Famous Atheist now believes in God


And, of course, finding theories to explain perceivable phenomena is the same as finding excuses to explain unperceivable phenomena.

For example, it is the same if I come up with a theory to explain a vase on my table by using other vases and other tables and my knowledge of vase making and vase makers, as it is to explain a vase by invoking a mysterious, unseen, magical power.

Thanks Sciforums
Megan said:
The big bang is just a theory. Why do so many people use theories as facts in an argument?

Silly girl. All science has are theories. Science doesn't prove anything, all it does is disprove things.
Thank you for proving my point, Satyr. Roman, did I say that science proved anything? No. I'm saying that people often try to use it to prove closed-minded points, like Satyr. He makes his own lame assumptions and tries to pass them off as scientific proof.
Sarkus said:
An 81-year-old suddenly thinks there might now be a God???

Hmmm - hedging bets, methinks!

if you had read the article, it states that he does not believe in an afterlife.

so, exactly what bets were being hedged?
Megan said:
Thank you for proving my point, Satyr. Roman, did I say that science proved anything? No. I'm saying that people often try to use it to prove closed-minded points, like Satyr. He makes his own lame assumptions and tries to pass them off as scientific proof.
satyr is a rockin' scientist.

he has a PhD in Funkatronics.
Megan said:
Thank you for proving my point, Satyr. Roman, did I say that science proved anything? No. I'm saying that people often try to use it to prove closed-minded points, like Satyr. He makes his own lame assumptions and tries to pass them off as scientific proof.

How is it that some people find it so retarded to believe in anything spiritual? The big bang is just a theory. Why do so many people use theories as facts in an argument?
A theory is a....."fact"?
You got me.

It makes sense to argue against a lot of religious things. But some people (many in this very forum) argue blindly and it just makes them look stupid. Science has made plenty of room for spirituality. Especially the fact that, at an atomic level, matter seems to have a certain "awareness".
It does?
News to me.
I just talked about a vase….

It must have been written in a spiritual scientific journal.

So why treat people stupid for not denying a possibility?
If you understood the why, then you wouldn’t be so retarded….now would you?

The Devil Inside
satyr is a rockin' scientist.

he has a PhD in Funkatronics
I’m going for a doctorate in Bullshit now.
I have the nose for it.
I don't doubt that when I am on deaths bed, i will therefor suspend critical thought. I can't really say, it's stupid to say that there are no atheists in foxholes, but my point is, even if I embrace the popular notion of God, it proves fuck all. I would only then become guilty of embracing a comforting and popular delusion in a time of uncertanty. I may be a hypocrite, but I find comfort in there being no god/afterlife, but I do consider those two things to be infinitely more likely than those two things existing in the first place.
To Hell With You


I cant type in all caps... I feel this unfairly rules out a legitimiate use of caps...
Are you all stupid, he's 81 and so old his mind has left him. Of course he'd believe in god now, he'll believe anything so long as it comforts him in some way before he dies!
sderenzi said:
... Of course he'd believe in god now, he'll believe anything so long as it comforts him in some way before he dies!

Isn't that why people believe in god now ...for comfort? And most of 'em aren't old and ready to die, either.

If I were to find comfort in believing that there were little green men on Mercury, why would you want to denigrate me for it? I mean, I can understand you not believing in it yourself, but why call me stupid, ignorant, etc for my beliefs in the little green men. Especially if I find comfort in it.

Baron Max
spidergoat said:
I'll wager the horrors of war made many people turn away from their religion.

Hmm, maybe. But I'd also think that the horrors of war made many people turn to their religion and beliefs for comfort and understanding.

So .....what's "...many people..." mean?

Baron Max
Well to address the general gunfire that has been directed in my direction

- Yes I am aware that Flew doesn't adopt any particular faith

- It doesn't appear that he is getting sentimental at the approach of death since he firmly thinks there is no after life

Why I thought the article is notable is because here we have a firmly convinced atheist who has reconsidered his notion that the universe is bereft of intelligent design - and that frankly is the limit of this theistic inclinations.

To quote him

"My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato's Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads."

Its just a challenge to the idea commonly held by atheists that ID is following in the wake of a type of faithful fervour
Hmm... so an atheist converted to believing in God...

I'm sure that never happens the other way around.
I'm wondering, LG, if we should all make much ado about nothing?
James R said:
Hmm... so an atheist converted to believing in God...

I'm sure that never happens the other way around.

Well I just posted that he didn't really convert to anything - the point is that he changed his notions of universal existence to include ID - and he did this according to his rational analysis of the situation -

So yes that could happen the other way around - but my point was that the common held claim by atheists hat ID is a response to self manifesting religious fervour is not the case here