

Dichotomous Thinking is something that fundamentalists don't have. And scientist that see religion miths as methaphors, don't have that too.
I agree. What's your point? Scientists that do believe in god have this trait. I was just pointing out that it's rare for a scientist. That's all.


Scientists have faith in their theories. They hope they are correct

You are completely wrong. Let me explain (Alas poor Yorda, you know it not...)

The faithful say: I know it for sure! I feel it in my bones! I'm certain! - without one shred of real proof, or the need for it.

A scientist says: I have an idea. I hope it's right, because I've worked hard on it and I might get a prize (he's human after all). I'll test my idea an I hope it works out. The tests clearly show the idea to be wrong. Damn, guess I need a new idea.


The tests clearly show the idea to be right! Yay! I am sooo smart! Where's my prize? But it's still only an approximation to nature. Scientists will continue to test and refine it. Faith has absolutely ZERO to do with science.
Here's the classic test of faith vs science.

Theres a 100lb pendulum pulled back and held by a release pin. Theres a chin rest mounted such that the pendulum will just touch your nose when your chin is in the rest. The scientist happily steps up, puts his chin in the rest and pulls the pin. The pendulum swings away and back and just barely misses hitting his nose. He resets the pendulum and asks a devout christian to step up. but, he says, I'm going to give the pendulum a bit of a push instead of just releasing it. You must depend on your faith in god to stop it from smashing your face.

Only an idiot would do such a thing. Even most christians wouldn't do it. The point is that faith is a very weak and unreliable thing. I'm sure that christians will explain to me that they've had their faith tested many times in very serious ways. But I guarantee you they were all subjective ways. Faith is just a grown up's way of saying "Ohh I just know santa will get me that bicycle I want, I just know it!"

I think that most would have enough faith in what they know about physics not to get their faces smashed. God designed the laws of physics, and would tell you, "Psst....don't put your chin in the chin'll get smashed in the face by a 100 lb pendulum." It says in the Bible not to test God like that anyway.

I think that most would have enough faith in what they know about physics not to get their faces smashed. God designed the laws of physics, and would tell you, "Psst....don't put your chin in the chin'll get smashed in the face by a 100 lb pendulum." It says in the Bible not to test God like that anyway.

You're right. I'm just feeling a bit antagonistic today. Must be Lawdog irritating me... :m:
superluminal: Faith is just a grown up's way of saying "Ohh I just know santa will get me that bicycle I want, I just know it!"
M*W: Yeah, and I'm still waiting on my pony.
superluminal said:
Faith has absolutely ZERO to do with science.

I've never really understood the thing "faith" anyway. I just wanted to say something completely insane.
If you have heard good music or been in love, you know that God exists. Music and love are earthly imitations of the primal state of oneness (to be God) From the smallest two-pole particles until man, matter has always been searching back to that unity.
You just don't have enough background information about this. To you, mysticism is another word for nonsense. It's a certain type of nonsense. Nonsense is a word for something which you don't understand yet. So it makes no sense.
Hey SL,

God is real. I know for sure.

Sorry (or whatever?),

stefan said:
a sure as you can be in your subjective mind, but that wont help you in the real world.
can you be sure it wont help lori in the real world?
perhaps your right, ellion.
if it make her happy, then it may help her.
my bad.
Happy? Eh, emotions come and go. I think that most new agers seem to be concerned with happiness. I've always wanted the truth, regardless of the emotions that come with it. And God sings, "I beg your pardon...I never promised you a rose garden."

The truth brings peace...something that is not relative, and is not swayed by emotions.

I'm not saying that He hasn't done anything that's made me happy, because He definitely has...estatic actually. That's just not necessarily what it's all about you know?