Faith-Based Apologetics

Patiot here is a hypothical..follow me for a second cause I am not doing this to poke fun or jest...I promise.

You said that people who don't follow Christianty will go to hell. Less than 50 % of the world population is Christian. Souls are born. Many of those souls go to heaven by accepting the one true religion, Christianty...the rest....get a one way ticket south to hell and will never come back to earth again.

If this is true you are contending God is thinning the pool of new souls born in those that are right (chrisitians) and those that are wrong (non christians)

Two things:

one, if he is omnipotent why do we have to do the earth thing to begin with...he already knows who is on the winning team ahead of time right?

If god made man and thus souls why is making souls that he will not take back into heaven..or if you will defective (like my pun?!?) souls...

two, why is he using earth to divy up those that are Christian from those that are not.....what is the point of this exercise?
Hey guys. Here we go. Sorry for the extended break, no comp access for a while there....
Starting with Matrix:

Yeah while your at it type in "Gravity" in google also.
May I remind you that Gravity exists everywhere. Between any two bodies of mass. This computer and I exert gravity on each other, for instance. Considering this fact, how does Gravity influence the models in such a way to separate them? And why did I just capitalize gravity?....

Only because that illogical mindset could be applied to anything: "You do not have to believe in Zeus in order for him to exist", "You do not have to believe in Invisible Pink Unicorns for them to exist", ad infinium. So the chance of your particular invisible god being right is 1/infinity, which equals 0.
I grant you the point that the mindset applies to anything, including zeus or unicorns. But it also applies to things that do exist. "You do not have to believe in humans in order for them to exist." Is the chance of humans existing 1/infinity, and therefore 0? Good point, bad math. 1/infinity does not equal 0 by the way. It approaches 0, but not quite there.

No, I don't believe there is no god, I don't believe anything. Belief is saying "that's 100% true", I only think of things in terms of the possibility of them being true. Nothing can be 100%.
According to what you're saying, you don't think it's probable that there is a God, then? There may be, but not probable? Serious question.

Sorry for the points of the others I've missed: I'll be back. Class time. No excuse me, recess. :D

Jesus Walks,
Patriot said:
Most philosophers assume God has infinite power in things that are logical. IE: He can't make a square circle, or a rock so big that He can't lift it. It just doesn't make sense to ask that, much less an answer. To me, and according to religious texts, it does not make logical sense that evil and good come from the same source.

I don't care what "most philosophers assume"..

According to your reasoning, God can therefore not be responsible for both life and death. Of course that is absurd when we look at the traditional definition of God so it does make "logical sense".

In addition, about the commas of the New Testament, there are plenty of ways of interpreting these. However, does it really matter? References to the Trinity are all throughout the Bible, Old and New Testament. Southstar, as a former Christian, you should know this.

Jesus Walks,

If there are many ways of interpreting these, surely we cannot ever know what exactly the texts mean. So yes, it does matter. As for references to the Trinity throughout the Bible... go ahead and show me a couple and why they should be considered Trinitarian verses using only contextual evidence (no arbitrary presumptions).