I continue to notice that the religious have the least faith in god.
They think he is petty, stupid, vindictive, judgmental, jealous, holds a grudge, vengeful, ... in short they believe he embodies every negative human quality and if you don't obey and conform and play by their rules you are going down hard, forever. The majority of religious people worship evil and delight in its cruelties towards others while pretending it will bless them for their conformity and obedience.
That they call "having faith."
Real faith is just the opposite.
If you are going to believe in a god, then believe there is no one he cannot save, be it Hitler, Judas or even Satan. Believe he is even better than the best in humanity.
But beyond that there is cleaving to the truth even if that shows there is no god. If god is real then the truth will reveal him. If god isn't real, then there is no point in pretending.