Famous Atheist now believes in God


Famous Atheist Now Believes in God
One of World's Leading Atheists Now Believes in God, More or Less, Based on Scientific Evidence
The Associated Press

NEW YORK Dec 9, 2004 — A British philosophy professor who has been a leading champion of atheism for more than a half-century has changed his mind. He now believes in God more or less based on scientific evidence, and says so on a video released Thursday.

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Very funny lightgigantic - LOL ... :)

The link from Richard Carrier :


Let me quote from his 2006 may update , where Antony Flew receives his christian award for now being a deist :
Flew appeared to sleep through most of it , said little, and what he said was difficult to understand ......

As a MD I might suspect, that the 81 years old newly converted deist might have Alzheimer .

Anyway, all Antony Flew said in december 2004, was this : he thinks that there might have been a god who started the creation of the big bang ....
and he also wondered about if god had made DNA - that is all !!!
The man is simply thinking about how everything started - and since science is not - yet - able to supply ALL answers , he resorts to ..... god ....
He never claimed to believe in anything else of the theist stories
- bible,koran etc ....
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81 years old and he only just realized that the universe is vastly complexed beyond human comrpehension. Gawd dun' it!
Is being famous an indication of authority nowadays?

Let's hear what Paris Hilton has to say on the topic before we decide if there is a god.
Things that are now beyond comprehension may not always be so, history has proven that.

Complexity does not need to come from complexity. As chaos theory has already shown, very simple rules can create complex and unpredictible outcomes in the purely deterministic world of a computer calculation.
An 81-year-old suddenly thinks there might now be a God???

Hmmm - hedging bets, methinks!

At age 81, Pascal's Wager certainly looks more appealing - and if you can also justify it, even to yourself - I say go for it!!

I'm convinced.

If Anthony Flew changed his mind then that proves it….God exists!!!!
Did Anthony Flew say anything about Sueprstrings?
We have to know.

There we all were awaiting Flew to give us a hint about reality.
We all held our breaths tentatively awaiting his final decree, his every fart and cough was a hint at finality when he opened his mouth we all held ours shut but, alas, he usually yawned.

Let us study the evidence.
The all too human psychological evidence.

A man spends his youth, when he was young and strong and healthy and more unprejudiced and full of life contemplating existence, finding no evidence of God, and then poof, at the ripe old age of 81, when he nears his own death and fear grips his waning heart, his inevitable fate filling him with anxiety and need and horror, he suddenly awakens to the ‘truth’!!!!
How convenient that he discovered such a comforting ‘truth’ right when he most needed it.
How human....how...how....stupid.


Sort of proves that God is meant for the weak and feeble and needy and old and fearful - like our resident retard dimlightgigantic.

This is the type of ‘evidence’ which suffices for minds like his.
He sifts through the information highways for any bit that reinforces what he already wants to believe.

Then, when and if he finds it he exclaims:
“Eureka!!!!!!! More proof!!! I knew that what I already believed to be absolutely true is actually absolutely so!!! Here, even Flew says so!”

This is referred to as testimony.
We others, unenlightened ones, call it second hand information or hearsay
Just consider the fact that this constitutes, for him, evidence or proof of an unequivocal fact.
Yes, there were also weapons of mass-destruction in Iraq.
Someone once told someone else that there were.
I believed.
Thank you Sciforums for keeping me in touch with such bright minds.
I can’t wait until he tells us his opinions on another subject. His mind is reliable source of wisdom and ‘truth’.

Let us sit quietly and wait for him to post something interesting like this again…..
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VitalOne said:
Doesn't prove or show anything really
But…but…he’s a famous atheist!!!!

Why, oh why, do you resist such convincing evidence!!!!
Wake up to our Lord, unbeliever, or face the consequences of your doubt!!!
"I'm thinking of a God very different from the God of the Christian and far and away from the God of Islam, because both are depicted as omnipotent Oriental despots, cosmic Saddam Husseins," he said.

At least he retained a portion of his marbles.
I send a text message to Paris Hilton. The Bitch didn't reply, but luckily Britney Spears called me to talk about chocolate. I asked her if she believes.

She said; duh...silly muffy puffy, of course I believe. It like...you know..he is out there. You know!

She is great! I thanked her for showing me again how it is to have faith.

Britney spears wouldn't lie to me. She is famous.
How many times must our sage lightgigantic prove a truth before you people overcome your prejudices against God and admit it to yourselves?

Are you that afraid of God?
He has provided page after page of evidence and logical arguments and none of you have the decency to admit that he might be right.

He, distinctly said, that you must first be trained in the correct epistemology to reach the ontology of God, in the same way that you must first be trained in the epistemology of Gargoyles to believe in Gargoyles.

What more do you people want?…Sheeesh!!!!

It’s there in plain Indian English:
The epistemology of the ontology determines the ontology of the epistemological truth.
spuriousmonkey said:
I send a text message to Paris Hilton. The Bitch didn't reply, but luckily Britney Spears called me to talk about chocolate. I asked her if she believes.

She said; duh...silly muffy puffy, of course I believe. It like...you know..he is out there. You know!

She is great! I thanked her for showing me again how it is to have faith.

Britney spears wouldn't lie to me. She is famous.
And she is nowhere near physical death. She’s only partly brain-dead.
That doesn’t count. She’s famous
Satyr said:
He, distinctly said, that you must first be trained in the correct epistemology to reach the ontology of God, in the same way that you must first be trained in the epistemology of Gargoyles to believe in Gargoyles.

What do you mean with 'believe in Gargoyles'? Gargoyles are real.
spuriousmonkey said:
What do you mean believe in Gargoyles? Gargoyles are real.
Yeah right. :rolleyes:

Show me one famous person that said so.
Where are your epistemological sources for the ontological existential proofs?

I saw gargoyles in a movie once. This means they are famous.
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Actually I can't find any famous atheist stating that gargoyles exist except me.

That will have to suffice. Some things should not be questioned.
spuriousmonkey said:
Actually I can't find any famous atheist stating that gargoyles exist except me.

That will have to suffice. Some things should not be questioned.
If you are famous and you’ve published a book then it definitely suffices.

I’m a believer.
I also have a website with existentialist essays. Certainly someone with your username should appreciate the goodness of that.

(he he)
spuriousmonkey said:
I also have a website with existentialist essays. Certainly someone with your username should appreciate the goodness of that.

(he he)
I can appreciate many things, including stupidity.
It's a gift.
How is it that some people find it so retarded to believe in anything spiritual? The big bang is just a theory. Why do so many people use theories as facts in an argument? It makes sense to argue against a lot of religious things. But some people (many in this very forum) argue blindly and it just makes them look stupid. Science has made plenty of room for spirituality. Especially the fact that, at an atomic level, matter seems to have a certain "awareness". So why treat people stupid for not denying a possibility?