Eyes see more than normal?

I dont know i have been lookin for this issue on the net and cant find anything about it pretty rare? i dont know. anyho my issue is my eys i think. If i stare across the road say at a house? or someone that i am talking to and a vehicle passes in front of me i get a trailing effect from the car! its not massive but its grey in color like a comet trail but its like 1inch around the vehicle if its on stop its cool.

I get the same thing if i am stretching my hand out in front of me to pick something up its like a trail delay but the trail is grey in color and it allways stays close to the object within 1inch at the most its weird. I cant say i have ever suffered with this and nor does it happen 24/7 I find it does when im tired.

But i have been using computers since i was 10 and spend well in excess of 10hrs in front of the screen my vision has degraded im not blind and i do wear glasses as i can not see distant objects.

Anyone who moves their fingers in front of the CRT based monitor will see a trailing effect. I just checked it and that happens...that is called the persistence vision. But, that is because of the refresh rate of the CRT. You should not see the same effect in day light as the sunlight does not turn off and on. Perhaps your cells are turning on and off and somehow synchronized to the CRT rate like 75 Hz. I doubt an Optometrist will understand what you are talking about. You may have to find a medical school and become a test subject.

Use a high refresh rate on the monitor like 80 or 85 HZ and see what happens. Spend 20 minutes a day blindfolded to rebalance your eyes....take some Billberries....
I see floaters too. Damn, I thought it was something more.
I can see the squigly lines that look like molecules that have been described as floaters, but if I concentrate I can see tiny dots of lights almost dancing in the sky, and these tiny dots of light appear to be much farther away then the floaters.
I thought the floaters were molecules that only I could see, but it seems I ain't so special, lmao.
I'm guessing the tiny dots of light are related to the floaters I see, although I do not know.
I have 20/20 vision, however I had laser surgery to obtain 20/20 vision. I never noticed my floaters until after laser surgey. Although I am much more aware of many things than I ever use to be, so I can not say I never had floaters before, I just never noticed. I only see floaters when I try to!

Damn, I really thought I was seeing molecules! My next eye check up, I'll mention the floaters and see what they tell me at the eye place.

PS - Sorry I'm late, I'm new here ;)

PSS - My perception on the world is quite different from the general populations percepective of the world too, but that has nothing to do with my floaters, lmao. That will be for a future discussion ;).
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There is actually a name for this phenomena...seeing the little squiggly things moving in the field of vision, when looking at something bright, mainly the sky. I found it once and am having trouble finding it again, I will post it when I do.

But basically only some people actually notice it, some more than others.
These are all to do with sight and may seem strange, I have normal vision (I think) but I notice more than most seem to.
Welcome to SciForums. I am a Doctor of Optometry (eye doctor). Most of what you're describing are common examples of what's called entoptic phenomina. These are images created by the various structures within the eye itself. They generally can only be seen under certain conditions and by a person who is looking for them.

I would advise that you see your local eye doctor for a dilated exam to ensure that there is nothing physically wrong with your eyes, particularly you'd want to be checked for any evidence of a retinal tear and/or detachment

Here is a nice description of entoptic phenomina:
Entoptic phenomena are visual effects whose source is within the eye itself. (Occasionally, these are called entopic phenomena, which is probably a typographical mistake; see entopic.) In Helmholtz's words:

"Under suitable conditions light falling on the eye may render visible certain objects within the eye itself. These perceptions are called entoptical."

Entoptic images have a physical basis in the image cast upon the retina. Hence, they are different from optical illusions, which are perceptual effects that arise from interpretations of the image by the brain. Because entoptic images are caused by phenomena within the observer's own eye, they share one feature with optical illusions and hallucinations: the observer cannot share a direct and specific view of the phenomenon with others.

Helmholtz[1] comments on phenomena which could be seen easily by some observers, but could not be seen at all by others. This variance is not surprising because the specific aspects of the eye that produce these images are unique to each individual. Because of the variation between individuals, and the inability for two observers to share a nearly identical stimulus, these phenomena are unlike most visual sensations. They are also unlike most optical illusions which are produced by viewing a common stimulus. Yet, there is enough commonality between the main entoptic phenomena (see below) that their physical origin is now well-understood.

During the 1920s, some theosophists, unaware of the physical explanation, maintained that the moving spots seen in the blue field entoptic phenomenon were "vitality globules" related to the concept of prana in yoga.[2]

Some examples of entoptical effects include:
Floaters against a blue sky with cloud.
Floaters depiction
First person view of a Purkinje Tree while sitting in a slit lamp/biomicroscope
Purkinje Tree depiction

