Faith in God....What it really means

Yes I have faith because of what I've experienced, and I experience through my senses. Like you have faith in the sun because you feel its heat on your skin and see its light with your eyes.

You have no true faith, only trust in God existing because of your experience. Therefore conventional faith is not required. Correct? You've experienced these sensations many times over or just once?
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You have no true faith, only trust in God existing because of your experience. Therefore conventional faith is not required. Correct? You've experienced these sensations many times over or just once?

One can be totaly assured of the existance of God and still have no trust in Him.

There are even some who believe that God does exist and are opposed to Him.

What one believes is what one believes, Faith has far more to do with trust.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yes, you trust your faith and Lori trusts her senses, big difference.

Well i have had things happen in my life that can be placed into the Lori senses side of your Divide.

But they did not and Do not make me Trust God. Those experiences could have come from an evil god with malevolent intentions towards humanity and me in general.

The message of the Gospel, The Love of the Truth. That is what brings me to Love and have faith/trust in God. Through Jesus, God has shown His intentions towards me, i love Him because He loved me first.

So i have no need for faith that God exists. I know God exists as i know grass is green or that the sun is bright. My Faith is the measure of Trust i have in Him.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Who can trust in that which says the earth is flat?

What would be the requirement, blind faith, possibly?
You have no true faith, only trust in God existing because of your experience. Therefore conventional faith is not required. Correct? You've experienced these sensations many times over or just once?

Enough, like you have faith the sun will rise tomorrow, and its always going to be a heat and light source, not somehow emitting cold and darkness one day, etc.
random thought..

wise man knows not to complain about the mosquito's in his life,for he knows if he complains too much,god may drop an elephant on him..
A wise man knows that no amount of complaining will effect a mosquito or turn it into an elephant.
For what I have read for years about these subjects. It seems that our spirit already knows the all the answers (our higher self or subconsious mind knows) and we need to just listen to our higher self to become aware of that knowledge with our conscious minds and apply this so we can ultimatelly be happy and balanced in this life.
We do not really need a God to tell us this knowledge, of course it is easier if a superior being would come with a "cook book" approach to spiritual matters. Any one can see what happens when some religious books try to do this, people still interpret and twist the meaning of what is written to fit their own personal agenda, the soul still does not evolve. Some Christians would go to church on Sundays and still be seriall killers of prostitutes. Some muslims would become terrorists.

This is because even though we are all interconnected and all souls affect each other some how; the development of the spirit is a personal journey, not a collective one where one formula fits all.
And back to your question above faith, I believe no one should have faith on any being outside one self or our intelligence, ethical values, common sense and intuition; which are the traits we came to develop during this life time.
I am trying really hard to assess the concept that there is an intelligent universe where we are all inmersed in that is ruling all of this, but I will have faith in it only once I figure out how it really works and more specifically how it is really trying to help me (this, according to those who claim this the real deal)
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To say a person's spirit already knows all the answers you must be talking about reincarnation since an infant doesn’t know much of anything spiritually.
This is because even though we are all interconnected and all souls affect each other some how...

I will have faith in it only once I figure out how it really works ...

You most certainly are going down the wrong road if you really want to find out how things work. Souls haven't been shown to exist, so you'll find that it will be your imagination that will rule, not reality.
random thought..

wise man knows not to complain about the mosquito's in his life,for he knows if he complains too much,god may drop an elephant on him..

Metaphor.... If you complain about something too much then the next thing you know it'll dog you forever. No real elephants being tossed here.

Wisdom requires knowledge of God, it's the other thing one can take from that statement. Impossible, and since it is so, if you believe it then only a dumb ass will see himself as wise.
For what I have read for years about these subjects.

You should work on your critical reading skills.

It seems that our spirit already knows the all the answers (our higher self or subconsious mind knows) and we need to just listen to our higher self to become aware of that knowledge with our conscious minds and apply this so we can ultimatelly be happy and balanced in this life.

How boring that would be. Luckily that just a bunch of new age BS.
To say a person's spirit already knows all the answers you must be talking about reincarnation since an infant doesn’t know much of anything spiritually.

I do not think this is related to reencarnation specifically. Is about universal consciousness, like a common source of spiritual energy (thought/ ideas) for allof us. They say we can all access this superior conciouness, we can tap into this knowledge especially in alpha state or at night while we sleep. I read this about 30 years ago, I will look for the sources and I will let you know.:)
@ Q

About your point that "Soul haven't been been shown to exist..."
I am asking you:
This according to what line of research? can you give me the name of the scientist who has proven that soul does not exist?
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@ Q

About your point that "Soul haven't been been shown to exist..."
I am asking you:
This according to what line of research? can you give me the name of the scientist who has proven that soul does not exist?

You have some reading comprehension issues, yasmin. I NEVER said a scientist has proven that the soul does not exist. Those are YOUR words.

Theists have NEVER shown the soul to exist.

Did you get that?
I continue to notice that the religious have the least faith in god.

They think he is petty, stupid, vindictive, judgmental, jealous, holds a grudge, vengeful, ... in short they believe he embodies every negative human quality and if you don't obey and conform and play by their rules you are going down hard, forever. The majority of religious people worship evil and delight in its cruelties towards others while pretending it will bless them for their conformity and obedience.

That they call "having faith."

Real faith is just the opposite.

If you are going to believe in a god, then believe there is no one he cannot save, be it Hitler, Judas or even Satan. Believe he is even better than the best in humanity.

But beyond that there is cleaving to the truth even if that shows there is no god. If god is real then the truth will reveal him. If god isn't real, then there is no point in pretending.