, teacher and new spiritual guide, I, unlike other agnostics and atheists, choose not to waste my time with imbeciles like you, anymore.
I choose to have fun with them, instead.
I enjoy you just the way you are.

Your level of stupidity can only frustrate and lead nowhere.
lightgigantic said:
"This message is hidden because Satyr is on your ignore list. "

This is all I see
I believe you.

Is this why you know that my posts have no content?
Do you rely here as well on second hand testimony, my retarded imbecile guru friend?

Did God tell you or did the epistemology reveal the ontology of my posts?

Please keep your Retard awards in their own thread.

BTW, I may have to close that thread at some point, if somebody complains. It is, after all, technically a breach of the site rules. But I must admit that I'm finding it moderately entertaining...

Anyway, the point is: I don't think it needs to spread any further.
lightgigantic said:
the point is that he changed his notions of universal existence to include ID
Not unless ID includes evolution.
He changed his notions of the feasibility of natural abiogenesis. He is welcome to do so of course.

Every religious person is a converted atheist. Religious devotees are made, not born.
I did not say that a theory was a fact. I don't think this guy can comprehend a word of what he reads. He just attacks people. Forget it.
Paraclete said:
Very funny lightgigantic - LOL ... :)

As a MD I might suspect, that the 81 years old newly converted deist might have Alzheimer .


If that's the way you normally do your diagnoses (remotely by unsubstantiated supposition) I am gald you are not my doctor!

So much for rational logical debate of observed scientific facts or rather not much for it!


Correct Megan ... and Pete of course.

It amuses me; when people ask me what religion am I, and I answer "none"...they ask "but what religion are your parents then?" as if it's a hereditary trait or something. One guy was even bowled over that I don't attend church (he was shocked for about 20 mins).
Satyr said:
I believe that my spiritual guide, personal hero, intellectual guru and life mentor lightgigantic, just played us all for fools with a very artistic verbal acrobatics trick.

What a wonderful mind he has.

Testing the waters of his retardation by saying things he doesn’t really mean or introducing arguments to see if they are effective before he commits to them, is astoundingly astute of him.

I’m impressed.

It only goes to prove how well he’s thought out his positions.
He originally thought that this atheist hinting that he now thought God might be possible was some kind of revelation or a good argument against atheism – which is nothing more than the denial of theism.

He really wanted to show how science was just as dependant on faith as religion was, and that religion won because it added the advantage of feeling good and spiritual depth.

His thesis resided on the assumption that to be scientifically minded automatically means you are a superficial materialist and that to be religious is to be a deep thinking philosopher.

In both cases he showed himself to be another run-o-da-mill retard with nothing but gibberish and stupidity to offer.

Maybe he can display his mental abilities further by actually commenting on a subject other than faith and religious mythology.
I want to see that brain in action in another arena.

Now if it were not for that other retard TimeTraveler I would be inclined to call him brain-dead, but since I am now spiritually awakened to the fact that what quacks like a duck and walks like a duck is not a duck but an energy field no different than my own (perhaps Gandhi reincarnated as a duck) I will say that his soul is lacking in energy.

Thanks Sciforums.

Is retard your favorite word?
lightgigantic said:
Famous Atheist Now Believes in God
One of World's Leading Atheists Now Believes in God, More or Less, Based on Scientific Evidence
The Associated Press


So presumably you are posting this because you think this man is credible?

did you also think he was credible when he was an athiest?

If not why not?

Credibility can not arise merely from a 'change of point of view' surely? The man if an ass as an atheist, is surely an ass as a theist? He is afterall the same man. If he was credible at all, surely he would have lived his life as an agnostic and then perhaps a change of view could be understood and tolerated but to advocate and publically promote atheism then publically promote and advocate theism, demonstrates what with regards to his credibility?

Not credible
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Theoryofrelativity said:
Credibility can not arise merely from a 'change of point of view' surely? The man if an ass as an atheist, is surely an ass as a theist? He is afterall the same man. If he was credible at all, surely he would have lived his life as an agnostic and then perhaps a change of view could be understood and tolerated but to advocate and publically promote atheism then publically promote and advocate theism, demonstrates what with regards to his credibility?
He was a famous atheist, however. And it appears he was good at it, at least according to the atheists themselves.

Regardless, this thread commits an argument of authority and that's the end of that.
TruthSeeker said:
He was a famous atheist, however. And it appears he was good at it, at least according to the atheists themselves.

Regardless, this thread commits an argument of authority and that's the end of that.

The fact he was a good atheist is crushed now he is theist

Anyone that spends their life, 100% convinced of a certain 'truth' to be swayed eventually by the arguments that existed when they first happened upon their truth is ............stupid.

It is like eating what you beleive is strawberry ice cream and being told it is chocolate. None the less you promote it as strawberry. The ingredient list is ignored by you as is the colour, smell and taste......and then for whatever reason, you suddenly decide, oh yeh, they were right, it is chocolate afterall.

Should we give such a person credit? A person who spent their life ignoring detail that they now choose not to ignore. If some NEW detail had come to light, fair enough, but nothing new has come to light in his lifetime re the existance of god. He JUST ignored what he now chooses to acknolwedge.

He lived his life in ignorance