* Floaters or muscae volitantes are slowly-drifting blobs of varying size, shape, and transparency, which are particularly noticeable when viewing a bright, featureless background (such as the sky) or a point source of diffuse light very close to the eye. They are all shadow images of objects suspended just above the retina. Some may be individual red blood cells swollen due to osmotic pressure or chains of these cells stuck together and diffraction patterns can be seen around these [3]. They may also be "coagula of the proteins of the vitreous gel, to embryonic remnants, or the condensation round the walls of Cloquet’s canal" [4]. Floaters may collect over the fovea (the center of vision) and therefore be more visible when lying on your back looking upwards.
* The blue field entoptic phenomenon has the appearance of tiny bright dots moving rapidly along squiggly lines in the visual field. It is much more noticeable when viewed against a field of pure blue light and is caused by white blood cells moving in the capillaries in front of the retina. The white cells are larger than the red cells and must deform to fit. As they go through a capillary, an open space opens up in front of them and red blood cells pile up behind. This makes the dots of light appear slightly elongated with dark tails[5][6].
* Haidinger's brush is a very subtle bowtie or hourglass shaped pattern that is seen when viewing a field with a component of blue light that is plain or circularly polarized and rotating with respect to the observer's eye. If the light is all blue, it will appear as a dark shadow, if the light is full spectrum, it will appear yellow. It is due to the preferential absorption of blue polarized light by pigment molecules in the fovea [7][8].
* The Purkinje images are the reflections from the anterior and posterior surfaces of the cornea and the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lens. While these first four reflections are not entoptic, Becker [9]described how light can reflect from the posterior surface of the lens and then again from the anterior surface of the cornea to focus a second image on the retina, this one much fainter and inverted. Tscherning [10] referred to this as the sixth image (the fifth image being formed by reflections from the anterior surfaces of the lens and cornea to form an image too far in front of the retina to be visible) and noted it was much fainter and best seen with a relaxed emmetropic eye. In a dark room, with one eye closed and looking ahead with the other eye, move a light back and forth under your gaze - you should see a dimmer image moving the opposite direction.
* The Purkinje tree is an image of the retinal blood vessels in one's own eye. It can be seen by shining the beam of a small bright light penlight through the pupil from the periphery of a subject's vision. This results in an image of the light being focused on the periphery of the retina. Light from this spot then casts shadows of the blood vessels (which lie on top of the retina) onto unadapted portions of the retina. Normally the image of the retinal blood vessels is invisible because of adaptation. Unless the light moves, the image disappears within a second or so. If the light is moved at about 1 Hz, adaptation is defeated, and a clear image can be seen indefinitely. The vascular figure is often seen by patients during an ophthalmic examination when the doctor is using an ophthalmoscope. Another way in which the shadows of blood vessels may be seen is by holding a bright light against the eye lid at the corner of the eye. The light penetrates the eye and casts a shadow on the blood vessesl as described previously. The light must be jiggled to defeat adaptation. Viewing in both cases is improved in a dark room while looking at a featureless background. This topic is discussed in more detail by Helmholtz.
* Purkinje's blue arcs are associated with the activity of the nerves sending signals from where a spot of light is focussed on the retina near the fovea to the optic disk. Look at the right edge of a small red light in a dark room with your right eye (left eye closed) after dark-accommodating your eye for about 30 seconds and you should see two faint blue arcs starting at the light and heading towards the blind spot. Look at the left edge and you will see a faint blue spike going from the light to the right[11].
* A phosphene is the perception of light without light actually entering the eye, for instance caused by pressure applied to the closed eyes.

A phenomenon that could be entoptical if the eyelashes are considered to be part of the eye is seeing light diffracted through the eyelashes. The phenomenon appears as one or more light disks crossed by dark blurry lines (the shadows of the lashes) each having fringes of spectral colour. The disk shape is given by the circular aperture of the pupil.
Hi, new here, dunno how I found this place, simple site name but seems hard to find :p

Anyway it’s the best place I found to ask a few questions.

These are all to do with sight and may seem strange, I have normal vision (I think) but I notice more than most seem to.

When you look at something plain light and bright, do you see these small particles like bright streaks that move about in a random but smooth flowing way?

They’re almost like small atomic particles or something that streak then disappear while new ones reappear and it goes on all the time, though you won’t notice it with lots of different colours in any mess, just plain light surface.

Also I noticed a strange thing when I look through my fingers or any object that has two surfaces close together I see, dark lines, almost like veins or fork lightning, which moves following the surface angle. I did think it was the dark around the light making me see the veins in my eye but that just isn’t the case as it moves following the surface, oh and to see it well you have to move your fingers or object back and forth slightly in a steady motion.

Also I can see when doing the same thing, light bending slightly and sometimes red or blue shifting but that doesn’t seem possible because that’s only possible from a strong gravity.

These are some weird things I have noticed and I have to know if anyone else has noticed anything similar?

One thing you'll notice if you concentrate your vision for any particular spell is the potential for eye strain which in turn could generate some of the results you've observed. I'd also question if you have a high blood pressure, high blood pressure can effect observation. (It is possible to increase blood pressure through worrying which might be a side effect if you observe something you don't understand and perhaps worry about)

To be perfectly honest it's something that you shouldn't choose to concentrate on too deeply, unless of course it becomes too constant and interferes with your vision. At this point I'd suggest seeking medical advice from an expert.